Fishless cycle, Ammonia at 0!!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 24, 2004
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:kana: I am 1 week and 1 day into my first fishless cycle. When I did my nightly tests my nitrites were still right up there but my ammonia had dropped to 0. Yesterday they were still in the 3-4-5 range. Is it normal for these to drop so suddenly? I have read to expect nitrites to do this. Anyways I added my normal amount of ammonia after and will test again tomorrow to be sure it wasn't a fluke. I am so excited!! Guess I better get hopping on the fish selection. Shouldn't be long now before I can go fish shopping!! Lets see I'll take 1 of those, 2 of these, 5 of them. :lol: Not gonna be that way. Wooohooo!!
:thumbs: Great! What are you palnning to put in the tank? My tank took 8 weeks to cycle. . . even though I used the fishless cycle. Actully, the reason for such a long time is that my tank cycled twice, but I'm glad it cycled fully. One word of advice. . . don't add 25 fish at once! That's what I did, but luckily the tank handled the large load with no problem. I didn't mean to get that many fish at once, but my friend (who is a fish breeder) offered me a bunch of guppies, mollies and platies for free and I couldn't reject it! ;)
:D Thats great! Start selecting what you would like, but don't jump the gun and buy too early. My tank had it's nitrite spike for about 11 days, we bought our fish thinking it was going to drop, and ended up setting up another tank to house the fish until it actually did drop. The plus side is I now have 2 tanks. :lol:

Try to be patient, and you and the fishies will have alot less stress.

Good Luck :kana:

Congrats! :thumbs:

My 10 gallon is being a pain and is now in it's 11th week cycling. Had some nasty cloudy water about a month into the cycle that refused to clear up for about two and a half weeks so I did enough water changes to get the water clear. I think that's what may be slowing it up. I've been so busy lately with school and work that I don't really mind it not being cycled, I've barely had enough time for my bettas! Luckily though I'm on a much needed spring break this week :)
Congrats!!!! and I am going to ask the same: What are you going to put in it?
My tank is 29 gallons. The fish I know I want are a school of 6-10 zebra danios, platies(maybe 3 or 4), 3 corys(prefer panda corys), would like a red-tailed shark. Maybe another school of something, or a few assorted other fish I like. The maybe fish will depend on where my stocking levels are after I get my definites. I haven't done the math yet. Guess I better get on it, since it appears my cycle may be coming to an end soon.

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