My "rainbow" Bettas, Pictures & Video!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 23, 2007
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Hi, again!

I just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :)
Here's my latest pictures showing my 6 month old male multicolour bettas! :cool:







Here's the movie!
A warning though, this video might not be suitable for sensitive people! ;)
Although I promise non of the fish involved sustained any serious wounds!
I only wanted to show the natural behaviour of two Betta males during a territorial fight!
I don't wanna promote betta fighting so I ask you to please don't do this at home!



Merry Christmas! :)

thaifighter actualy lives in an area where bettas are still raised for sport.

lovely bettas.
I guess that explains it. Thats one of the biggest things I admire about bettas, there courage, heart, and fighting spirit. I'm not knocking it, I just couldn't do it. There to beautiful.
I guess that explains it. Thats one of the biggest things I admire about bettas, there courage, heart, and fighting spirit. I'm not knocking it, I just couldn't do it. There to beautiful.


Yes, I do live in Thailand 5 months a year and thais are notoric gamblers so breeding bettas for fighting and betting is a big "sport" there!
Gambling is illegal in Thailand though, so Betta Fighting mostly takes part in some ones backyard out of sight of the police! :shifty:
I'm not at all promoting breeding bettas for fighting I want the fish to be kept as natural as possible!
I only did this movie to show their natural behaviour and I had a net handy during the whole fight to scoop them up if they went too far!
I also think they are too beautiful to have their fins torned, and I can assure you that none of the bettas had their fins teared during the fight
or I would have stopped it immediately, and they are both perfectly well today!
Besides I'm selling them in the next few days so I want them in their best conditions anyway! :good:

Absolutely beautiful fish, well done you. I actually love watching two males display and 'fight' with each other. Of course, I'd never do it, nor do I like watching when they are allowed to rip each other apart. but seeing them as they are in the video is, I think, beautiful.
mine were not so "gentle". had two boys in a divided tank and one managed to get thru to the other and they tore each other apart! fine and healed up now, but they sure made a messsss of each other.
Yes, I do live in Thailand 5 months a year and thais are notoric gamblers so breeding bettas for fighting and betting is a big "sport" there!

it depend on which part in Thailand you live in though. I was born and grow up in Thailand but I never heard people do betta fighting as a big sport. (maybe because i live in the capital?(Bangkok) but I heard ppl do that stuff in the rural area.

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