Search results

  1. calsonic

    Common Pleco's Should They Be So Readily Available?

    i cant complain aboy my lfs they have a huge tank that they keep a giant gouami in and a lot of common plecs in there the bloke that runs the shop gave me my common pleco but then i have known the bloke for over 2 years and he knew i have a 6ft tank for him but if they sell a plec they will take...
  2. calsonic

    Can I Add More Chiclids

    i am replacing my 6ft tank with a new one maybee a bit taller but iwas going to switch to africans but i have realised i will miss my severums to much anyway when i have switched tanks i want to add some more fish but im not sure what how many or if its advisable i will have in the new tank it...
  3. calsonic

    A Few Begginers Questions

    i will get a load when the tank makes it here and im thinking about adding a nitrate filter but im not 100 certain on how they work so i think i will look into that next
  4. calsonic

    A Few Begginers Questions

    i will get a load when the tank makes it here and im thinking about adding a nitrate filter but im not 100 certain on how they work so i think i will look into that next
  5. calsonic

    A Few Begginers Questions

    im thinking of lining the bottom with slate to protect the glass from the rockwork would this be okay? i think i wil have to look in my lfs and see what sort they have i dont want it to big and corse that its going to be scratching the glass all the time but then i dont want it to fine that im...
  6. calsonic

    A Few Begginers Questions

    the trouble is i just use a piece of flexi tubbing as i used to find it would get more poo up when i was cleaning my discus tank would argaite sand be more grit like and just as suitable as crushed coral sand or could i get coral sand in diffrent sized grades?
  7. calsonic

    A Few Begginers Questions

    its a common pleco but i also want to add my bristlenose as well i think i will go with the acei then if there more peacefull i already have a 6ft tank but the new one will be a minimum of 6x2x2 anyway im trying to find a suitable substrate thats not to small that it will get sucked up when i...
  8. calsonic

    A Few Begginers Questions

    how agressive are pseudotropheus acei and pseudotropheus carabo i quite like the look of bpth specise but dont want any that are going to be to agressive and i dont want anything that could cause problems with my pleco how fine is coral sand thanks again for any help
  9. calsonic

    A Few Begginers Questions

    1)how active are mbuna and will i see them out and about or just poking there heads out of the caves? 2)how do i work out how much rock i need and what is best? 3)do i need to take the space the rock takes up when working out how much stocking room there is? thanks for any help im sure i will...
  10. calsonic

    What is the temp in your tank?

    26.3 degrees celcius the tank use to be kept at 30.8 degrees celsius when i kept discus
  11. calsonic

    What is the length of your tank?

    72x24x24 inches 624 litres (more if counting the water in filters etc would be slightly less but its a bare bottom tank) 200 gallons aprox
  12. calsonic

    Is The Hight Of A Tank Directly Related To Stocking Capacity?

    im just parranoid at the minuit that if i order the tank gett it stocked and everything that it will be all out war because they have too much room if that makes sence do you think 2 externals will be enough?
  13. calsonic

    Is The Hight Of A Tank Directly Related To Stocking Capacity?

    i had read that a taller tank doesnt meen you can add extra fish but if your planning on having a mbuna tank would this be an issue if they had more room and how would it affect the stocking capacity of my soon to be new tank the dimension will be when its built 72x24x36 inches
  14. calsonic

    Aqua Ray Are They Worth It?

    im considering using 6-8 aqua ray duo lights for my new tank but i dont know if there going to be over kill or not im not going to have any live plants but i want to have a deep tank between 30 and 36 inches and i want to keep the electricity costs and maintaince bill low so i dont mind the...
  15. calsonic

    Would This Selection Of Fish Be Okay

    thanks for the reply i think i will give up while im ahead then and just stick to the plastic plants as i have grown fond of my current setup although i havent noticed any trouble between the knife fish and elephant nose i do keep a close eye on them and i have a spair tank ready just in case
  16. calsonic

    Would This Selection Of Fish Be Okay

    i am in the middle of buying a new 72x24x30 tank and i am considering having another go at making a planted thank the fish i am currently planning to move over are black ghost knife fish x1 elephant nose x1 l201 x1 bristlenose x 1 blue acara x 2 bleading heart tetras x8 severum x4...
  17. calsonic

    Poor Mans Zebra

    L134's look verry similar to zebras if you can find them
  18. calsonic

    Fin Nipping Fish?

