150 Gallon Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 11, 2008
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My mom is letting me get a tank for my basement, a 150 USgallon tank!! So the thing is I need help with stocking and the equipment.

First Stocking:
Some fish im intrested in are Oscars, royal Knife fish, Senegal Bichir, Severum, some sort of large catfish... Pangaius?... Sun Catfish?(you tell me) I wanted Columbians but dont want to add salt.

Definate Fish:School of silver Dollars(have Four that will be big enough when time)

Cichlids I have that may fit in? 3 Firemouths not full grown yet so will have to raise, 2 Texas Cichlids not full grown yet, possibly one BABY Green Terrot to little to tell(was sold to me as a Firemouth)

If you could try to incoporate theise fish in and suggest other good fish please do so.

For the equip: 2 Aquaclear 110's and 2 stealth Heaters(wat wattage?)

Thanks for your help in advance.
Well.. we'll start with the equip... the two ac's will prob be enough filtration on paper, but if you get a number of large cichlids and cats, then your gonna prob need more filtration believe it or not. I run an FX5 external with two HOB's designed for 450gph on my 125G... normalyy a 4x water volume overturn is standard but with large messy fish, much better to up the filtration quite a few times...... with my filters running at roughly 1500gph combined.... im looking at roughly 12x turnover.... a little overkill but always better to have more than needed IMO. O, prob should let you know that in my 125 I have:
  • an adult male JD
  • two juve sevs (roughly 3.5")
  • 6 giant danios
  • 6 sd's
  • a common pleco
So I have quite a good amount of bioload, hence the extra filtration

For the heaters, 5W per gallon is the standard... so for my 125 I run two 300W heaters... you maybe want to look into three 300W heaters... again, slight overkill but if one dies or malfunctions, then you still have the other two to pick up the slack until you purchase a new heater.

For your stocking, I think I remember hearigng that Texas's can be quite the brutes when adults so just keep an eye on them. The fm's will be fine with anything you prob choose to stock. GT's can be monsters sometimes depending on the individual tempermant of the fish.

Really the best thing for stocking, is to research the fish you want, let us know what you would like and we can advise from there if the stocking is possible.

Ox :good:
Well.. we'll start with the equip... the two ac's will prob be enough filtration on paper, but if you get a number of large cichlids and cats, then your gonna prob need more filtration believe it or not. I run an FX5 external with two HOB's designed for 450gph on my 125G... normalyy a 4x water volume overturn is standard but with large messy fish, much better to up the filtration quite a few times...... with my filters running at roughly 1500gph combined.... im looking at roughly 12x turnover.... a little overkill but always better to have more than needed IMO. O, prob should let you know that in my 125 I have:
  • an adult male JD
  • two juve sevs (roughly 3.5")
  • 6 giant danios
  • 6 sd's
  • a common pleco
So I have quite a good amount of bioload, hence the extra filtration

For the heaters, 5W per gallon is the standard... so for my 125 I run two 300W heaters... you maybe want to look into three 300W heaters... again, slight overkill but if one dies or malfunctions, then you still have the other two to pick up the slack until you purchase a new heater.

For your stocking, I think I remember hearigng that Texas's can be quite the brutes when adults so just keep an eye on them. The fm's will be fine with anything you prob choose to stock. GT's can be monsters sometimes depending on the individual tempermant of the fish.

Really the best thing for stocking, is to research the fish you want, let us know what you would like and we can advise from there if the stocking is possible.

Ox :good:

Yah sounds good ive realy just started my research this morning. Thats alot of gph your filtering through sounds good. Well the thing is I have half the fish I mentioned but I may just leave the firemouths where they are as they seem really happy O, forgot to update sig, I moved um to the 75G doin great. I have the two texas and I know theyll out grow the 30G but for now there great. The SDs ill def. move to new tank. And aabout the GT Im only asking as I may have a very little baby I have a "help ID" in the MEMBERS TANKS AND FISH section. But mainly Im intrested in the Bichir, knife fish , Oscar, Sevs, maybe some Earth eaters, and a few good sized cats. mainly just need help on compatibility, what size to get em at(id like gettin em little be fun to watch um grow), and the equip, which I think you just coverd. Ill do the research just hard to find compatibility in books and on web need it from the ones with experience. Anyway thanks for your help OX
well all those fish sound good together... the thing I would advise first is that before you buy any catfish species is to research, research, and research....... many species can grow to suprising sizes and are carnivorous....

