Setting Up Tank For Green Terror


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Aug 21, 2008
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I am setting up my 55 gallon next weekend and was planning on getting a green terror. Would I be able to also put in a gold nugget pleco? and possibly a redtail shark?
depends on the size of the GT when you buy it, for long term though I would say no. my old GT was so crazy she even killed snails by smacking them against the side of the tank
ya, i am planning on having the green terror permanently
Think you might need to either have him as a single species or with more robust tankmates, the gold nuggets are sensitive plecs at the best of times, so any harrassment will stress him out. Not sure on the RTBS either, usually placid when small and aggressive as they mature.
my only reservation with the RTBS is growth rate, I wouldn't be surprised if the GT out grows it quickly and then proceeds to kill it.
ok, well i might change it up and get a green severum instead, would that be a better plan for a gold nugget and red tail shark?
severum much more peacefull. and full of character and personality. id go for a severum with a plec golden nugget is very nice but very sensetive to water quality and also very very shy i probably only ever see my golden nugget for about 10 to 15 mins every other day at best a very shy species.

whats the exact tank dimensions?

possible stocking could be 1 severum 1 bristlenose plec and 6 rainbows that way you have a small plec a nice colourful shoal and the severum as a fantastic centrepiece. also id have sand as my substrate and a group of 6 corys imo that would make a really nice tank

having had a red tailed black shark myself terrorise a 100ukg tank with robust cichlids personally id forget about it all together imho it would only disrupt your tank
Its my opinion that a 55 gallon doesn't offer the width needed for an adult severum. They are big chunky fish, having seen fully grown adults it shocked me how beefy these fish actually are.
severum much more peacefull. and full of character and personality. id go for a severum with a plec golden nugget is very nice but very sensetive to water quality and also very very shy i probably only ever see my golden nugget for about 10 to 15 mins every other day at best a very shy species.

whats the exact tank dimensions?

possible stocking could be 1 severum 1 bristlenose plec and 6 rainbows that way you have a small plec a nice colourful shoal and the severum as a fantastic centrepiece. also id have sand as my substrate and a group of 6 corys imo that would make a really nice tank

having had a red tailed black shark myself terrorise a 100ukg tank with robust cichlids personally id forget about it all together imho it would only disrupt your tank
The dimensions are 48" long 12" wide and 19" high, i might not even get a red tail shark, i just had the idea in mind, but i definitely want to get a severum and a gold nugget
I wouldnt put a sev in anything less than 75 gallons. They get 8", which isnt that big, but they are very robust as shroob said. In a 55 gallon you could do a few eartheaters or 2 convicts, 2 firemouths, a shoaling fish and another smaller cichlid. You could also do a nice community tank with 4-6 dwarf cichlids of any species, a shoal of some tetras, a gold nugget pleco, 6-8 cory cats. My choice would be the community tank with a species of dwarf cichlids as your centerpiece with a nice piece of bogwood and some rocks with real or fake plants.
I am setting up my 55 gallon next weekend and was planning on getting a green terror. Would I be able to also put in a gold nugget pleco? and possibly a redtail shark?

swap the GT for a Blue Acara, that would allow you to add the gn pleco, a RTB shark and even a shoal of rainbows or similar
I am setting up my 55 gallon next weekend and was planning on getting a green terror. Would I be able to also put in a gold nugget pleco? and possibly a redtail shark?

swap the GT for a Blue Acara, that would allow you to add the gn pleco, a RTB shark and even a shoal of rainbows or similar
A Blue Acara sounds like a good idea, I have heard they are similar to GT's minus the bad attitude. i will have to do some research on them before i buy one.

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