    angel fish and siamies fighters
  19. calsonic

    Would This Stocking Work

    i came back and the tank was blue i was using ro and pre mixed it for when i went away left it coverd up with a cloth so the light didnt affect it and told them to keep the curtains shut i had a airpum pumping air into them 24/7 but when i came back the tank was dark blue and they explained what...
  20. calsonic

    Which Brand Of Airpump Is The Quietest?

    i have a ehime one thats verry good it has two outputs with adjustable air flow bu the best air pump i have ever had was a supperfish one
  21. calsonic

    Would This Stocking Work

    i asked the lfs and they said it would need reinforcing and my dad womt do it especially if i want frontozas as there uggly but hes the boss at the end of the day i dont pay the morgage and if it did give way it would reck there kitchen so i can see where hes comming from and that tanks to heavy...
  22. calsonic

    Would This Stocking Work

    i have a 6ft by 2ft tank wich i was planning to convert for africans but my folkes have said the cabinet wont hold the rockwork and my parrents dont like my other ideas and they have come up with the following set up wich i dont think will work but i gotta prove them wrong so heres the stock...
  23. calsonic

    Setting Up A Big Chiclid Tank

    had a llok in the builders merchants and i think judging by the weight of the slabs that i am going to have to reinforce the cabinet or get a new one :(
  24. calsonic

    Setting Up A Big Chiclid Tank

    what sort of rock could i use as i am going to a building suplie center tommorow
  25. calsonic

    Discus And L Numbers For Sale

    only have 1 big discus cardinals and knif fish left but lfs will probally take them
  26. calsonic

    Setting Up A Big Chiclid Tank

    i just orderd 4litres of water conditioner for £41 my lfs wants £6.80 for 350 ml
  27. calsonic

    Setting Up A Big Chiclid Tank

    i havent seen any fake stuff but my instincts tell me to avoid it after the last incident i bought a boat when i first started and it started flaking after a few months but i will have a look about
  28. calsonic

    Setting Up A Big Chiclid Tank

    i will probally price up ocean rock but i think it will be too much cash as im after a new light rig as well as all my fish and everything ellse for about £600 and i think im gonna need at least 200kg aparently? so if i can buy the same amount of something else suitable for a quarter of the...
  29. calsonic

    Setting Up A Big Chiclid Tank

    if im carefull doing my substrate change i shouldnt need to do a full cycle as the tank has fish in at the mom but they should all be going in the next two days to leave me 1 bristlenose called blondie who will go in my unfillterd spare tank with a lot of gravel and new ro for a day or two while...
  30. calsonic

    Setting Up A Big Chiclid Tank

    with a 25 kg sack of coral sand on the bottom as a buffer i estimate about 2-3 inches i herd they like to dig thats as deep as my discus set up is with gravel
  31. calsonic

    Setting Up A Big Chiclid Tank

    i love the black and grey fish in your sig thingy im probally going to order about 150kg of play sand from argos and maybee 25kg of coral sand the play sand will be about 30 and i can give away what i dont use
  32. calsonic

    Discus And L Numbers For Sale

    discus may be all gone
  33. calsonic

    Setting Up A Big Chiclid Tank

    im sure i can rehome them or give them to my frends pirhana will playsand and coral sand mix be okay?
  34. calsonic

    Setting Up A Big Chiclid Tank

    why are hybrids so bad? and are there any good chilid shops in east anglia you could recomend
  35. calsonic

    Discus And L Numbers For Sale

    have accepted an offer on the l numbers and have sold 6 discus
  36. calsonic

    Discus And L Numbers For Sale

    sorry thought i had added a note to say that i will try and get pictures as and when they come out into the open.
  37. calsonic

    Discus And L Numbers For Sale

    sorry but i cant post any of the fish
  38. calsonic

    Setting Up A Big Chiclid Tank

    thanks for the link i will take a look a bit later cheers
  39. calsonic

    Setting Up A Big Chiclid Tank

    how do you think the following stocking sounds anscistrus sp x2 common plec x1 labidochromis careuleus yellow x10 cynotipa afra x8 pseudotropheus crabo x8 Labidochromis Hongi Red Top x8 powder blue x8 yellow tail acei x7
  40. calsonic

    Discus And L Numbers For Sale

    i need to let my cats and discus set ups go so up for grabs arethe following For sale i have 9 discus -depends on wich one starting from about £15 10 cardinals - £4 2 peperd corries -£4 1 knife fish £20 1 freshwater bumblebee goby - free 1 silver l number £15 L134 leopard frog pleco -...