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  1. P

    Sick Fat Betta

    Ok thanks guys i will check water and post in the emergancey section, although they have all come from different tanks and the first on to die died weeks ago.
  2. P

    Sick Fat Betta

    I have lost a female Betta, She had got very fat and looked like she had an egg almost popping out. I was advised to put her in with a male of mine to try and get her release the eggs. Well they mated and all went well, but she was still just as fat, so i put her back in with the other girls and...
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    Sick Fat Betta

    I have lost a female Betta, She had got very fat and looked like she had an egg almost popping out. I was advised to put her in with a male of mine to try and get her release the eggs. Well they mated and all went well, but she was still just as fat, so i put her back in with the other girls and...
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    That sounds like a good idea thanks!
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    Hi Thanks for the reply. The RR comes with two power heads fitted and i have got an extra one. The bottom standard one is low down in the tank and pointed down, the top one is braking the surfaceand going accross the tank towards the filter in take. So that just leaves the extra powerhead to...
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    I have just got my first marine tank a river reef 94. I also got a aquaclear 20 power head. Where should i put the 20?
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    What Can I Put In A 65 Liter?

    Thanks for that orange shark. :good:
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    Converting An Aquaone 500?

    Would not one higher powered one better than three low powered ones?
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    What Can I Put In A 65 Liter?

    I would like to know if i set up a 65 liter tank as sw, What could i keep in it?
  10. P

    Converting An Aquaone 500?

    Cool i have Ro containers alreadt as i use RO with my bettas. :good: I was told that the lighting only needs to be changed if i want to keep corals??? 3 powerheads?? that will create a whirpool! :crazy: Anyone else know about this?
  11. P

    Converting An Aquaone 500?

    Ok. I have the use of a Refractometer and test kits and RO unit and salt(would be over kill to buy an RO unit for this size tank!). I have the filter that came with the tank and was told to take the bottom bit with media off and use it as a powerhead. Was told i don`t need a skimmer as it is...
  12. P

    Converting An Aquaone 500?

    Ok. I know there is a thread going about converting from fw to sw, but i didn`t want to hijack the thread. I have an Aquaone 500, I am thinking on converting to sw. How easy would it be? I know i need salt, coral sand, live rock and to wait for longer than a fw to cycle. I have access to a...
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    Mp3 Help Please?

    Ok, First i should warn you i i don`t get this stuff! I have a walkman 580i, It says it has a MP3 player on it. I want to download songs from the Internet to the phone. But i can`t do it. every time i download to the PC. I manage this. Then i can`t get it from the PC folder that it goes in to...
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    Which One Do You Think Is Best?

    I will need 3, what ever size they need to be to go in aquaone 320`s 28 liter.
  15. P

    Which One Do You Think Is Best?

    Honeythorn: Hell no i don`t. LOL! Am thinking of changing to daz`s one`s, any discount for a regual customer? Might sway it???? Lol!
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    Which One Do You Think Is Best?

    Was kinda thinking you would say that. So tell me why your ones are better??? Yours aren`t in a plastic case are they? So how do they work?
  17. P

    Which One Do You Think Is Best?

    I have 3 sponge filters, they are interpet ones in a plastic cover, I have to wash them out weekly. I was woundering if there is a better one?
  18. P

    How Often Do You Do It?

    I am having really problems with my 4ft tank. I have 4 panda cories, 2 synodontis shoutendeni, 1 amano shrimp. 1 bgkf. All are small atm. But the tank has beard algae and i have to clean the glass and filter every week. The other tanks i think would be fine if left longer. What am i doing wrong?
  19. P

    Which One Do You Think Is Best?

    I have 3 sponge filters, they are interpet ones in a plastic cover, I have to wash them out weekly. I was woundering if there is a better one?
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    How Often Do You Do It?

    How often do you do water changes and wash out filters? I do mine every weekend, am i ott? :unsure:
  21. P

    Biorb Filter Changes?

    A biorb should be running for 2 mths at least before you, change it for the first time. All the gravel stuff at the bottom of the tank is biological filter media, so changing the filter foam all in one go is fine, but saying that i think it is still a con. I would wash the filter like you would...
  22. P

    Help With Fluval 404 Please

    Just wanted to add a little trick i learnt. When you are setting up you filter, fill it with tank water, then when you start pumping it only take a mo`! :good: The part is very easy to get by the way.
  23. P

    Unknown Goldfish Breed

    Thats a white blackmoor. They also come in gold colour. Not sure about the bubbles though????
  24. P

    Gravel Cleaners?

