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  1. F

    75 Gallon Set-up

    How would this sound for a 75g set up 1x Oscar 4xSilver Dollars **OR** 4xClown Loaches 1xSengal Bichir **OR** (out of the Bichirs which would u all suggest?) 1xOrnate Bichir **OR** 1xSaddeled Bichir **OR** 1xDelhezi Bichir I can and probably up the tank...
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    Apitasia Anemone

    how do you get rid of these pests? hermit crabs?
  3. F

    Arogonite Sand

    No, my stuff is white
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    Angels And Soft Corals

    Are angelfish less likley to eat soft corals like duncan? or will they eat those as well?
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    Arogonite Sand

    I have 60 lbs of Arogonite sugar grained sand, do i need to wash it or anything?
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    Ro Water

    How and why do I make or get RO water?
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    The Big Switch

    What about fish and inverts? what would you have? corals, which kind ?
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    The Big Switch

    ah i see, ok, just out of curiosity is that all they can eat?
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    The Big Switch

    Hey guys, I feel i have pretty much conquered the fresh water fish world, im 16 and have about 2 more years of freedom till the real world, so I need a new project . . . SALT WATER. So heres the deal i payed my brother 100 dollars for his 65 gallon tank, its a fresh water with some fish that...
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    Tangs In A 65 Gallon

    Oh I am Drawn to the kole and tomini, would you guys not recommend it?
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    Tangs In A 65 Gallon

    36" long and like 24" high dont know the depth Its a standerd 65
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    Tangs In A 65 Gallon

    Are there any tangs that can be put in a 65 gallon reef tank?
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    Flowerhorn Growth Rate?

    Do they grow slow or fast? What is the general growth Rate?
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    Marineland Vs Tetra Fir 55g

    Get an Aqua Clear, there majical
  15. F

    Fish Identification

    defo gt
  16. F

    Rainbow Lobster

    anyone have any experiance with theise or any advice and what not?
  17. F

    Anything I Can Add?

    fry are freeswimmin about 2 weeks old now
  18. F

    Anything I Can Add?

    Hey, i have a 29 gallon tank with 2 convicts (breeding pair), 1 rubberlip pleco, and 2 angelicus botia loaches. Is there anything I can add to this tank, tetras? Oh also has about 30-50 fry in it right now, can move em though.
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    Breeding Ghost Shrimp

    cut down on trips to the lfs
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    Breeding Ghost Shrimp

    Has anyone been succesfully able to breed ghost shrimp if so how, and do you have any pointers? The tank is a 10 gallon with filter at 80F and a ph of 6.5-7.
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    Blood Parrot Eggs

    sterile, they ate the eggs
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    Blood Parrot Eggs

    The 75, do they make deviders that big?
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    Hikari First Bites

    are these a good food for baby convicts?
  24. F

    Blood Parrot Eggs

    So my Blood Parrots layed eggs last night on the side of a cave, I now most males are steril but whats the chance mine isnt. Also will the eggs turn a diffrent color after being fertilized?
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    Baby Convicts

    yah i no i will be able to give them away for free but i hope i can get some sort of credit for em, my sig is way off the texas are in the 75 and the convicts are the only thing in the 29.
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    Baby Convicts

    About 2 days ago I found some baby convicts. they are not yet free swimming som I assume they are still feeding off the parents slime coat. If anyone has any pointers that would be great. thanks
  27. F

    Small Scale Archers

    Thanks for the help ill do more research I bet 5 of them an oscar bichir sd's and a few others would look real nice in a 150gal may have to try that out.
  28. F

    Need An Opinion

    I work at a pet store so im covered with fry
  29. F

    Convicts, Dug A Hole.

    I am moving the texas cichlids to the 75
  30. F

    Small Scale Archers

    Will these guys fit in a 75 gal tropical freshwater tank, if so how many?
  31. F

    Need An Opinion

    Currently I have a 29 gal with a pair of convicts(may be breeding soon) and 2 Juvi Texas cichlids. My problem is, I have a 75 gal with a Senegal Bichir, 4 SD's, a Peacock eel, 3 Firemouths, 2 Blood Parrots, 4 Tiger Barbs, and a baby GT. Could I add the Texas Cichlids in there and not expect...
  32. F

    Convicts, Dug A Hole.

    I have a 29 gal tank and a pair of convicts with 2 juvi texas cichlids, I dont know if the convicts will beat them up? Right now they do seem to be hiding near the heater on the opposite side of the tank, have not seen the convicts dart at them yet. Any advice...
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    More Pics Of My Fish

    Is that a Senegal Bichir? Mine looks just like it and mines a Senegal.
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    Building Your Own Tank

    I read you use regular plate glass 1/4" thick for upto 30 gallons, after that i dont know, but think it is supposed to be thicker.
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    Stocking A 900 Gallon Indoor Pond!

    I like your idea :good:
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    Fish Id

    I say green Texas cichlid
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    Favorite Barb?

    All types of tiger barbs, fun to watch
  38. F

    150 Gallon Tank

    ooooo I like those may try the shovelnose gotta start researching it. Thanks for all the help guys
  39. F

    Help Id

    LOL cool thanks guys the guy at petsmart sold it to me as a baby firemouth a GT for 2.99USdollars he said may be jack dempsey
  40. F

    150 Gallon Tank

    The dimensions would be 72"x18"x28". I have done qiute a bit of research on the knifes but yes they get very large 15+" Thanks for tip about pangassius I was gonna get those the site i was on said 6-12" but you probably have kept them. I guess ill do pictus or syndontis<---- need to reasearch...