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  1. K

    Cycling Question

    Hi, Wow I know it's been a while but we have been busy. The new tank is almost completely cycled, which is exciting and we are expecting to have 3 different filters on it. We have looked into your advice and thank you all greatly for taking the time to help us out. We will update you all with...
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    Cycling Question

    Ok thanks for the help. I work for a "large" pet store and we have quite a few filters, some of them being rena's. The largest one we sell I think is a canister filter and it does something like 265 gallons. I was thinking about getting that and then keeping the 90 back filter we have right now...
  3. K

    Cycling Question

    Hi thank you for letting me know. I am using the filter media from my other filters and adding ammonia to the water. I just did it tonight so hopefully it will get the process started. What is the best filter for a 200 gallon tank? Just wondering what everyone's opinions are. We have filters on...
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    Help Us Decide What To Get For Stocking

    That helps... haha just kidding. Umm we are pretty much open to anything. David likes aggressive. I like the nice little community fish. So give us a few lists. I just want to see my options. But I must say the black and white plec that you have as your picture is very nice looking :).
  5. K

    Help Us Decide What To Get For Stocking

    We have a 200 gallon fish tank that is going to be cycled shortly and no idea what to put in it. We have two other fish tanks also but thought it would be nice to get some other peoples input. So everyone 200 gallons what do you think? Oh and it's fresh water. Thanks- Katie and David
  6. K

    Cycling Question

    Thanks everyone for the answers. Well I am happy that it isn't going to take as long as we expected. We are going to get the tank tonight, in a couple hours actually and clean it all down. Oh which is another question I don't think the guy before us took very good care of it so it looks a little...
  7. K

    Cycling Question

    We are not really new to the hobby we have a 40 gal hex and a 55 gal. But tomorrow we are picking up a 200 gallon :D . So we are excited about it but want to know how long by guesstimation that you guys think it will take for it to cycle. Is there any way to make it go faster by using like...
  8. K

    Unknown Fish

    Thanks for the help again everyone. I appreciate knowing what it needs to survive. Now I need to figure out where to put it and what it can be kept with :blink: . The pearl darter does look close. We need to get the better camera out and take some clearer pictures. I think I will try to do this...
  9. K

    Unknown Fish

    Thank you everyone for the information and we have looked over every fish you have all mentioned and it looks most like the Etheostoma fusiforme or swamp darter. We both work at a lfs. I was going over the shipment and it was in a bag of ghost shrimp we had just got in. We do not sell anything...
  10. K

    Unknown Fish

    yes it looks a lot like a darter but it does in fact have two dorsal fins also it sits on its bottom fins and is able to turn its head has if it has a neck from side to side the after looking at both pics from darters to goby's it share's characteristics of both so we tried to google a darter...
  11. K

    Unknown Fish

    While getting in a shipment of fish we stumbled across a fish that wasn't supposed to be in with ours and we are unsure of what it is and would like to know if anyone can help us identify the fish we have posted some pictures Sorry some of the pictures are a little hard to make out...
  12. K

    Corner-flo Tanks.

    My boyfriend and I found a beautiful 120 gallon marineland (I believe) corner-flo aquarium and I can't find any information on them online. So basically my questions are... are they any good, is it a good tank to have? How does the filtration work and does it work well? It has 2 holes drilled in...
  13. K

    I Have A Question About Corner-flo Tanks.

    My boyfriend and I found a beautiful 120 gallon marineland (I believe) corner-flo aquarium and I can't find any information on them online. So basically my questions are... are they any good, is it a good tank to have? How does the filtration work and does it work well? It has 2 holes drilled in...
  14. K

    Female Crowntail

    We were at PetSmart and picked up a pink and red female betta there. She was cute and has red fins with a pinkish whitish body. Well I was looking online at all the crowntail females and I looked at my betta again and I think she is a crowntail female. I called the store and asked if that is...
  15. K

    Adding Ammonia

    Ok, thanks again everyone. We really do appreciate all your help. We would pretty much be lost without it. It is painfully slow to us but we know in the long run it will be worth it. And when our tank is cycled and ready for fish, we will probably ask some of your advice on what kind of fish...
  16. K

    Adding Ammonia

    Hi everyone, Thanks again for all the great advice, we really appreciate it. We added the ammonia and got it to 5ppm and waited about a week, tested today and it isn't exactly 5ppm but definitely isn't 0. So should we just wait another week and test again? It is hard to just sit there looking...
  17. K

    Adding Ammonia

    Thank you for all your help we really appreciate the great advice we are getting from people you have all been a lot of help. Thanks David and Katie
  18. K

    Adding Ammonia

    Hi we were wondering on starting a fishless cycle for our 40 gal hex how much ammonia we should be adding to get the cycle going? Thanks, Katie and David
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    Oh We forgot to ask why is the aquarium salt bad to use unless your treating for diseases We thought it improved gill function and added electrolytes to the water. David and Katie
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    Ok thanks everyone for the advice. I looked at the line with the "fishy cycle" and it looked like a lot of work. So much for doing it the old fashioned way. Anyways I have gave the gold fish new homes in a friends pond. And I siphoned the tank completely out with the python I have and refilled...
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    Hi everyone, We just started up a 40 gallon hex two days ago. I have had fish tanks in the past, it has just been a while so I need some refreshers. Well as of right now, we have all the water in it, the filter running, the heater, the water conditioner, aquarium salt, and something with live...