new fish has brought illness

Doug Corsa

New Member
Mar 9, 2004
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Right my water was ready to go freshly cycled and all so i bought a clown loach and a couple platys. I have just noticed that the clown loach ahs white spots on him. Does this mean that i have to buy medicene to treat the whole tank?!

All my other fish seem fine. But the loach has only been in there for about 8 hours.

Water parameters are:-

nitrite - 0.25
Ammonia - 0
PH - 7.4

temp is about 74

What do i do?!
Yeah, the illness iss called ich. Clown loaches are prone to it. The illness will be in the water now. You will need to treat the tank with a medication called Protozin. If you have carbon in you tank take it out while your using the medicine.

Your nitrite level should really be 0.
It was, but 8 hours after puting the fish in it went up slightly for some reason.
Well i will go to the shop and see if they can give me a bottle of ICH mediceine seeing as it was that fish that gave the tank the infection.

I dont think i will be going back tot hat shop in the future. Not very good and the bloke is surprisingly rough with the fish
The temperature of your tank should be kept at 78-80 which is the optimal temperature for freshwater tropical fish. Also, Clown Loaches are prone to Ich when introduced to a new home. I have had good luck with Rid Ich + by Kordon, which is safe for scaleless fish like your loach.
this is one of the reasons that you do need to quarantine new fish before introducing them into the community.

also clown loaches are schooling fish you are going to need about 4 or 5 more to make him feel comfortable.

Do something imediatly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had the same thing happen to me and half of my fish died before i could stop it!!!!!! Get treatment now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink: :eek: :byebye: :-( :( cull the sick ones if you must!!!!!
Be careful in using meds as it could kill some of your beneficial bacteria. And by your water parameters it doesn't look like it finished it's cycle or maybe it went into a minicycle. Did you add fish right away when A&N was 0? cause if you do it's probably the reason why your Nitrite is at 0.25. I'd be doing some daily water changes if I were you and raise your temp to 82 F to increase the life cycle of ICH so if you use med it will be more effective. Good luck...
Ok today i bought some Protozin and have added the first does asap. I will go turn the temp up in a min aswell. I think i caught it early beacuse he is still swimming around fine and there are no symptoms on my other fish
First of all, I would have brought that fish back to the LFS immediately. At the very least he should have taken it back and given you store credit. Also, if it infected your other fish the LFS should have given you the meds for nothing or at a discounted price. If they do nothing for you then do nothing for them in the future and be sure to tell your friends how they do business. Being a owner of a LFS myself I would have taken the fish back, exchanged it and given you the meds to for free especially if it was my fault. Then again, I don't let ich infested fish out of the store to begin with. Personally I don't have an ich problem in my store since I have "Coppersafe" in all my freshwater tanks. You should have a small quarantine tank at home to use for a few days before introducing new fish to your community if you live in an area with fish like that.

To rid the ich I recommend coppersafe for you as well. Used every month it will prevent an ich outbreak from ever happening again. Some people have a problem with coppersafe for some reason, they say it's dangerous. These must be people who cannot read directions. It doesn't turn decor blue or green, you don't have to leave the light off, no need for water changes and you can continue with carbon filtration and air. Great stuff! The only exception where I would not recommend using it is if you have snails and you want them to live. Also if you have live plants or invertibrates without an exoskeleton you shouldn't use it either as it may be harmful to them. I wouldn't imagine you have snails if you bought a clown loach since it is it's favorite dish. Good luck with your fish, I hope they pull through
The LFS gave me the med for free. And said if any of the fish die they will replace them for me FOC.

Just about to give them there 3rd does and already it looks like the loach has cleared up
Right the fish have been having treatment for three i am waiting till the 6th day for there next dose. But the clown loach seems listless. He just sits on top of the pump and stays there occasionally rolling to one side the righting himself again.

Water parameters are perfect. What shall i do?

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