Green Water


New Member
Feb 23, 2004
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Hi everyone, I need a little help with this one. I have a 90 gal tall tank that I have had up for a little over 9 months. I bought a new 48 in light for it(was using two 24in and added a blue light to it). I aslo cleaned and changed out the charcol and filters and added some pouches to remove ammonia to my fluval 404. I also did a 1/3 water change out. About 2-days later my tank started to turn green and know I can not even see the back glass. The fish seem all right, especially my 11 loaches, but I want to be able to see them also. Any help will be appreciated. Mikem
Hrmm doesnt sound like you did anything out of the ordinary to cause this it algae? a simple algae scrubber can take care of that.
Does the tank get any direct sunlight?

aslo cleaned and changed out the charcol and filters and added some pouches to remove ammonia to my fluval 404.
Did you have a problem with ammonia that you needed to add this stuff?
Could it be a bacteria bloom (although I think that's usually whitish) or free swimming algae?

I think it can be bad to change water and cean filters at the same time because of what could be killed off but I m not entirely sure if you did enough to be this. I think if it was this you could get a spike of somekind. But I am not sure so please do not quote me!

If the later I think that regular water changes should clear that up. Maybe someone else can help more.

:) Good Luck :)
mikem499 said:
Hi everyone, I need a little help with this one. I have a 90 gal tall tank that I have had up for a little over 9 months. I bought a new 48 in light for it(was using two 24in and added a blue light to it). I aslo cleaned and changed out the charcol and filters and added some pouches to remove ammonia to my fluval 404. I also did a 1/3 water change out. About 2-days later my tank started to turn green and know I can not even see the back glass. The fish seem all right, especially my 11 loaches, but I want to be able to see them also. Any help will be appreciated. Mikem
This tank gets no direct sun. I have already done an additional water change out. The PH of the tank was sitting around 6.5. The water added to the tank has a PH of around 7.5 to 7.8. There are 5 Sevrums, 1 Jack Dempsy, 1 med placo, 1 tiger loach,2 clown, 4 blue loach, 1 yoyo loach, and 2 as yet unidentified loaches new to the market here in Houston tx. I changed two major things beside the filter clean out. the lighting has increased and I added the amonia media. The water was cloudy before it turned green. it has been a little over 3-weeks.
This was a mistake I DID u know were the top of the glass is see if any algea is growing there and wipe or maybe u have live plants and there green LOL so water and green equals GREEN WATER :hyper:
I do not have any plants in this tank and ya there is algee growing on the cover glass but I have always seemed to have a little growwing there. Mikem
Well, I don't understand why you added the ammonia media if you didn't have an ammonia problem, but anyway...

Have you done any tests for nitrates or phosphates?
Tell us how long you keep your light on during the day for the fishtank and also how high your nitrates are. Since you recently switched out the light to a more powerful one and algae thrives on light then that might of promoted the huge increase in algae.
I did some more water testing and my PH has dropped to 6.32. I low nitrates and the amonia has finally lowered. I have a piece of wood that is slowly breaking up also if that helps. I believe I leave the light on to long. I turn it on around 9 in the morning and turn it off around midnight-a little long I know. I am going to get a timmer for the lights.
Ok everybody I have had the lights off except for about 10 min a day for feeding for 3 days now and still no change. Does any body have any suggestions about how to get rid of the algee water? :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
I am having the same problem in my 46 gal tank. I did a complete cleaning last saturday, and by sunday afternoon the water was green again. I have wrapped a towel (actually a dark sheet) around the tank, as I have heard this will help kill the algae off since there is no light source. I'm going to leave it this way for at least a week or so and see what happens. I hate it cause I can't see my fish. (Maybe a week is too long!?) Anyway...try that and see what happens.

well if all else fails throw a double layer of 5% tint on the tank. :D
Has any one had any experience with the liquid algee destroy. Does it work and what will it do to my tank water and fish if anything?
Well I tried the algee kil and my tank after 2 hours is now clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fun: :fun: :fun: :fun: :fun:

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