Help Identify Fish Please!


New Member
Aug 21, 2008
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Hi, I stumbled upon this video the other day and was interested in this fish, the video says its a blood parrot, but im not sure it is one. Can anyone please help?
Yep they are King Kong Parrots, AFAIK they use Red Devils and Midas to Xbreed into making these.
Yep thats a BP though I wouldnt say its quite a king kong. Better body and mouth than a regular BP though.
Yep thats a BP though I wouldnt say its quite a king kong. Better body and mouth than a regular BP though.
ya thats what i thought, maybe it is a king kong with good genetics?
Actually king kongs are suposed to be the best quality BP. They tend to have a BP body but a bit stockier and a proper functioning mouth and with a good sized nucheal hump (which to me the fish in the video probably wont develop). Apparently within a brood of parrots you will get fish from very deformed BP types to almost the same as the parent species and everything in between. From my own breedings I have certainly seen this.

A high quality KK

Dear god, am I the only one that thinks that fish is plain hideous? Not to mention the less high quality BPs...
Dear god, am I the only one that thinks that fish is plain hideous? Not to mention the less high quality BPs...

To be fair - no one said you had to like them - that is why the OP posted it in the "hybrid" section which has very clear rules against such posts.
The fish isn't your taste, fine. No one is saying it has to be. That doesn't mean you should come into the section where most of us DO enjoy them and insult them. That is a little uncalled for, don't you think?
Actually king kongs are suposed to be the best quality BP. They tend to have a BP body but a bit stockier and a proper functioning mouth and with a good sized nucheal hump (which to me the fish in the video probably wont develop). Apparently within a brood of parrots you will get fish from very deformed BP types to almost the same as the parent species and everything in between. From my own breedings I have certainly seen this.

A high quality KK

Wow, I didn't know they could vary that much in looks. I always have known about King Kongs, thought they were from different species. Thanks for the info!!!
Actually king kongs are suposed to be the best quality BP. They tend to have a BP body but a bit stockier and a proper functioning mouth and with a good sized nucheal hump (which to me the fish in the video probably wont develop). Apparently within a brood of parrots you will get fish from very deformed BP types to almost the same as the parent species and everything in between. From my own breedings I have certainly seen this.

A high quality KK

Wow, I didn't know they could vary that much in looks. I always have known about King Kongs, thought they were from different species. Thanks for the info!!!

Yeh they do, my own female king kong was crazy looking though I recently lost her :(

Today in the lfs they had 2 large BP hand ins and one was defo a KK (maybe not the besy quality butt KK nonetheless). If I had the space I would have bought it.
i might be a bit late but that is a jelly bean parrot with convict bread into it :p i m mean the one on the vid
Dear god, am I the only one that thinks that fish is plain hideous? Not to mention the less high quality BPs...

nah im with you one that one, not aesthecticly tho... i just hate that they are un-natural

In which case the 'Hybrid Fish' section of the forum probably isn't for you then! :rolleyes:

Natural hybridizing is evolution,if it works,it stays.Forced hybridizing for "better" looking animals,not only fish,is cruel,in my uneducated opinion. :/

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