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  1. M

    Which filter should i get

    I would agree to look at ebay I have senn them new for less than half the price in lfs. I have a 404 on a 90gal and it has worked great fro 2yrs. Good luck.
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    Mono Argenteus

    I do have a 90gal tall (48x13x32) that has severums in it I could move when I get a larger tank. So how long do you think the mono's will survive well in the 55gal? I also am wondering what type of filtration I would need, what type of substrat, and what kind of eqiupt I would need to get? I...
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    Mono Argenteus

    Need some help setting up a new tank for some monos. From top to bottom, I have a empty 29 and am going to get a 55. Thanks
  4. M

    need info on dwarf puffers

    I keep 3-DPs and a spiny eel in a 20 gal tang with live plants. I keep the tank brackish also. I also have a 55 brackish with sailfin molly's which has 2-different types of swords and bronze winditti in it for about a year. The mollys really bread well.
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    NEED ADVICE!!!!!!!!!

    thanks I am still in the starting stage and will report all the details as the fish and plants grow.
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    NEED ADVICE!!!!!!!!!

    Well this is how it turned out.
  7. fish_1.jpg


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    Underground Tunnel

    I have access to the clear tubes that hold the cups on water coolers and used this for my loaches ( I have 11 in a 90 gal). I cut it in half and used glue to connect them and ran it across the front of the tank. I took another tupe and cut a hole in it for a 90 going up to the surface. The only...
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    NEED ADVICE!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks, the links are great. I guess I was also looking for a little insight from some one that might have a planted tank with mollys in them. I still need some advice on filtration I.E. a power filter or a canister. Also sorry about the caps but the wife is telling me to get the tank set up...
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    NEED ADVICE!!!!!!!!!

    Hello everybody. I just got a new 55 gal tank and would like to try it as a planted tank. I would like to transfer my mollys to it. I need some advice on how to start from the ground up( light-gravel). I want some plants that can handle a little salt in the water to. Any help would be great, Thanks.
  11. M

    Sailfin Molly set up

    I add salt to the tank and have a few plants in it. I was thinking about a planted tank with a sand bottom. I am not all that well vesed in the needs of a planted tank and was wanting to take a shot at it.
  12. M

    This Has Probably Been Asked a Zillion Times...

    If the fry are a month old go ahead and dump them in with every body else. I don't know how long the fry can last in stagnet water (no circulation or oxygen) they should do fine. You will lose some but that is just nature.
  13. M

    Sailfin Molly set up

    Hi everybody. I have anew 55 gal and want to transfer my sailfin molly's to it from the 20 gal. I want to have it set up like a natural molly habitat. Does anyone have any suggestions????????????????
  14. M

    This Has Probably Been Asked a Zillion Times...

    I just had two females give birth in my 20 gal molly tank and everybody is doing fine. Molly's do not eat there young although I am not sure about the platty's. I had clown loaches in the tank but had to take them out because they were eating the fry. I now have two small skunk loaches in the...
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    Green Water

    Well I tried the algee kil and my tank after 2 hours is now clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fun: :fun: :fun: :fun: :fun:
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    Green Water

    Has any one had any experience with the liquid algee destroy. Does it work and what will it do to my tank water and fish if anything?[COLOR=blue]
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    Green Water

    Ok everybody I have had the lights off except for about 10 min a day for feeding for 3 days now and still no change. Does any body have any suggestions about how to get rid of the algee water? :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
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    Green Water

    I did some more water testing and my PH has dropped to 6.32. I low nitrates and the amonia has finally lowered. I have a piece of wood that is slowly breaking up also if that helps. I believe I leave the light on to long. I turn it on around 9 in the morning and turn it off around midnight-a...
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    Green Water

    I do not have any plants in this tank and ya there is algee growing on the cover glass but I have always seemed to have a little growwing there. Mikem
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    clown loaches

    A good site for loaches is I have more than a few different kinds and my largest( tiger loach is about 8 in long) good luck.
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    Green Water

    This tank gets no direct sun. I have already done an additional water change out. The PH of the tank was sitting around 6.5. The water added to the tank has a PH of around 7.5 to 7.8. There are 5 Sevrums, 1 Jack Dempsy, 1 med placo, 1 tiger loach,2 clown, 4 blue loach, 1 yoyo loach, and 2 as yet...
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    Green Water

    Hi everyone, I need a little help with this one. I have a 90 gal tall tank that I have had up for a little over 9 months. I bought a new 48 in light for it(was using two 24in and added a blue light to it). I aslo cleaned and changed out the charcol and filters and added some pouches to remove...