What wood can iput in my fish tank?


Fish Crazy
Mar 10, 2004
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I want to put some wood in my fish tank but i dont know what will be safe can you help me please. :S
most people use the bogwood/petrified wood that they sell at aquatic shops, ive seen people use bamboo but im not sure what otherwoods are ok to use
It's best that you buy it from a lfs if you don't know what you are doing as it should def be aquarium safe wood. It should be boiled repeatedly to remove tanin unless you want it.

I have bogwood and mopani.

I am not sure if bogwood/drifwood are the same thing?
:fish: If you boil your wood it will rot quicker, to get rid of the staining caused by the bogwood put some carbon in your filter for a couple of weeks or do a few extra water changes :D
iv put a log of tree in my tank i washed it in hot water first then put strees coat over it then put it in tank looks good

:S :S but will it hurt my fish? :S :S

reply A.S.A.P

plz so i know f i have to take it out.
did you cut the tree down yourself? what sort of tree? sap is the gooey sticky stuff that comes outta most trees
hmm, well it might be alright but it might not be. i only ever use bog wood or my tank.
Up to you though
Ill post on here tomozz after school nd tell you what fish look like.
:fish: If you picked the wood up from the ground it will have all sorts of fungal spores attatched to it, as well as uncounted nasties lurking under the bark, best to take it out before it does any more damage :(
Guys I know using wood you find seems like a great idea, plus it keeps your pockets full, but natural wood that you find everyday lying around is full of parasites and fungus. Just buy your wood at a pet store, its your safest bet (even if it does empty your pockets a little).

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