Search results

  1. loubega

    New Betta Tank *pics*

    bridget died...had him for about a 10 months, looked ok but died over the weekend...looking at other options for the little 13l tank now :(
  2. loubega

    Reviews Of Fluval Roma 125

    got the rio125l its not the roma, but very similar i think its a great little tank, i run a fluvial 3+...and also another small filter to increase the flow. overall im happy with it,
  3. loubega

    Java Fern Question

    rubber band...done this loads and loads of well
  4. loubega

    Fluval Roma 125 Fish Compatibility

    silver sharks.....i assume you mean bala sharks? grow very large and as mentioned need about 300l silver dollars...may be ok for a short while but are very skittish, also eat all your live plants if you have any angels will be ok, depending on the footprint of your tank.....but will not be ok...
  5. loubega

    New Betta Tank *pics*

    oh have i? well its 13l.... just added lots more slate and a new fake rid of the real plants as not enough light was getting in sorry pics tonight
  6. loubega

    New Betta Tank *pics*

    new coming tonight!
  7. loubega

    Anybody Recomend This Filter?

    good filter...use it for my 70l hex tank....perfectly adaequate and easy to maintain
  8. loubega

    My 125l And Planted *updated* 05/05/2009

    sand in the 125, and gravel in the Hex 70l will take a picture tonight of both together! cleaning the sand is no worries at all, i just swirl the sand with the gravel vac about 2cm above and it cleans it not really bothered about perfectly clean sand though! Im going for the jungle...
  9. loubega

    Bumblebee Gobys..

    mate seriosuly, just check the TFF fish index, its all there here is the one for bumblebee goby great little fish! :rolleyes: note: i think they need salt toi really thrive
  10. loubega

    Feeding My Betta.

    can get daphina and brine shrimp from shop, no worries! not sure of the lavae tho!
  11. loubega

    Feeding My Betta.

    daphina brine shrimp
  12. loubega

    New Juwel 18g Tank - What Fish ?

    Remember guppies will breed you have to watch that. Cardinals sounds good, but would look better in a lrger shoal so maybe add one more to make it 6? as for the bottom, shrimps are great, cherry shrimps are lovely and dont really add anything to the bioload? have you looked at...
  13. loubega

    New Childrens Tank Upgraded From 54 To 120/5

    looks great! really bright and lively! well done
  14. loubega

    Best Food For Angels?

    tetra pro colour is good, as well as normal flake food, i also feed them daphina.....not fussy at all
  15. loubega

    My 125l And Planted *updated* 05/05/2009

    yea i still have that one, in fact its right next to my 125l tank.....its jujst hard to create a good scape in a small space, although i think i have done ok, tried to go with a central theme, with slate and bogwood, but i get bored quickly so like to change things about! in my hex tank i have...
  16. loubega

    Cockatoo Fish?

    are you talking about the cockatoo apisto? (Apistogramma_cacatuoides) if so try these websites this is the tank they best suit: The tank should be heavily planted and provide...
  17. loubega

    What Kind Of Fish Is This?

    will 2nd that...they are black skirt.....not black phantom black skirt: black phantom: can see the difference, both great fish though!
  18. loubega

    My 125l And Planted *updated* 05/05/2009

    no i have harlequins and pristella tetra...initally, i had 12 harles and 6 pristella and they schooled together, however i added another 4 pristella so now have two sperate shoals. The harles stray in the mid--top area and the prsitella are mid-bottom area...
  19. loubega

    Last Fish For The Tank

    bolivian rams apisto's keyhole cichlids Kribs any dwarf cichlids....would be great in a 125l. dwarf gouramis...are nice but very suspectiable to illness. Other smaller gouramis are good too, like honey etc....
  20. loubega

    My Tanks, 200l And A 65l

    tanks looks great! yea it is a dwarf neon rainbow...great fish in shoals...a shoal of 8 would look lovely in your tank is that a Siamese Algae Eater? you may have problems withs that and the red finned shark...but if tank is bigger enough to have their own terroritires you shld be fine
  21. loubega

    Sand Or Gravel

    i have had both, sand looks better in my opinion but can be harder to clean for someone new to the hobby. Sand also provides a great surface for plec and cory's and loaches as it doesnt harm the barbels etc... Gravel looks ok, but in my opinon can look a bit unnatural, however, it is easy to...
  22. loubega

    I'm Amazed

    free filter here i hahaha
  23. loubega


    yep its fine
  24. loubega

    Fish Combination Suggestion

    as already stated, angels will outgrow your tank eventually and you may notice that they will predate on your neons as they are natural prey for them. Sometimes if the angels are bought small they can be ok with smaller fish, but its a lottery. The Betta has been discussed already, and would do...
  25. loubega

    My 125l And Planted *updated* 05/05/2009

    *update* 04/05/09 Platinum Angel... new edition...clown plec adult BN.. thanks for looking!
  26. loubega

    My 125l And Planted *updated* 05/05/2009

    thank you very much, sorry i promised an update a few days back ,but been so busy at work , but have pics now so will update in a few hours cheers
  27. loubega

    My 125l And Planted *updated* 05/05/2009

    new update coming tonight!...angels have got 2 new fish! woo hoo :good:
  28. loubega

    *amazon Frogbit For Sale*

    cheers for the move!
  29. loubega

    Question About Fluval 4+ Filter

    dont bother with the black and white pads, only need to worry about the spongey..material which is the filter media, this is where the bacteria will grow. on my sig, in the corner of thetank you can see the filter outlet, i always have mine half in and half out of the water, makes the surface...
  30. loubega

    *amazon Frogbit For Sale*

    will post tonight when im back from work
  31. loubega

    Question About Fluval 4+ Filter

    dont turn on the filter out of water, but if you have dont worry, unless you keep it running for a long time i doubt you will have any problems. I have my filter outlet about half-way out of the water so to create bubbles on the surface of the water, however it will work just as well fully...
  32. loubega

    *amazon Frogbit For Sale*

    im selling amazon frogbit, every plant will be a mature, adult plant. Great for spawning and breeding fish, as well as creating an authentic amazon biotope. 10 plants for £6, inc. postage in the UK pm me on here for any further questions, pictures etc.... thanks p.s. sorry this isn;t in the...
  33. loubega

    Fishy Planning!

    would say ottos for 4th pic too
  34. loubega

    My 125l And Planted *updated* 05/05/2009

    light penetration is fine, have quite a bit of frogbit on the surface nwhich can stop a bit of light but have just invested in some commercial reflective material, alot better than reflectors to line the top of the tank, which means a lot more light! my ph is quite high anyway with the water...
  35. loubega

    My 125l And Planted *updated* 05/05/2009

    cheers....what do you mean by upset the balance? :crazy: it took me a while to get it how i wanted thing to do is start of slowly with plants...and slowly add more and more
  36. loubega

    My 125l And Planted *updated* 05/05/2009

    cheers thanks very much! i love the angels too its only off by about an inch....i reinforced the whole cabinet before i filled it up anyway :good: have it there most of the time, or move it round the side....doesnt bother me at all ahhh....cheers very much..always good to have feedback! :)