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  1. D

    Flower pot test!

    Rigth very quickly whats the test to see if a flower pot is suitable to be put in the aquarium? Is it drop of vinegar and if nothing happens then its fine?
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    new fish has brought illness

    Right the fish have been having treatment for three i am waiting till the 6th day for there next dose. But the clown loach seems listless. He just sits on top of the pump and stays there occasionally rolling to one side the righting himself again. Water parameters are perfect...
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    new fish has brought illness

    The LFS gave me the med for free. And said if any of the fish die they will replace them for me FOC. Just about to give them there 3rd does and already it looks like the loach has cleared up
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    new fish has brought illness

    Ok today i bought some Protozin and have added the first does asap. I will go turn the temp up in a min aswell. I think i caught it early beacuse he is still swimming around fine and there are no symptoms on my other fish
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    new fish has brought illness

    It was, but 8 hours after puting the fish in it went up slightly for some reason. Well i will go to the shop and see if they can give me a bottle of ICH mediceine seeing as it was that fish that gave the tank the infection. I dont think i will be going back tot hat shop in the future. Not very...
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    new fish has brought illness

    Right my water was ready to go freshly cycled and all so i bought a clown loach and a couple platys. I have just noticed that the clown loach ahs white spots on him. Does this mean that i have to buy medicene to treat the whole tank?! All my other fish seem fine. But the loach has only been in...
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    baby fry

    congrats!!! my tank has finished cycling so i think i am off to get some fish 2moro. Thinking about guppys and platys and a clown loach for the bottom
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    What do you drive?

    miata or mazda mx5 as they are known as over here are deffinatly womans cars! only thing they are good for is driffting! that is getting the back end out and sliding round things!
  9. D

    Krib Question

    Right i have a 10g tank that has almost finished cycling! and i am going to have a community tank but i want to have a Pelvicachromis pulcher - Krib Can i keep just one? or do they have to be kept in pairs? Also would they fight with any of the fish below: - Clown Loach - Platys - Mollys -...
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    What do you drive?

    Here is the corsa! Got a 2 litre 16v conversion with full body kit as you can see
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    Krib Question

    Right i have a 10g tank that has almost finished cycling! and i am going to have a community tank but i want to have a Pelvicachromis pulcher - Krib Can i keep just one? or do they have to be kept in pairs? Also would they fight with any of the fish below: - Clown Loach - Platys - Mollys -...
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    Water chemistry during cycling

    yeah i understand that, i was just wondering what sorta time period i should expect it to be before the nitrites go down to 0 I always use decholinators
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    Water chemistry during cycling

    after 2 weeks with fish my ammonia levels are 0 but my nitrite levels are 2.0, Does this mean that my cycle is nearly complete? will the nitrite levels drop?
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    Bio-Spira or substitute in the uk

    well i live in chester. so are there any fish shops within the cheshire area that stock it?
  15. D

    Bio-Spira or substitute in the uk

    i could have sworn there was a product just like it that is availible on a website like od something. So i assume as it is a that it is availible in the uk. But i just dont know the name of it
  16. D

    Bio-Spira or substitute in the uk

    I live in UK in the chester/manchester area. And i was wondering if you can get a product like Bio-Spira (i think thats what it is called) that gives you all those bacteria that helps with the cycle. Basicly does anyone know where i can get this in my area? And also how much will it cost?
  17. D

    Water chemistry during cycling

    yeah about 7 days with fish in now, so i assume i should just let it carry on for about a month or so. I will do a 10% water change every other day to help reduce the levels of ammonia and nitrites. Will i be getting nitrate readings yet? or do i know that my cycle is nearing completion when...
  18. D

    Water chemistry during cycling

    ok and todays test results are PH - 7.2 Ammonia - 0.50 GH - 8 Nitrites - 2.5 - 3.0 Does this mean that the levels are starting to go down beacuse the cycle is nearing completion? Cant wait to get some more fish! 4 tetras get boring after a while lol
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    Water chemistry during cycling

