Question On Stocking And Angelfish


New Member
Jan 18, 2009
Reaction score
London, UK
I currently have a 32g (US) tank. 48" x12" x11".Planted.
Filter = Eheim 2224 External

Current stocking:
11 guppies
5 dwarf gourami
1 ram
2 dwarf frogs
3 shrimp
11 neons
2 bristle nose plecs (currently 2")
1 botia dario

1. By my addition, I am near enough on the 1inch per gallon rule in my tank. The tank is established and I was told I could add a few more, using a 1.5inch per gallon rule. Would this be possible?
The Eheim 2224 is capable of filtering a tank 2X the size of mine.

2. I am looking to add 1 or 2 large "centre piece" fishes to the tank. Either a discus or angel fish. Considerring my current stocking and tank dimensions, would these be a suitable choice?

3. If anyone can recommend other, large fish that can do well in my community tank, please do!

I dont think an Angel fish would do well in that tank, and that setup with those fish.

Angel fish are fairly aggressive and territorial fish, and need their space.

Also, they like to eat anything that they can fit into their mouth, so the smaller fish you have in your tank might be in danger.

Discus are very prone to disease, and are very tedious/delicate fish.

I am looking to add 1 or 2 large "centre piece" fishes to the tank. Either a discus or angel fish. Considerring my current stocking and tank dimensions, would these be a suitable choice?

Hi, Afraid not sorry
Discus require a bare minimum of a 55G and should be kept in groups of no less than 5,
Angels require a tank that is 18inches deep and will eventually eat your neons, shrimp and whatever else you have that is bite-sized.

Given the filtration you could indeed go to 1.5 or even 2inches per Gallon, but due to the narrow height and width I would stick to smaller species,

I would definitely get another Ram, and a much larger group of shrimp and ADF's
Thanks for the replies!

In which case I would like to hear what people would be good tank mates for my current setup. :good:

I'll definately be getting a few more frogs.
gouramis are good, but they might get a bit big, im not sure

you can get smaller ones like honey gourami that only get to about 5cm but if you want some centerpiece fish you might want something bigger

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