Ideal Tank Buddies For A Saddle Valentini Puffer


New Member
Dec 4, 2008
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im getting a 120 litre tank or a 90 litre What do you think would go well with the Saddle Valentini Puffer??

I was thinking of these buddies XD

Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit crab
Two Pink Kissing Gourami
Bumblebee Catfish
Glass catfish
Ocellaris Clownfish
Gold Rams
Possibly a Red Betta but the Bumblebee might eat it :blink:
If no red betta then i would have a Calvus Cichlid
thanks for the help guys yah real useful
You may get a better/faster response if you post this in the oddball forum instead of the newbie section. People new to the hobby aren't really very likely to know which tankmates would be suitable. People in the oddballs section who keep puffers on the other hand....will know.

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