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  1. C

    Help Identify Fish Please!

    Wow, I didn't know they could vary that much in looks. I always have known about King Kongs, thought they were from different species. Thanks for the info!!!
  2. C

    Help Identify Fish Please!

    ya thats what i thought, maybe it is a king kong with good genetics?
  3. C

    Help Identify Fish Please!

    Hi, I stumbled upon this video the other day and was interested in this fish, the video says its a blood parrot, but im not sure it is one. Can anyone please help? Video
  4. C

    Help Identify Fish Please!

    Hey, i stumbled upon this video one day on youtube. I was interested in this fish because i am the owner of a blood parrot cichlid. I do not believe this is a king kong parrot. can anyone help? Video
  5. C

    Kolorscape Play Sand?

    I just bought 50 pounds of kolorscape play sand for my 55 gallon, i have read that this sand can raise the ph of my water, is this true?
  6. C

    How To Make A Coconut Cave

    sweet, im definitely making that a little project for the weekend. Thanks for the tut
  7. C

    Setting Up Tank For Green Terror

    A Blue Acara sounds like a good idea, I have heard they are similar to GT's minus the bad attitude. i will have to do some research on them before i buy one.
  8. C

    Setting Up Tank For Green Terror

    The dimensions are 48" long 12" wide and 19" high, i might not even get a red tail shark, i just had the idea in mind, but i definitely want to get a severum and a gold nugget
  9. C

    Setting Up Tank For Green Terror

    ok, well i might change it up and get a green severum instead, would that be a better plan for a gold nugget and red tail shark?
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    Setting Up Tank For Green Terror

    ya, i am planning on having the green terror permanently
  11. C

    Setting Up Tank For Green Terror

    I am setting up my 55 gallon next weekend and was planning on getting a green terror. Would I be able to also put in a gold nugget pleco? and possibly a redtail shark?
  12. C

    Sound Shockwaves May Kill Fish?

    Thanks you for the info!!! I will be setting up my tank now, it will be a nice add-on to the jam room
  13. C

    Sound Shockwaves May Kill Fish?

    Hi, i am soon going to be setting up my old 55 gallon and cant wait. The only thing is that i am setting it up in a room where me and my friends like to have band practice. We normally have about 2 or 3 100 watt guitar and bass amps cranked along with a drum set (which is pretty damn loud), and...
  14. C

    Setting Up 55

    i am into cichlids and want to setup a tank with a few variety of cichlids that range from 4-8 inches dimensions are 48"x12"x22"
  15. C

    Setting Up 55

    Hi, i am setting up a 55 gallon and was wondering if this would be a good selection of fish 2 Firemouths. 2 Severums and 1 pleco?