

New Member
Jan 18, 2009
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London, UK
Hello all.

About 2 months ago, 2 of my gourami's showed symptoms of dropsy. Unfortunately I put one down as it looked extremely poorly.

Now I have had the other gourmai in the hospital tank since. He has pine coned scales, almost white from tale to head (usually orange). Looks very skinny. I have treated the tank with esha 2000 meds. It is supposed to cure dropsy but my gourami still has pineconed scales.

I am aware that once dropsy has set in, it is almost inevitable that the fish will die.

The strange thing is, he seems as active as always and will still eat live foods (only). I have to feed him the tiniest (0.5 cm) white worms) for him to eat and not spit them out. Is he still terminally ill if he can still eat?

I am wondering if this is all in vein. Should I put the poor guy out of his misery or stick with what I am doing?

Many thanks people
The fish that is skinny as he lost weight due to not eating.
Fish usually bloat up with dropsy.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
Can you see anything under the scales.

Being skinny can mean the fish isn't eating, not feeding enough, internal parasites, fish tb. old age, external parasites.
Thanks for the quick reply Wilder

No signs of anything outside his body. When he does poo it is a stringy white. No flicking. There are 4 guppies (3x female, 1x male) in there with him if that says anything. They have been perfectly healthy and breeding since he has been in the tank.

Al water stats are normal and water changes have been done frequently.

I have only had him from about 9 months.

The other gourami that died did get extremely bloated, BUT he didn't have pineconed scales.
Since removing the 2 from my main tank, I havn't noticed any problems with the fish in my main tank.

Any meds I can get that would help? (Im in the UK)(Esha hasn't done the job)

Thanks again
I think I would treat the tank with anti internal bacteria med by interpet.

Check the fish anus to see if its enlarged or red and inflamed.
I think I would treat the tank with anti internal bacteria med by interpet.

Check the fish anus to see if its enlarged or red and inflamed.

Fish anus looks fine, I think (Not been keeping up to date with my Fish Anus' Weekly subscription)

Im keeping an eye out on the interpet brand med. Fingers crossed my LFS has some tomorrow, (none last week)

I don'tknow if this would help, but near his gills ,they seem to have retained most of the colour. Im not sure if it is the original colour or the gills are red.

Many thanks again for your help :good:
Gills can look red as long are there not inflamed, swollen, or bleeding, slimey looking. white edges, or fungus growing on them, lumps, or a greenish mottled colour.

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