Phosphate Help?


Fish Fanatic
May 25, 2008
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I have a problem with high phosphates in my tanks. I have heard that using RO water will help this. Good idea? I have been using elimi-phos in my big planted tank, but as i have an internal, this is a bit tricky and not pretty. What harm does high phosphates do other than brown hair alge on plants?
Phosphates generally aren't a problem. They are sometimes blamed for algae outbreaks but from what I have read, high phosphates alone will rarely cause algae issues. There are generally other triggers and the phosphate just makes it worse.

As for brown algae, it is quite common in new tanks. It's actually diatoms that feed off the silica that is released by the silicon that seals the tank corners. It will generally clear up on it's on once all the silica has been released.
Thanks for that but it is deffinatly only hair alge on plants and it is in a tank i brought secondhand and i have had for over a year and if anything it is getting worse :blink:
As I mentioned, algae is usually not triggered by phosphates. They may make it worse but aren't the case. Using RO water wil reduce phosphates but since it is pure in th sense that it contains no minerals, you will have to add those items back to the water. What is your actual phosphate reading?
My lfs doesn`t have the reading book but says it is high. I will ask for a reading today and hope they can tell my how high it is. What else would cause the brown hair on plants? It was taking over the tank till i started useing elimi-phos.
What else would cause the brown hair on plants? It was taking over the tank till i started useing elimi-phos.

If you are getting algae on your plants, they are likely to be unhealthy. Unhealthy plants leach ammonia out through their cell walls. The small, localised amounts of ammonia around your plants are triggering the algae. Starving your plants of phosphates will only make the situation worse.

Do you have any pics?

What are your light levels?

How heavily planted are you, and with what types of plant?

Do you dose any ferts, including CO2?

Ok, I am not too good with this photo stuff so i apologize now in case it goes wrong!

The plant affected are Anubis on wood. Hopefully that will show how heavily planted the tank is. The plants seem really healthy. I have added plantgro, once or twice, but that`s all.
Hope this helps?
It has been like this for ages, it does seem to be getting better since i added the elimi-phos.
ment to say have more photo`s if needed and lighting is one "Arcadia original tropical the plant growth tank."
When thinking of algae think light, NH4 and CO2. These are three triggers that will cause algae to bloom.

Phosphates will not cause algae in your tank, but they are used as a nutrient. I add phophates to mine to keep levels up for the plants, and I get no algae. I can increase the dose above target and stiil there is no algae.

Add daylight to a glass of water and you will get algae. Add daylight to a glass of RO water and you will get algae. If I turn the CO2 off in my tank, or reduce its levels below the plants requirements, or cause it to fluctuate I get algae (staghorn and BBA). If I carry out maintenance that disturbs the substrate, or prune down the plant mass considerably, small levels of NH4 result, and I get spirogyra algae.

If you remove phosphates from your tank you are removing a plant nutrient. Ultimately, this will affect your plants adversely, resulting in your plants leaching NH4 and making the algae outbreak worse.

All alga are different, but starving them of nutrients will see your plants off way before the algae (I can grow algae in water with a purity of 0.02mS/cm).

Is the algae easily removed by rubbing the leaves, and is it only on the Anubias? Do the plants with the algae appear healthy?

The phosphte leval was 5 until i used elimi-phos, now it is nil.
The alge is only on anubus and it started off as easy to rub off then, it wouldn`t come off now with the elimi-phos, it is starting to come off again, the plant under the alge seems really healthy????? Tha tank is about 15ft from a window that gets no direct sun light.

Hopefully this photo will show the plants better?
So, you have BBA then!

Cause: Poor CO2 in terms of levels or fluctuations.

Cure: In a CO2 injected tank, increase levels. In a non CO2 tank, hold back with the water changes. Water changes introduce CO2 in to the tank, giving level fluctuations. For a very quick cure, dose Flourish Excel. It gives your plants organic carbon, and contains Polycyclogluteraldehyde which is deadly to CO2 related alga (BBA and staghorn).

By the way, that algae article is very outdated and says nothing about causes or correct treatment. Try this one, it is far better:

Cool thanks, was thinking i would have to buy a siamese alge eater! I notice that you say does with this stuff the link you gave me says overdose with it and when looking to buy it it says don`t overdose?????? Confused some? What do you think i should do?
By the way you know your icon, well i saw it being tattoed on someone on miami ink awhile back!
It wasn`t you was it? :rolleyes:
Ok my mind is on over drive now. I have a fluval 4 plus in the tank, do you think the flow is not fast enough? I have another filter i can put in too???? But i worry the flow will be too fast??? I have a bgkf, panda coryies, small catfish, shrimp and a lodging koi in the tank, would this treatment be ok with them, would they be ok with another filter, making fast water? How would putting an exturnal on help? If at all? I am abit disheartened at mo` with this tank, I had my fav` fish died (a bgkf) and i cleaned out tank and started again, but thought about changing , but i stuck with the same design and bgkf and changed the other fish, Keep thinking i should have done something else. Maybe scared i will kill off another bgkf? :no:
The best way to use Excel against algae is to dose it directly. Carry out a huge water change, exposing as much algae as you can. Using a dropper such as the ones in test kits, apply it directly to the algae. Within a day or two the BBA goes white and dies. Carry on dosing as per the instructions and your plants will appreciate the carbon.

The extra filtration is more for higher light tanks where we go for x10 to x20 turn over. You shouldn`t need this in your tank.


P.S. Stop removing the phosphates, your plants need it.

P.P.S. Shrimp may not take too kindly to overdosing Excel, so stick to normal dosing and they will be fine.
Ok, I can remove the worse affected plants (anubis) and treat them double does and direct does. Then treat the rest of the tank on a normal dose? I had to clean filter,(i took minimum water out and put none back in, it was really bad, had cleaned it last Friday, but the tank has been so "dusty" with the elimi-phos in the tank. I will remove that a.s.a.p. My filter jams, the bottom bit sticks when you try to take it out to get at the media, I have to use a blunt knife to open it and it it breaking the plastic using the knife, so i am going to have to replace the filter soonish, was going to go for a fluval external ?

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