How do I tell if my platy is pregnant?


Mar 11, 2004
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Virginia, United States
One of my platys is getting very large and theres a dark spot on her abdomen that looks similar to the spots I've heard described for guppies. Is it just my imagination or could she be pregnant? I've only had the 2 of them for about a week and I'm not really sure what sex the other one is.
i think you are going to be a parent! but post some pictures so we can be sure
Hey! I have a platy too! that looks like yours according to ur discription.
She's got a big belly comparing to other female and a dark spot near her anal fin. I had her like that for a month and a half. I duno wen she is gonna give birth.
Hope hearing from you how ur fish is now. did she give birth yet? and how long shes been like that?? Thanx!!!! :D
i think you answered your own question (the origianal question i mean) being larger than normal is pretty much a good indication ;)

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