    I brought a marina easy clean, the guy in the shop said to have the tube bit under water, i followed the instructions, but the piture shows the tube standing in the tank but taller. I can`t get mine going. Anyone know if it should stand taller than the tank or not? or other advice?
  25. P

    Phosphate Help?

    Ok, I can remove the worse affected plants (anubis) and treat them double does and direct does. Then treat the rest of the tank on a normal dose? I had to clean filter,(i took minimum water out and put none back in, it was really bad, had cleaned it last Friday, but the tank has been so "dusty"...
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    Phosphate Help?

    Ok my mind is on over drive now. I have a fluval 4 plus in the tank, do you think the flow is not fast enough? I have another filter i can put in too???? But i worry the flow will be too fast??? I have a bgkf, panda coryies, small catfish, shrimp and a lodging koi in the tank, would this...
  27. P

    Phosphate Help?

    Cool thanks, was thinking i would have to buy a siamese alge eater! I notice that you say does with this stuff the link you gave me says overdose with it and when looking to buy it it says don`t overdose?????? Confused some? What do you think i should do? By the way you know your icon, well i...
  28. P

    Phosphate Help?

    Yay! :good: Looks like i am a step forward! This link might be of help to others too. I have brush algae, But now realise i have it in all my tanks be the plants living or not! :grr:
  29. P

    Blood Worm?

    While changing the sand to gravel in one of my betta tanks i found what i guess is a mozzy larve? I feed the betta bloodworm and i wonder if i feed too much and the worm transformed? How much/ many worms do you feed?
  30. P

    Phosphate Help?

    The phosphte leval was 5 until i used elimi-phos, now it is nil. The alge is only on anubus and it started off as easy to rub off then, it wouldn`t come off now with the elimi-phos, it is starting to come off again, the plant under the alge seems really healthy????? Tha tank is about 15ft from a...
  31. P

    Phosphate Help?

    Ok, I am not too good with this photo stuff so i apologize now in case it goes wrong! The plant affected are Anubis on wood. Hopefully that will show how heavily planted the tank is. The plants seem really healthy. I have added plantgro, once or twice, but that`s all. Hope this helps? It has...
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    Phosphate Help?

    My lfs doesn`t have the reading book but says it is high. I will ask for a reading today and hope they can tell my how high it is. What else would cause the brown hair on plants? It was taking over the tank till i started useing elimi-phos.
  33. P

    Phosphate Help?

    Thanks for that but it is deffinatly only hair alge on plants and it is in a tank i brought secondhand and i have had for over a year and if anything it is getting worse :blink:
  34. P

    Phosphate Help?

    I have a problem with high phosphates in my tanks. I have heard that using RO water will help this. Good idea? I have been using elimi-phos in my big planted tank, but as i have an internal, this is a bit tricky and not pretty. What harm does high phosphates do other than brown hair alge on plants?
  35. P

    Some Help With My Goldfish

    You will be very lucky to get your lfs to take the goldfish off your hands. In the Uk they are not ment to take them in as they are a higher risk on infection than tropical fish. The cycle was ment to be used with a filter sorrif that was not clear.
  36. P

    Some Help With My Goldfish

    It`s really nice to see that they can improve the living conditions of s goldie, too often people keep them really badly, I would say you should do 50% water changes daily untill you can get a filter for the tank and keep doing water changes tillthe water is test ig all clear. you can get free...
  37. P

    Sponge Filter?

    Yep do everything you (mod daz) said every sunday. Why would only one go cloudy?
  38. P

    Sponge Filter?

    After checking my water in my 3 aquaone 320`s, They each have a sponge filter in them with the bubbles turned down low, but one is cloudy and they are all alittle high in nitrite and nitrate. Is this because of using a sponge filter? How often should i do a water change? :good:
  39. P

    Possiblity Of Eggs Been Laid?

    What size is the tank and how many fish do you have in there?
  40. P

    Finrot ?

    It is better to be over filtered than under! The filter is fine till you get a bigger pond and more fish. Sorry to hear about you poorly fish. If you are planning to build the pond this year you really need to move the fish by september. :good: