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  1. Karplunk

    What Consider A Tank And A Bowl?

    Idk I read in some post and they said that a square 1 gallon is a bowl. Anyway, the "Lee's rectangle kritter keeper" is about $12. I don't want to have a too big tank because I live in a dorm :P
  2. Karplunk

    What Consider A Tank And A Bowl?

    Hi, I'm just wondering about what consider a tank and a bowl. I thinking about getting a large "Lee's Rectangle Kritter Keeper" (8.75" L X 14.5" W X 9.75" H <-- 3 gallons?) for my betta fish. I'm planning, I'm going to install a heater and a filter along with plants and other decorations. Is...
  3. Karplunk

    Fish Conditioner Confusion

    Hi, I just have a question. Are water conditioner and ammonia neutralizer basically the same thing? I read the label and it said that Ammonia Neutralizer neutralizes ammonia and nitrites that can build up in aquarium water and acts as a water conditioner by neutralizing chlorine and...
  4. Karplunk

    New Neon Tetra Owner

    Hi I recently just bought a group of neon tetras. They're fine some far, but I have a question. What are normal neon tetras behavior? I noticed that they like to swim in group and one of they like to dash around the tank, as if he is trying to get out. Are these behaviors normal?
  5. Karplunk

    Not Enough Oxygen In The Water?

    I use the virbac mardel 5 in 1 Test Strips. I cycle the tank for about 1 day before I go out and buy the neons. I climatised the neons for about 30 minutes
  6. Karplunk

    Not Enough Oxygen In The Water?

    nitrate: 20 nitrite: 0 ammonia: 0 pH: 6.9 I have no other fish in my 5 gallon How do I know if the fish is "struggling with the current"? My remaining neon tetra is still swimming all over the tank.
  7. Karplunk

    Not Enough Oxygen In The Water?

    Hi, I recently bought 4 neon tetras in my new 5 gallon fish tank. The tank is fully planted and I treated the water with tap water conditioner. I have only a filter installed in the tank (as I heard that internal filters aerate the water as long as it create "ripple" on the water surface)...
  8. Karplunk

    Filter And Water Current

    Hey guys, I bought a new internal filter (mechanical and biological) today and installed it in my 3 gallons tank. When I put my betta back in the tank, he just swim away and hid behind the plant (the farthest one in the corner of the tank). At first, I thought he was not use to it, so I let the...
  9. Karplunk

    Internal Filter Question...

    Does internal filter aerate the water? or do I still need an air stone?
  10. Karplunk

    Too Jumpy Betta?

    Hi, I have a female betta in a 2.5 gallon tank. She is quite active, swim around and eat like a pig everyday. I feed her 2-3 times a day (1 pellet each time). Today, something unusual happened. My betta often look up and jump up out of water. And yes, I do have a lid. Is this new occurrence...
  11. Karplunk

    2 Female Bettas?

    I currently have 1 female betta in one gallon bowl.
  12. Karplunk

    2 Female Bettas?

    I have one betta right now and she's living in a bowl with a heater, but no fillter (the bowl is too small). Also, would my fish be stress out if i get another female betta with a divider in a 3 gallon?
  13. Karplunk

    2 Female Bettas?

    my current fish bowl is about 1 gallon.
  14. Karplunk

    2 Female Bettas?

    I am a college student and I love fish. I never had a betta fish before but I finally got one female betta 2 weeks ago. Some of my friends have bettas, and while visiting them it seems that their betta's are very aggressive when you touch the glass. I tried this experiment with my betta and she...
  15. Karplunk

    Choosing A Tank For Dorm

    thank you for your inputs! :rolleyes: Btw, I'm kinna interested in a all girls tank and I heard that a betta need at least 2 gallon space. But do you think I can put 3 female bettas in a 5 gallon tank? If not then, I'm planning to get a 2 or 3 gallon tank for a betta. (because the sink in my...
  16. Karplunk

    Choosing A Tank For Dorm

    Hi,I'm looking for a tank to house a betta in my dorm, but I don't know which one is good to buy, can anyone give me some tank recommendation?
  17. Karplunk

    R.i.p Edam

    sorry for your lost... I bet he lived a happy life!
  18. Karplunk

    My Fish Pics

    y do you have a male betta and 2 female bettas in a tank? I like how you have a coffee mug in your tank.
  19. Karplunk

    My Betta Dont Like Bloodworms

    Hello people, I recently purchased a small bottle of bloodworms from a pet store near my house. I had been trying to feed my betta with bloodworms but he rarely eat it. Eventually, I was forced to scoop out bloodworms and give him pellet food instead, which he gladly consumed. Is it...
  20. Karplunk

    Tail Rot...

    I just changed his water today and I used water conditioning. I put medicine in the water and when I put my betta in the tank, he swim around very fast as if he was trying to get away from something unseen. After I put him in the tank for awhile, I noticed that he seemed a bit shocked, and...
  21. Karplunk

    "king" Bettas

    They are a species of betta called "chupang raja", which means "king betta" in Indonesian. They are not plakats, they are bigger than plakats but aren't giant bettas either. Some experts think it's a breed from the "crowntail betta". I don't think they are related. It's a relatively new breed.
  22. Karplunk

    Tail Rot...

    Hi, Today, I bought a medicine for my betta (Fungus and bacteria cure by Simply Betta). I followed its directions and put in 12 drops. When I got back home six hours later, I noticed that his tail rotted even more. It seemed to me like my betta bit his tail from stress or something. Is this...
  23. Karplunk

    Just A Message To Say...

    Merry Christmas or Fishmas and Betta New Year to u too! :rolleyes:
  24. Karplunk

    My "rainbow" Bettas, Pictures & Video!

    it depend on which part in Thailand you live in though. I was born and grow up in Thailand but I never heard people do betta fighting as a big sport. (maybe because i live in the capital?(Bangkok) but I heard ppl do that stuff in the rural area.
  25. Karplunk

    Does Putting Tanks Near Heater Make The Water Warmer?

    oh, then i should buy a heater for my fish then... thx!
  26. Karplunk

    Does Putting Tanks Near Heater Make The Water Warmer?

    Hi, I'm just curious but I wanna know if I moved my betta tanks near my heater (you know, the regular one at the bottom of the wall - nothing special), will it actually warm the water?
  27. Karplunk

    Is It Okay For Bettas To See Each Other?

    Hi, I have 2 bettas in TWO SEPARATE tanks. I put the tanks next to each other with a paper between them so my bettas dont see each other so that dont get stress out. However, I'm thinking about buying a new tank and use a betta divider to separate them. Is it okay for bettas to see each other?
  28. Karplunk

    What Are The Best Fish Tank For Dorm?

    Hi, I'm living in a dorm and searching for a better home for Blueberry Milkshake, my male betta. I'm looking for a small fish tank about 1-2 gallons with a quiet filter. I found this one: I read this tank's comments and found that...
  29. Karplunk

    Scared Betta

    I dont have a place to hide my fish (maybe on top of the dresser but that's kinna hard to feed them). He never scared of me before so I didnt get him a cave or plant for him to hide (and because I'm scared that he's gonna drown if he get stuck in a cave).
  30. Karplunk

    Scared Betta

    his tank is one gallon.
  31. Karplunk

    Scared Betta

    Hello people, My betta is scared of me and he rarely eat. What should I do? PS. I didnt do anything to make him scared of me. Here is the long story of how this happened: Last week, I got into an argument with a guy in my dorm and he came in my room (my roommate let him in while im out)...
  32. Karplunk

    Male Or Female Betta?

    here's my betta:
  33. Karplunk

    Male Or Female Betta?

    Hello people, How can you tell if the betta is female or male? I think I have a male betta but when I look online, all the male betta are bigger and more colorful than my betta. I read somewhere that male bettas suppose to be bigger than female bettas. Also I saw my betta blow bubbles, but I...
  34. Karplunk

    Should I Return My Female Betta?

    the reason that I put "please dont say that I have to put her in a bigger bowl or tank because I live in a dorm and I have limited space" is because my dorm have rules about fish tanks and im afraid if they search the room (which they do twice every month) and find a tank that bigger than what...
  35. Karplunk

    Should I Return My Female Betta?

    Hello people, I bought a female betta (her name is Victoria's Secret - cuz she's 1 inches long and she's peach white and very small) from Petco yesterday. I put her in a 1/2 gallon bowl (please dont say that I have to put her in a bigger bowl or tank because I live in a dorm and I have limited...