Just wanted to say hello!


New Member
Mar 16, 2004
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Wheeling, WV
I'm very new to keeping an aquarium and should have found this forum much earlier, but glad I found it when I did. Initially I followed the fish store's advice and ran into all kinds of problems. Neither they or I knew anything about cycling a tank and they sold me 32 fish at once. Needless to say, I had a horrible ammonia spike, then nitrites set in. All told, most of the fish died (I felt horrible and that's when I found this forum...thanks all!) I now have a 38 gallon tank with 2 Opaline gouramis and 3 gold barbs that survived. I have been doing 25% water changes every other day for almost 2 weeks now and will have the water tested again today. Hopefully, I can add a couple new fish! Anyway, my tank is on it's way to being fully cycled and the 5 remaining fish look very happy. I am going to get a few potted plants for it today...I started out with plastic ones....was afraid I'd kill the plant (never dreamed I'd kill the fish). I have learned from my mistakes thanks to this forum...you guys are great with advice. Thanks! Sheila
Glad you found it when you did. 32 fish at once for a new tank - those stinkers. Actually new or not that's a lot of fish to add to anything all at once.

Welcome Sheila. I've been a member for oooo, almost a week. It's packed full of good people with good advice -certainly more than an inch per gallon! :hi:
Thanks all for the incredibly warm welcome. I get the water tested today and YEAH!!! No ammonia, No nitrites. So I brought home 4 new fishies! 2 African Butterflies and 2 Rainbows. They look great in the tank and seem to be getting along fairly well. One of the gouramis is a bit territorial, but seems to be settling down now. I had no idea what fish I would get for the tank today when I went to the lfs. With my 2 Opaline gouramis and my 3 gold barbs, I was told to go with semi-aggressive fish. I am hoping my choices are ok! I have been doing tons of research online about my fishies and just found I need to cover the holes around the filter and heater on my tank or my butterflies might jump out...so gonna go devise some sort of cover for those small areas. You have all been great and I look forward to reading more posts. Thanks all

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