Mass "almost" Death Of Snails


Fish Herder
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Warwickshire, UK
Some snails gatecrashed in on plants we bought - not a problem as hubby had wanted snails anyway.
Snails multiplied and we began to think about a snail eating snail to help keep the population under control - but it was just a thought (also didn't want it to end up eating fish when it ran out of snails)

This morning there was a significant number of snails just laying on the gravel hanging out of their shells - not actually dead as they occassionally move as if trying to pull their shells back into place and some have moved around slowly but not far.
The water stats were ammonia and nitrIte barely above zero. All 7 danios are looking well, eating, swimming and pooing normally. Nothing new has been added to the tank.
Will the snails get eaten, or should I try to scoop them out, or will they recover?
I have a snail that I could have sworn was dead at least a dozen times. That dude is still alive and well.
If they are in fact dead, you need to remove them or your tank will get to smelling real bad.
What kind of sanils are they? You do want to take them out if they are dead, decomposing snails will foul out your water and you will eventually will have nothing left but empty snail shells.
They're just "common pond snails" I think.
Very very gradually over the course of the day they seem to have disappeared so I'm guessing most of them weren't dead dead, just almost dead - not that that is good.
Hard to explain but they looked like they had been almost pulled out of their shells, then just left. They didn't move much if at all, just occassionally is if they were trying to pull their shells back into place. The ones I have seen move are really slow and lethargic - not how they have been until now at all.
Would a snail eating snail be a good or bad idea?
Id be afraid of what would happen after you ran out of snails. Ive been on a snail crunching expedition since I had some recent hitchhikers. I favor the "pluck and drop into puffer tank" method...Saves buying them lol
Id be afraid of what would happen after you ran out of snails.
Yep, that's what I was curious about too.
Ive been on a snail crunching expedition since I had some recent hitchhikers. I favor the "pluck and drop into puffer tank" method...Saves buying them lol
Ah no puffer tank here LOL just danios and gatecrasher snails :unsure:

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