Search results

  1. W

    30 Litre Fish Tank Suggestions

    How much is a large amount of Live rock since I was thinking of getting some anyway along with a few small corals.
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    30 Litre Fish Tank Suggestions would some like this be suitable?
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    30 Litre Fish Tank Suggestions

    It will be a square custom made one, I want to go for salt so I can grow some coral possibly but I'm not sure what sort of fish would be ideal in terms of size? Please help I'l post piks up showing the building stages of this micro tank
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    How Can I Build Cabinet For 77x17x18 & 72x30x18

    I liked the look before you varnished had a modern feel to it don't get me wrong it looks awsome now just preference
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    Tank Mates For Two Ocellaris Clownfish And One Saddle Valentini Puffer

    yeah puffers eat small cleaners/ things like shrimps
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    Tank Mates For Two Ocellaris Clownfish And One Saddle Valentini Puffer

    Well I would buy them all as babies so I guess size is ok for a few months , I heard that fish grow to the size of the tank is thie true?
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    Puffer With A Clown Fish?

    could it ever work I know its a stupid idea but meh
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    Tank Mates For Two Ocellaris Clownfish And One Saddle Valentini Puffer

    what about 90litres? I was told that a puffer would be good in that kind of tank as long as there are interesting things inside it.
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    Tank Mates For Two Ocellaris Clownfish And One Saddle Valentini Puffer

    Im getting a 70 litre tank the gish shop people said this would be fien for like a year if you can show me a cheap 90 litre that i can buy in the uk with a good value stand then that would help me so much thanks all !! :good:
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    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    What are you gonna put that on ?? looks great by the way
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    I Need To Help To Build A Stand Or Find A Thing To Put It On

    yeah their a good help shows whats possible for this kind of thing , I'll scan in the designs when I'm done don't worry they wont be doodles
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    Anyone Selling Or Know Someone Who Is Selling Dwarf Puffers?

    theres an online store that should sell them very good price to
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    I Need To Help To Build A Stand Or Find A Thing To Put It On

    I may buy the one the tank can come with or make one out of the material you recommended since I know someone who works for a wood company nearby this should be easy enough
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    Where Can You Buy Puffer Fish From

    google map it or look on their site Im not sure exactly went with someone that wanted fish from there they found it from their site
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    Is It Worth Getting Computer Stuff?

    well you could keep your money and buy more fish or other stuff
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    No One Told Me Bettas Were Addictive!

    in one tank I thought you could only keep one or they would fight
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    How To Make A Coconut Cave

    Im so doing that il post piks on here when ive got my tank
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    Uv Lights Are They Worth It not UV but LED can go under the rocks
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    Where Can You Buy Puffer Fish From

    ok theres a shop in oxford called the gold fish bowl they sell puffers any almost any fish you can think of heres the site The Goldfish bowl I went there a week ago they have a baby saddle valentini that im hoping to get please dont get that one they have others
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    Silent Filter

    I need a silent filter since im going to have my tank in my bedroom I have to be able to buy it in the UK online Thanks
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    I Need To Help To Build A Stand Or Find A Thing To Put It On

    Hey all well I want to get a 70 litre tank the problem I have nothing to put it on apart from a flimsy cupboard that bends when i put 10 kgs of weight on it what do i have to use to make a stable service that can store things as well as hold a tank
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    Ideal Tank Buddies For A Saddle Valentini Puffer

    thanks for the help guys yah real useful
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    What Do You Keep Your Tank On?

    What kind of thing do you keep your tank on... right now i have two options a small cupboard or a P.A system speaker that can take the wieght of about 3 people. :shout:
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    Ideal Tank Buddies For A Saddle Valentini Puffer

    im getting a 120 litre tank or a 90 litre What do you think would go well with the Saddle Valentini Puffer?? I was thinking of these buddies XD Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit crab Two Pink Kissing Gourami Bumblebee Catfish Glass catfish Ocellaris Clownfish Gold Rams Possibly a Red Betta but the...
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    120 Litre Tank thats the tank ive got a desk that i could put it on in the place where the computer screen goes I'l take piks tonight for you all :unsure:
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    120 Litre Tank

    im thinking of getting a 120 litre tank though I do have somewhere to put it Im not too sure that it could hold it ... I would put it on my bass amp but that might be a bit traumatic for um.... I'm definatly getting a puffer I'l put some piks up of where i wana put it plus the tank specs