Search results

  1. S

    Fishless cycle, Ammonia at 0!!

    :D Thats great! Start selecting what you would like, but don't jump the gun and buy too early. My tank had it's nitrite spike for about 11 days, we bought our fish thinking it was going to drop, and ended up setting up another tank to house the fish until it actually did drop. The plus side is...
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    If Ur A Fish Lover

    I think I added it to my sig, just checking. :nod: Sewfishy
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    Fish Stores on Long Island, New York

    Thanks Lucky62, It seems I will have to head EAST! :) I ran across another thread that you both where posting to where you had mentioned dwarfs was your son. It's so nice that you have a shared interest. My boys are 6 and 8.5 I'm hoping this becomes a fun hobby for us as a family. Thanks...
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    Algae problem also!

    Hi Sang72, Sasha has the brown algae, mine is green so my fish where in the St. Patricks Day spirit all dressed in green :lol: :alien: Was all stringy but when the fish where added they cut it down to size, now its short green with a lovely bloom :rofl: SewFishy
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    Algae problem also!

    :lol: I know what you mean Sasha, I did a search on algae so not to be redundant and found your thread. It sounded just like my problem so I kept checking it and comparing it to my algae problem. Unfortunately it may be one of those things that just has to work it self out. My DH said he saw...
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    Fish Stores on Long Island, New York

    :lol: It really is a small world :D Dwarfs, where is Aqua Hut, further east past you or west more my way? I will have to plot them all out on a map, and go fish store hunting one day. I'm want to get some bristlenose to help with my algae dilemma. :cool: Thanks SewFishy
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    Algae problem also!

    I can't figure out what else to do. I have a problem with algae bloom you can't always tell I have fish unless they are right up front. This is what I have done so far. I do regular water changes and cleaning (once a week 20%) limit light to 8 hours a day Amonia = 0 Nitrite = 0 Nitrate =...
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    Fish Stores on Long Island, New York

    Thanks everyone, I've been to Aquarium Adventure that is where I got my tank. They are impressive, but I found you must beware of who you talk to there and there prices are higher but I do frequent them to browse I will definately check out your suggestions Inchworm. I'm never opposed to...
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    Fish Stores on Long Island, New York

    I saw on another post that a couple of you guys are located on Long Island, NY. I've been around to the local fish stores but so far I'm not impressed. Any suggestions as to some that you trust? Would appreciate the help. SewFishy :)
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    How long have you been in the hobby?

    Almost 2 months now I love it as a family thing. I let my kids name most of the fish, my 6 year old named both the rosey barbs "Speedy" because they swim so fast that this way you can't mix up the names and call one the wrong thing. He is thinking the same about the group of 8 rummy noses we...
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    jappenesse fighterfish

    I would definately take him out and put him in another tank, (or bowl, Vase etc.) any other container has to be better than being terrorized :hyper: Then get him his own place. :) SewFishy
  12. S

    Just wanted to say hello!

    Hi, welcome to the forum :kana: :cool: SewFishy
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    cardinal neons

    Good Luck! There are always future holidays to expand your set up. :nod: SewFishy
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    cardinal neons

    Hi Caroliney, Is there any way you could return the Bi-Orb and convert the cash into a larger regular tank? They (Bi-orb) are rather expensive for the volume, although nice to look at, was it a gift? Would that person understand if you returned it providing of course it can be returned; if you...
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    starting with bettas

    I think a Betta would be great. My son (6) wanted a fish tank for his birthday so we started the whole cycling process got a 46 gal tank (we decided it would be a family thing since you can't expect a six year old to take care of a tank) but since the cycling takes a long time my friend got him...
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    Color changing fish!

    :crazy: I'm looking for any thoughts comments and/or experiences with this. I have 2 gold gourami in my 46 US Gal. tank and had to treat it for Ick. (I used Quick Cure, which is formalin and malachite green) Now one of them is very black in color you can still see he has gold but it is all...
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    hello fellow fish lovers

    :hi: to the group :thumbs:
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    Welcome Back :hi: :band:
  19. S

    Gourami habits?

    I have 4 Gourami 2 gold and 2 dwarf blue. The blue are in my 10 gal. and one of them likes to lay on his side on the bottom side of the filter. And the gold which are in my 46 gal. find themselves a corner and lay down literally on the bottom tipped over. :fun: When it's chow time them all...
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    channle cats

    I don't know anything about the water but when I did a search it came back as something they fish for in the lakes. The link below says they cn reach up to 50" If you do a search on the web I'm sure you can find other links. Hopefully someone here also has more info...
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    For the love of God...

    Hi Bear, we just finished cycleing a 46 gallon and it took about 12 days of 5+ nitrite readings. Then the next day it was zero. We did fishless cycling with that tank, so we did not worry about fish exposure. I have a 10 gallon which is cycling with fish in it I was impatient and bought fish...
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    Algae eating fish etc.

    Thanks everyone for all the recommendations. I'm off to the stores :fun:
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    Algae eating fish etc.

    Thanks, I will go looking tomorrow. :thumbs: SewFishy
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    Algae eating fish etc.

    Thanks, for the recommendations, not to sound dumb but what are SAE's. I've heard of bristlenoses, and otto's but the SAE is unfamiliar. :dunno:
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    Algae eating fish etc.

    Hi, does anyone have any recommendations on what algae eating fish I could add to my 46 gallon tank. It is new so I only have one Farlowella acus, and a dwarf ram in there now for about 1 week I don't want to add to quickly to the tank but the algae is getting out of hand. It is flowing in the...
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    Sick Dwarf Ram

    One week ago my 46 gallon tank finished cycling so I went to the LFS, I new I wanted a Farlowella Acus and asked for suggestions on other good community fish for a brand new tank. They suggested the dwarf rams I let her pick 2. For a couple of days they where fine then the one started to...
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    Info on Farlowella catfish

    Hi, I'm new here also but could not resist getting a farlowella acus for my tank. I've had her for about a week. They say she is an algae eater which she must do but all I see her do is suction to things and occasionally move. I found a web site which has info on them...
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    Just saying hello

    Brand new to aquaria, still working out the kinks. B)