Would This Stocking Work


Fish Fanatic
Dec 5, 2008
Reaction score
bury st edmunds suffolk uk
i have a 6ft by 2ft tank wich i was planning to convert for africans but my folkes have said the cabinet wont hold the rockwork and my parrents dont like my other ideas and they have come up with the following set up wich i dont think will work but i gotta prove them wrong so heres the stock list

Common pleco x1 - no discussion I have to have 1 its one of my dad’s favourite fish
Black ghost knife fish x1 - from my old set up my parents won’t let me rehome him
elephant nose x1 - my mom misses my old one that my grandparents killed while I was on holiday by using an old bottle of fish meds I was given as water conditioner won’t be getting them to fish sit again :grr:
L201 x1 - from my old set up don’t want to rehome him
Corries x10 - any that get to 5cm
Bristle nose x1 - from my old set up don’t want to rehome him
Bleeding heart tetras x10
Red tail black shark or rainbow shark x1
Candy loaches x 10
Pentoza barb x 6 to bring my shoal up from 1 my mum loves these
Paradise fish x1 all they could say about it was that it’s pretty

the tank will be running a pro 3 thermo 2180 and pro 3 2075 with a sand substrate planted bogwood slate caves bamboo caves and plastic plants maybe a boat or two but hopefully not the tap water has a ph of 8 nitrate is about 20 and the kh is 13

Any opinions would be great as I can put myself out of limbo and show them the thread so I don’t get moaned at if I’m right
i asked the lfs and they said it would need reinforcing and my dad womt do it especially if i want frontozas as there uggly but hes the boss at the end of the day i dont pay the morgage and if it did give way it would reck there kitchen so i can see where hes comming from and that tanks to heavy to lift again
this could also be why the elephant nose died [URL="http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=170294"]http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=170294[/URL]
as you cant have any problems with water quality

i came back and the tank was blue i was using ro and pre mixed it for when i went away left it coverd up with a cloth so the light didnt affect it and told them to keep the curtains shut i had a airpum pumping air into them 24/7 but when i came back the tank was dark blue and they explained what happend i was only putting water conditioner in to keep the fishes slime coats in good condition as my plecs were arguing over a couple of caves i had recently added but my water was always perfect before that incident i use to test everything daily

beauty is in the eye of the beholder...whom are others to criticize a hobby you enjoy?

but i can see why they may have problems

my mum likes them and said ther no uggly than he was but he didnt like that lol

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