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  1. B

    First Tank Day 6

    Very nice tank indeed,only a 40g? wow the way those pics are taken it looks like some undersea kingdom,looks huuuge.very cool. would love a marine tank. :)
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    Two Questions

    Hey all. Now...I bought myself a new external filter the other day,a Tetratec EX1200,it has a spray bar and i have both taps on intake and outlet tubes fully open and my tank is just a mass of tiny bubbles lol,I know to adjust the taps to slow the flow rate down but my question is: do i have to...
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    My Wee Journal

    Thanks Against.. Another Small Update: Got a new filter...External..the Tetratec EX1200. Up and Running alongside My internal. Forgive the paint on the carpet..I was meant to re-carpet the room before the tank went i have to wait for a big water change to move the %#!~#% thing lol...
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    Filter + Cycling = Question

    Ok today I bought a Tetratec EX1200,just a quick question...the filter comes with 2 bags of activated carbon...should i leave these out while im in the fishless cycling stage? im going to set it up and use it along side my current filter for now..current filter has been cycling for 5 days now...
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    Filter + Cycling = Question

    So what shall i do? lol im confused now!!! the green sponge eats nitrates,thats a good thing isnt it? but will it effect my cycling in a bad way? i.e my readings not following the usual way went shopping today looking for blue sponge...didnt find any...4 LFS's... they all had the green sponges...
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    My Wee Journal

    I quick update,I've added more rock (i dont think ill be adding more) and started to add some colour to the setup. Now all I need is fish lol (hurry up cycle!!! lol) thanks for looking :) lots of hiding places/routes through the rocks (still playing around with thier position at the moment)...
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    Filter + Cycling = Question

    to be honest i didnt open the plastic cage/container,but to me it looks alot like m&ms,the peanut ones,looked smooth and shiny, i think tomorrow im just going to try and find an external filter, ive got £70 spare after i buy a few more bits for my tank.dont know if £70 will be enough (shops...
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    Filter + Cycling = Question

    The white container contains something called cirax,thats actually not a blue box,its 2 thick blue sponges,but the picture doesnt really show that, theres nothing else in filter ofther than the sponges and the box of cirax. Dont have a clue which way the water flows but you're probably right...
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    Filter + Cycling = Question

    it is indeed a nitrate sponge,cant find any info on it being zeolite tho,and the black is a carbon. i will remove them both and replace them with more of the blue as backtotropics said. should i try and replace them with sponges of similar densities? thanks :)
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    There are different types of background..theres the thin sheet of plastic ones,plain or pictures those (which is what you have) go inside the tank and theres 3D backgrounds like rocks,walls and so on those go on the inside of the tank... mayeb whoever advised you to put it inside thought you...
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    Khuli Loaches Eating Algae Waffer

    Cool vid,ive never seen those before... lol i thought there were millipedes (sp) at first,the way they move,thats cool :)
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    Filter + Cycling = Question

    Oh yeah sorry,its a fishless cycle,only been cycling for 2 days now :)
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    Filter + Cycling = Question

    thanks,would it be ok to remove them now? cant get to the lfs for a couple of days.
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    Filter + Cycling = Question

    Seen a few posts today mentioning that sometimes it's best to leave certain things out of filters while cycling,Couldnt really find a definitive answer... below is a picture i took of my diagram/filter setup instruction,is there anything in there that will need removing for the cycling prosess?
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    Help Required - Electricity Being Cut

    Is it a large or small tank? small tanks lose heat quicker than larger tanks... what most ppl reccomend is wrapping a blanket around/over the tank to keep the heat up if your filter is internal it should be ok aslong as its kept wet external filter im not sure about... somebody with far more...
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    Rocks For Tank

    if you can,avoid garden centers that sell tropical fish lol...they usually keep the best (best looking for aquariums anyway) in the aquatics departments so they can charge more. also try n buy as much of the rock you want in 1 go...i recently bought some nice rock from a place,they were charging...
  17. B

    Am Using Sand In My Tank. Which Colour Background To Use?