    Is my tank just going through the normal cycle? Or is there anything i need to do to reduce these levels?
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    What wood can iput in my fish tank?

    hmm, well it might be alright but it might not be. i only ever use bog wood or my tank. Up to you though
  21. D

    What wood can iput in my fish tank?

    did you cut the tree down yourself? what sort of tree? sap is the gooey sticky stuff that comes outta most trees
  22. D

    What wood can iput in my fish tank?

    depends how freshly cut it is. There might be sap etc
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    Water chemistry during cycling

    Right todays test results are: PH - 7.4 Ammonia - 1.0 GH - 8 Nitrites - 3.5!!!!! How come my nitrites have gone up? Is this all part of the natural cycle? as in will it peak and then go down?
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    Water chemistry during cycling

    well i just added some bog wood with java fern/moss on it. So i am waiting till everything settles down then i will do another water test. Will post todays results up in a min
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    How do I tell if my platy is pregnant?

    i think you are going to be a parent! but post some pictures so we can be sure
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    Water chemistry during cycling

    right just did todays water test. PH - 7.2 Ammonia - 1.0 Nitrites - 2.0 Anyway i can bring these levels down? or are they just going to come down naturally? since i have een doing the water changes it seems as though the nitrites have risen which dosnt seen normal! All help is appreciated!
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    Water chemistry during cycling

    I am going to leave it to a 10% water change every other day. Just been about enough time since the alst water change so i am going to test the water and then i will be post the results. So expect a post in 10 mins!
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    Water chemistry during cycling

    Ok i will tie it up for a few days. Just about to go dot hat water change i was on about in the last post
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    Water chemistry during cycling

    Ok well i have just bought a small peice of bog wood and what i think is flint. How long should i soak them for? and i also bought some java fern to attach to the bog wood. So shall i plant it in the tank untill the bog wood is ready? I am also about to go do another water change and then test...
  30. D

    is ph 6.5 ok for guppys

    i think i was told that guppies thrive in a slightly alkaline water
  31. D

    Water chemistry during cycling

    Ok just waited half hour after that last water change, so that is 20% water change since the last posted test results. The results are as follows: PH - 7.4 Nitrite - 0.50 Ammonia - 1.0 So i assume that i should do a 20% water change every day? Or should i stick to a 10% water change each day?
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    Water chemistry during cycling

    ok i will go do the water change now and then 30 mins later i will do a full water test. What should i expect with the results? Will certain bits go down and certain bits go up?
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    Water chemistry during cycling

    *strolls off to do another 10% water change* How long should i leave it untill i test the water after the water change?
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    Water chemistry during cycling

    So should i do a 10% water change twice a day? Beacuse i did a 10% change about 2 hours ago. Should i do another one now?
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    Water chemistry during cycling

    Ok here we go with a LONG thread lol Right i got a 40l tank and set it up and added doeses of stress coat and stress zyme. Then after 3 days i added 4 silver tipped tetras to start off the cycle. I have been testing my water for the last three days. Here are the results: day 1: PH - 7.4 Ammonia...
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    New tank - need assurence lol

    Rigth just did another water test today and i have found the levels of everything has increased! PH - 7.5 Ammonia - 2.0 GH - 9 Nitrite - 0.50 Do i need to do a water change or is this just the cycle going acording to plan? The tank has had fish in it for about 3 days now, i am feeding them...
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    New tank - need assurence lol

    i am assuming that the ammonia and nitrites will go down after a few days and that this is all part of the cycling process. am i right?
  38. D

    New tank - need assurence lol

    right i went out and bought a big test kit and have the following results PH - gone up from 7.2 to 7.4 Ammonia - 1.0 GH - 8 dGH Nitrite - 0.25 Is this good? tank has had fish in it for about 2 days now
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    New tank - need assurence lol

    ok i wll go see them 2mro. I will also buy a water testing kit. and i will post the results up when i get them
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    New tank - need assurence lol

    So should i talk to my LFS and ask to buy some filter medium off them?