Get as many of the cichlids as you can as juveniles, maybe 1" or so from the lfs... this will give them all a chance to grow, sort out territory and pecking order.... the sevs will grow slower than the others but they will still be able to handle themselves. The sd's at a larger size is a good idea as anything that can, will eventually end up in an oscar's mouth.... so better your dithers are larger now.

Ox :good:
well all those fish sound good together... the thing I would advise first is that before you buy any catfish species is to research, research, and research....... many species can grow to suprising sizes and are carnivorous....

Get as many of the cichlids as you can as juveniles, maybe 1" or so from the lfs... this will give them all a chance to grow, sort out territory and pecking order.... the sevs will grow slower than the others but they will still be able to handle themselves. The sd's at a larger size is a good idea as anything that can, will eventually end up in an oscar's mouth.... so better your dithers are larger now.

Ox :good:

k sounds good. one of my SDs is like 4" the others like 3"
all of the fish you like are good. definetly try a senegal bichir, great fish, a little preditory though. a chocolate or talking raphels catfish would be nice for that setup.
have pim pictus or cuckoo cats been mentioned? i may of missed them, but there wicked in a shoal.
My mom is letting me get a tank for my basement, a 150 USgallon tank!! So the thing is I need help with stocking and the equipment.

First Stocking:
Some fish im intrested in are Oscars, royal Knife fish, Senegal Bichir, Severum, some sort of large catfish... Pangaius?... Sun Catfish?(you tell me) I wanted Columbians but dont want to add salt.

Definate Fish:School of silver Dollars(have Four that will be big enough when time)

Cichlids I have that may fit in? 3 Firemouths not full grown yet so will have to raise, 2 Texas Cichlids not full grown yet, possibly one BABY Green Terrot to little to tell(was sold to me as a Firemouth)

If you could try to incoporate theise fish in and suggest other good fish please do so.

For the equip: 2 Aquaclear 110's and 2 stealth Heaters(wat wattage?)

Thanks for your help in advance.

Thats quite uncanny really as the fish your interested in are quite similar to what i had planned to do this summer but for unseen circumstances never went ahead with (still planning to do in the near future)

my stocking was to include 1 Oscar, 1 Rotkeil Severum, 1Black Ghost Knife, 1 Delhezi Bichir and 1 Sun Catfish (rehomed last week) with SD's for dithers.
your Firemouths would also work in with this stocking

The Royal knife fish is not something i have knowledge of but my guess is that is will get too big for your tank, what dimensions will the tank be? 5x2x2?

I should add a small tip though, Avoid Pangasius like the plague, They grow and grow and you'll need a pond in your basement for an adult fish
My mom is letting me get a tank for my basement, a 150 USgallon tank!! So the thing is I need help with stocking and the equipment.

First Stocking:
Some fish im intrested in are Oscars, royal Knife fish, Senegal Bichir, Severum, some sort of large catfish... Pangaius?... Sun Catfish?(you tell me) I wanted Columbians but dont want to add salt.

Definate Fish:School of silver Dollars(have Four that will be big enough when time)

Cichlids I have that may fit in? 3 Firemouths not full grown yet so will have to raise, 2 Texas Cichlids not full grown yet, possibly one BABY Green Terrot to little to tell(was sold to me as a Firemouth)

If you could try to incoporate theise fish in and suggest other good fish please do so.

For the equip: 2 Aquaclear 110's and 2 stealth Heaters(wat wattage?)

Thanks for your help in advance.

Thats quite uncanny really as the fish your interested in are quite similar to what i had planned to do this summer but for unseen circumstances never went ahead with (still planning to do in the near future)

my stocking was to include 1 Oscar, 1 Rotkeil Severum, 1Black Ghost Knife, 1 Delhezi Bichir and 1 Sun Catfish (rehomed last week) with SD's for dithers.
your Firemouths would also work in with this stocking

The Royal knife fish is not something i have knowledge of but my guess is that is will get too big for your tank, what dimensions will the tank be? 5x2x2?

I should add a small tip though, Avoid Pangasius like the plague, They grow and grow and you'll need a pond in your basement for an adult fish

The dimensions would be 72"x18"x28". I have done qiute a bit of research on the knifes but yes they get very large 15+" Thanks for tip about pangassius I was gonna get those the site i was on said 6-12" but you probably have kept them. I guess ill do pictus or syndontis<---- need to reasearch

You could maybe try ornate pims with a tank that size - bigger and more attractive than pim pictus ;)... Also lima shovelnoses are quite interesting ;).
You could maybe try ornate pims with a tank that size - bigger and more attractive than pim pictus ;)... Also lima shovelnoses are quite interesting ;).

ooooo I like those may try the shovelnose gotta start researching it. Thanks for all the help guys

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