Search results

  1. JeffJustice

    Sae Needs Rehoming - North London

    Brilliant Maz. Ive PMed you (Soz for the late reply)
  2. JeffJustice

    Sae Needs Rehoming - North London

    Hi, I recently had to downsize my tank and my SAE can no longer dart about. I have since discovered that they develop swimbladder problems and the poor thing is just sittin at thebottom of the tank now. I am happy to give him/her away for free to a good home so he can flourish in a decent...
  3. JeffJustice

    Bristlenose Plecs Availible

    Hello, My plecs bred a little while ago and having shifted most of them I still have 4 babies left. 3 x females + 1 x male, all at at least 1" and growing. I would ideally like them all to go at the same time but if someone can find a decent home for them, they can be yours for the fantastic...
  4. JeffJustice

    Cheap Lighting

    I bookmarked a page recommended by someone on here but have lost it. I'm looking for a 42" T8 40W tube but am reluctant to pay my LFS £20 for one when I have seen ones with the perfect specs as office lighting etc for about £5 a tube. I'm in the UK. Any one got any cheap stores they get theirs...
  5. JeffJustice


    Fish anus looks fine, I think (Not been keeping up to date with my Fish Anus' Weekly subscription) Im keeping an eye out on the interpet brand med. Fingers crossed my LFS has some tomorrow, (none last week) I don'tknow if this would help, but near his gills ,they seem to have retained most of...
  6. JeffJustice


    Thanks for the quick reply Wilder No signs of anything outside his body. When he does poo it is a stringy white. No flicking. There are 4 guppies (3x female, 1x male) in there with him if that says anything. They have been perfectly healthy and breeding since he has been in the tank. Al water...
  7. JeffJustice


    Hello all. About 2 months ago, 2 of my gourami's showed symptoms of dropsy. Unfortunately I put one down as it looked extremely poorly. Now I have had the other gourmai in the hospital tank since. He has pine coned scales, almost white from tale to head (usually orange). Looks very skinny. I...
  8. JeffJustice

    Glass Covered Tank

    Cheers for your replies people
  9. JeffJustice

    Glass Covered Tank

    My tank is setup with a glass sheet covering the top, and the light is shining through the sheet, onto the plants. Will the lights be less effective with the glass on or should I take it off? Thanks
  10. JeffJustice

    Bizzare Ram Death

    I did about a 20% water change when I found my dead Ram the other day. Got anAPI Masterkit and readings this morning are Ammonia, Nitrites both at 0 and Nitrates is at 15. pH = 7.5 All these readings seem fairly reasonable. Was it just bad luck? I am planning on putting in a diy co2 kit. Can...
  11. JeffJustice

    Question On Stocking And Angelfish

    Thanks for the replies! In which case I would like to hear what people would be good tank mates for my current setup. :good: I'll definately be getting a few more frogs.
  12. JeffJustice

    Bizzare Ram Death

    CHeers for the replies people. Ill pop out tomorrow and see if I can get my hands on a decent tester kit. truckasauras123: Tempreture is at a constant 79
  13. JeffJustice

    Bizzare Ram Death

    I have a 32 gal tank that is adiquately stocked, has been running for over 8 months. I bought 2 Rams from my LFS about 1-1.5 months ago. They settled in perfectly and where very healthy. I woke up this morning and one of them was dead. No signs of bloating or anything out of the ordinary. The...
  14. JeffJustice

    Question On Stocking And Angelfish

    I currently have a 32g (US) tank. 48" x12" x11".Planted. Filter = Eheim 2224 External Current stocking: 11 guppies 5 dwarf gourami 1 ram 2 dwarf frogs 3 shrimp 11 neons 2 bristle nose plecs (currently 2") 1 botia dario 1. By my addition, I am near enough on the 1inch per gallon rule in my...
  15. JeffJustice

    Quick Co2 Diffuser Question

    Thanks for the replies! So should I assume the diffusers wont wok? Is there anyway to find out if they were woking in the first place? (Seeing as I cant blow into them;))
  16. JeffJustice

    Quick Co2 Diffuser Question

    I recently bought a couple of co2 diffusers (Off ebay) to attatch on the end on my diy setup. They are the same make as these. In all pictures Ive seen with these setup, bubbles seems to be spilling out the top. I found that the cup...
  17. JeffJustice

    Adding A Betta?

    I've got a 33 U.S gallon tank and have 6 neons living fine with a betta. I did have problems with fin nipping when they were in a smaller tank but afte quarrentining the betta and re-introducing him, there are no more problems. I wanted to add more neons but feel that if there is a bigger...
  18. JeffJustice

    I Have New Plants But Don't Know What To Do Now?