    Personally i think it depends on what sort of tank your having.. If its going to be planted or have a few fake plants then i think black would make it look dark so id say blue or a planted picture background. if you want a 'tropical' or reefy look then definetly blue if like me ur having...
  18. B

    Cycling Not Happening?

    Sorry to Hijack your post but I didnt realise there were things in the filter that could slow the process of cycling down. I've taken a picture of my filter diagram,is there anything in the picture that would be best left out of the filter while i cycle it? thanks
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    Algae Cleaning Help

    Get one of these,you wont need to come in contact with the water :) should be about £4 or £5 from ur LFS
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    New Fish!

    Never seen or heard of these before,he looks like hes stalking through the plants lol,kinda cool! :)
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    Ph Differences?

    I did as you sugested and left a sample of tap water in a test tube overnight,put the pH drops in this morning and it read 7.6 instead of the 7.2 i was getting directly from the tap. thanks for the tip :)
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    Ph Differences?

    davo - i was actuallyjust this second reading about bog wood bringing down pH levels a bit..ill be having a bit of that to create hiding places and food (i know pleco's need wood) behind my rock. so thats good,it'll all fall into place :) thanks colin - thanks, ill be sure to look into where...
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    Ph Differences?

    ahh ok cheers.didnt have a clue :) yes davo looks like i will be going for cichlids with that ph lol... had my heart set on a pleco...but i dont seem to find any with a pH tolerance of more than 7.5, is that right?
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    Ph Differences?

    Ahh ok that makes sense,ill put a tap test testtube somewhere safe and leave it till the morning and see if its changed this is the rocks i have,unsure what they are,maybe somebody will know :) thans colin :)
  25. B

    Ph Differences?

    Hey all..just a quick question.. Bought an Api Master Test kit today in prepparation for my fishless cycling.. Tested my Tap waters pH and it was a pretty solid 7.2 Tested the water in the tank and its a pretty solid 7.6 My guess is its probably the Rocks/Stone i added to the tank making the...
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    Fish-keeping Most Additive Hobby In The World?

    £150 was a steal! looks brand new. I agree it's a very addictive hobby indeed,Im just getting back into it (Propperly this time with no "help" from LFS lol) Cant wait to start 'furnishing' my tank,It's more exciting than furnishing a new house lol.. Good Luck with it :)
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    Some New Pics Of My Fish! :)

    Nice fish, Really like your Pleco and your Oscar.
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    30 Plecos Under 8 Inches

    Great work, I want a pleco or maybe 2 for my tank but its so hard looking through page after page looking for thier full grown sizes,plus not all of the pages give accurate info. Si this has been a great help to me in looking into pleco's that will be suitible to my setup :) thanks
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    My Wee Journal

    thanks :) i will be keeping it realativly simple,just going to build on the rocks a bit more (will be using some kind of glue/bonding agent cuz they are heavy n we dont want any flat fish lol) few plants,most likely not real lol. when i do glue the rocks ill be creating lots of hiding/shelter...
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    My Wee Journal

    thanks...ive been looking at cichlids,yes the malawi ones,in particular the blue one ( Sciaenochromis ahli ) and the yellow ( Labidochromis caeruleus ) i hear the blue can get to 30cm which i would think would be too big for my tank tho... im still looking into stocking really...i do love the...
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    My Wee Journal

    Finally got my tank today... Went to pick it up lastnight but when i arrive at the garden center i was told they sold the tank they'd reserved for me...but they still had a black juwel cabinet that comes with it,so i went ahead and took that home and built it up lastnight. Juwel Rio 180L...
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    Yet Another Newbie

    hey all,yes its another newb :shifty: im about to get into the fishkeeping hobby once again,after a couple of attempts a few years ago but thanks to BAD advice from lfs's,and lack of forums such as this one, it all went bad. finally made my choice.. and im about to buy a Juwel Rio 180...