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  1. D

    Quick Question

    Not sure, but it could be brown algae.
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    Mass "almost" Death Of Snails

    What kind of sanils are they? You do want to take them out if they are dead, decomposing snails will foul out your water and you will eventually will have nothing left but empty snail shells.
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    Cold Water Fish Question

    I agree with them too. My daughter had a comet goldfish in a 2 gallon tank.They are very messy fish, they produce huge amounts of waiste and amonia. It grew fast , had to give it to a friend so they could put it in thier pond. Goldfish are a part of the carp family.
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    85l Tank - How Many Fish?

    Hi . You will have to do some calculating. General rule of thumb is 1 inch of fish per gallon of water. So you will have to take into account the size of the fish when they are full grown. I myself like live plants. The color of them seems to be much more viberant. I too got a snail infestation...
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    Careers In Fish Keeping?

    I'm not sure . It probibly depends on if they are a big chain store or a local store.
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    2 Ten Gallons To A 29 Gal. Water Readings :(

    I did a 60% water change today . Readings are as follows , Amonia-1.0 , Nitrite-0.25 , Nitrate-2.0 , Ph-8.0. Will do another partial water change . Sponges were a tight fit.
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    2 Ten Gallons To A 29 Gal. Water Readings :(

    I have an external filter , so when I was transferring everything I put the bio sponges (where good bacteria live) in new filter next to new sponge. When I was moveing everything I put the cultured sponges in a bucket with my fish. It probablytook about an hour and a half to transfer everything...
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    Please Can I Have Some Setting Up Advice!

    I have used cycle by nutrafin before too. It seemed to help. I did keep my water temp. at about 76 degrees to help speed up the process.
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    2 Ten Gallons To A 29 Gal. Water Readings :(

    Had 2 ten gal tanks. Fully cycled. Had them for over 6 months. One had 5 red tail rasboras, 3 appleSnails, The other 3 black skirt tetra, 3 red eye tetra , 2 apple snails. Got a new 29 gal tank , so I put gravel and water in from both tanks and all fish and snails. Per rule of thumb 1 in. of...
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    Lights On Or Off?

    I leave mine on for 11 hrs a day. I have a planted tank , so I figure 11 hours of daylight mimmicks the amount my fish get in thier natural habitat. ( they get about 12 hrs daylight-southern hemisphere near equater).
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    Apple Snail Eggs

    I moved mine to a small 5 gal hex with no fish in it until the snails get bigger. Which tank are they in ? Hopefully they are not in your betta tank. Bettas will eat them! The rasboras in your other tank wont, I have 5 red tail rasboras (blackline rasboras) and they did not bother them. not...
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    Snail/ Fish Compatibility

    I have 6 baby apple snails in a 5 gal hex tank. They are about the size of a kernel of popcorn. Is it safe to put 2 zebra danios in there with them. I dont think just haveing the babys in there by themselves that they could produce enouigh waste for the beneficial bacterea to live on.
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    Apple Snails And Ramshorn Snails

    I have apple snails and rams horn snails... can I put them in a pond ? I dont want to keep too many in my aquarium, and I dont want to kill them either. My mother has a pond ( one of those plastic ones). I would keep them in a seperate aquarium until they mature. My mom has coi and shubunkin...