    I recently bought some clippings over the net. They were from a source i recently bought from and had no porblems the first time.... However, I DID have 2 shrimp in my tan, who were fine when I introduced the first batch of plants. WHen I recently installed the new batch, my shrimps died...
  19. JeffJustice

    29 Gallon Lighting?

    I'm just starting out with lighting but what I have been using is the 'watts per gallon rule' 1WPG = Low Lighting 2WPG= Medium Lighting 3WPG = Medium to High 4WPG> = High lighting Im currently using a 40watt fitting to run a lamp that apparetnyl gives out 18,000kelvin. It is definately low...
  20. JeffJustice

    Diy Diffuser Question

    I am planning on building a basic DIY CO2 system. Using the old coke bottle method. I am in 2 minds over how the co2 will get into the water. 1. Using the bell method. I was thinking of using have a coconut as the bell, as it would be less of an eye sore. But I don't know how necessary it...
  21. JeffJustice

    Very Quick Question

    Thanks for the reply. I had read through that post but it involves getting my hands on some ammonnia. I don't really want to spend money on a bottle of ammonia if I've got loads of it in the tank downstairs. (I am a bit of a cheap skate). If I took the medium from my new filter and just left...
  22. JeffJustice

    Very Quick Question

    I wish to setup a quar. tank for my new arrivals which I won't be getting for around a month. I have a fresh tank and filter for the q tank and I was wondering if I can get it going now, using a mixture of tank water from my established community tank and dropping a few flakes. I can also chuck...
  23. JeffJustice

    Fin Care / Re-growth

    My betta, Garry, who I've had for a while now seems to have faily weak fins. When I first bought him, he was nipped at by my neons and he became fairly ill, his fins were a real mess. I removed him from the tank, let him recover and his fins were growing back fine. I put him back in the tank...
  24. JeffJustice

    Lovely, Lovely Dwarf Hairgrass

    Thanks for the advice folks. Im in the process of building a DIY co2 system which will hopefully make my plants flourish more. Honeythorn: I'll give the java moss a go and let you all know how it goes. I read an article about a plant called 'marsilea' that can cover an aqaurium floor. Does...
  25. JeffJustice

    Lovely, Lovely Dwarf Hairgrass

    Thanks for the hastey replies! I currently am putting out about 1.5wpg which I think is low-medium lighting. I don't have an CO2 going on and tbh, don't have the space. My tank is already about 40% planted. I would essentially be looking for an eays maintenance plant that would cover the...
  26. JeffJustice

    Lovely, Lovely Dwarf Hairgrass

    I love the stuff and have been trying to get my hands on some but it seems a bit hard to come be in my usuall local fish stores. Having tirelessly looked online I have only found 1 place selling it. (also checking old posts, I have found some info but most links are dead)...
  27. JeffJustice


    Tolak: Thanks for the advice! I should have added that I am based in the UK and have been trying to get hold of alot of the meds that are being recommended from here and other sites but can find a UK retailer that has anything. I have tried to find metronidazole, hex-a-mit, flagy. Only to find...
  28. JeffJustice


    Thanks for the reply. I've done a little research and he seems to be showing signs of hexamita. I can only find meds on this for discus. Do you think it would be worth giving it a try? There is the medication in its purest form...
  29. JeffJustice


    My black moor is showing signs of having hexamita. White stringy poo, lathargic, excess body slime, lump on his underside. I seem to be finding lots of articles around this problem with discus'.and can only find medication for hexamita in discus' Would this be worth giving a go since I can't...
  30. JeffJustice


    I bought a lovely Black Moore and a HIllside loach for a small coldwater tank. I got them and they were in pefect health except an anchor worm on the BM. I went through a long process of medicating the fish to get rid of the worm problem, he immidiately stopped eating when this stuff was added...
  31. JeffJustice

    Gutted. My Shrimp Died After Adding New Plants.

    I had the same poblem. Just received some new cuttings, added them to my tank and within 24 hrs my large ghost shrimp died. I also have a smaller one in the tank but cant seem to find him anywhere. Im keeping my fingers crossed he is shedding his shell under some wood or something.
  32. JeffJustice

    Gallons Question

    Hello all! Since realising loads of other topics about what people should add to their tanks I thought my first would be about a thought I've been having. I have a fairly well planted tank (122 litre tank (27 UK Gallons / 32 US Gallons) Since starting this hobby I have been aware of the 1...