starting with bettas

pandora's lily

Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2004
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in a chair...

You could say I'm a newbie, my brother's birthday is in a couple weeks and he really wants an aquarium. I started months ago to research and read anything on fish that I could get my hands on and asking anyone who has fish or had them at one time so I think I've got a pretty good idea on stuff except for actual hands on. All I've got is book learning and secondhand. Originally I was planning on getting my brother a 29gallon tank but I've decided to scale down majorly, mostly because the amount of work involved is probably not something he would be interested in (he's pretty lazy). Instead I think a betta would be a better idea, still fish but not quite as involved. Now the question(s):), what type of tank, betta, how to care for him or her, general stuff and anything else that might help my brother out, (and me cuz now I want an aquarium of my own)! Also any place that's reputable that I might be able to get the equipment needed......and anything else that anyone feels like throwing in!
I think a Betta would be great. My son (6) wanted a fish tank for his birthday so we started the whole cycling process got a 46 gal tank (we decided it would be a family thing since you can't expect a six year old to take care of a tank) but since the cycling takes a long time my friend got him a Betta. That is the only fish that has not given my a problem, and I thank him every day. :) He is in a Hagen Betta pals kit which holds about 1/2 gal of water with some gravel a artificial plant and a light. I change the water twice a week, make sure you declorinate the water with a declorinator, he eats flakes, freeze dried bloodworms, but loves the Betta bio-gold food.

Hope this helps!

thanks for the info, pretty much what i had, one more question though, about the water...we have a tap, i should still probably get my water tested again for bettas huh? i'm thinking it would probably be a good idea, even though none of my other fish have a problem...
Just make sure to use a dechlorinater on the tap water.

As far as betta care goes, they CAN live in small amounts of water, but you'll find them to be much more active (and healthy in my opinion) in bigger amounts of water. There are some very cool and cheap 3 gallon tanks at PetSmart. No need for a filter, but if you are in a cold region, you should get a small 25 watt heater (only if you're using 3-5 gallons of water, if less, a heater will boil your fish!)

Do 100% water changes weakly, feed a large variety of foods, everything from brine shrimp, live bloodworms, betta bio-gold pellets, pealed and non-treated veggies, and your betta should be happy and healthy. Also you can hold a mirror up to him for a minute or two a day, so he can flare up and stay active. This also might provoke him into building a bubble nest, a sign that your betta is happy.
i'll definitely make sure to use a dechlorinater, and i was thinking a larger tank too, i wouldn't want to stick them in a really small space, i'm bad at that though, i had a taj mahal of a chicken house for ten chickens, but they were happier for it, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea:) i've seen some really nice tanks, how would i go about attaching a heater to a bowl though? suspend it above maybe, or do are heaters sold where they can be placed above a small tank?
Bowls generally can't have a heater because:

1. It is improperly shaped to have a heater attached to the side hanging down, and

2. Bowls are generally 1-2 gallons tops, and even the smallest heaters are for approximately 5 gallons.

I would suggest, if you are already thinking about it, get a 3-5 gallon tank (not bowl) for the betta. It is a great set up and your betta will be very happy for it.
I have another question, if anyone could give me locations of a reputable store in the New London County, Connecticut area or the address of an online breeder if there are none for the first, that would be great. I'm not looking to spend a whole lot of money but I'd love a quality betta for my brother...and for me (early graduation present I decided:), thanks.
hey there, where about in New london ct are you? I live near the border of ct and MA but i live in Ma. How long would it take you to get to Framingham MA? Theres a store there called Tropical Isle its absolutely AWESOME!

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