R.i.p Edam


Fish Fanatic
Jun 25, 2008
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this wass my male fighter called edam, he was a rescue fish and he had very very bad fin rot
well i thoight fin rot but now im thinking that it might have been a deformity from birth
his fins never grew back i tried lots, melafix, betafix, methaline blue and what ever else the pet shop had

but anyway here is a picture of him
I am sorry you lost your boy, sometimes fine rot can be very hard to fix. I had one male that had fin rot out of the blue. clean water and good antibiotics were not clearing it up and the fin rot kept getting closer and closer to his body. I ended up knocking him out with clove oil, taking a sterlized blade and triming off the rotten parts. after words super clean water and more antibiotics and all his fins grew back perfect.
sorry for your loss man that sucks putting time into a fish and being proud of the job you did to lose them then
So sorry for your loss. At times even though we do everything possible it is out of our hands.

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