Tank Mates For Two Ocellaris Clownfish And One Saddle Valentini Puffer


New Member
Dec 4, 2008
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Im getting a 70 litre tank the gish shop people said this would be fien for like a year if you can show me a cheap 90 litre that i can buy in the uk with a good value stand then that would help me so much

thanks all !! :good:
what about 90litres? I was told that a puffer would be good in that kind of tank as long as there are interesting things inside it.
i always thought those pufferes needed a 3' tank or 120L minimum...

it would depend on a lot of things like what other equipment you were using and stuff. You dont want to overstock and you also have to thing of aggression. Clowns are quite terratorial
Well I would buy them all as babies so I guess size is ok for a few months , I heard that fish grow to the size of the tank is thie true?
I'd say that your current stocking idea would probably be plenty, if not a little much. Stock the tank with shrimps, corals, etcetera if it looks empty; they don't take up as much "space". :good:

The puffer may, however, eat non-cleaner shrimps and a few other crustaceans.
yeah puffers eat small cleaners/ things like shrimps

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