Finrot ?


New Member
Jun 28, 2008
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Swaffham, Norfolk
As you can probably tell I am new to this hobby.
I created a pond about 12 weeks ago which is approx 25-30 gallon (one of those precast plastic that you get in garden centre's)
In the pond i have 2 goldfish + 2 other goldfish with a fancy name (gold & black) + 2 Shubunkins.
These are all between 2.5" & 3.5" long, Shubunkins being the biggest.

About a month ago i noticed the fin on top of 1 of the shubunkins had moreless dissapeared and as it still seemed to move about at the same speed as the others did not worry about it to much thinking one of the other fish had nibbled at it.
About 3 weeks ago it appeared to stop feeding or even spitting the food out.
So i started a course of Myxazin, during this i turned down the filtering to minimum.
After this i changed 75% of the water as it was moreless all green and cloudy from the dye.
2 weeks ago shubunkin has not got any better and is feeding even less.
This last week i have noticed a white spot where the fin should be approx 5mm in diameter, can't tell if this is 1 spot or a series of spots.
Fish is now in quarantine and at times tends to float moreless vertical nose down.

ammonia = 0.2 approx
Nitrate = <10 approx
Nitrite = <.5 (hardly registers)
Ph = 7.5 approx

Fluval 4+
At present I am cleaning this once a week, I remove about 1/2 gallon from pond and use this to rinse coarse & fine filters
Fortnightly renewing and swapping between charcoal and the other fine filter.
1/2 gallon is then discarded and pond topped up from rain water barrel (same when pond evaporates)
I try to keep chemical use to a minimum so apart from the Myxazin treatment very little else goes in.

Presently i am replacing about 50% per week but this varies with rainfall

Also in pond are 4 Zebra + 3 ramshorn + 4 yellow apple snails + 1 swan muscle (have actually got 2 muscles but the other has never moved so i do not know its condition apart from i cant open it, this is presently in quarintine until i see some movement)

At this time no live plants, when there was i was changing water every 2 to 3 days, at his time only artificial plants.

Think that covers it, have uploaded 2 images of the suffering shubunkin but dunno where they gone :blush:

Ohh there they are :good: . The 1st image shows the white spot and 2nd image is with fish moreless vertical in pond

Almost forgot, also have a streaming video cam although it don't stream to well, recommend the JPG option


  • fish1.JPG
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  • fish2.JPG
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There`s a few things in noticed.
I would say you have too many fish for the pond, each of those fish should get up to 25cm and live for up to 25 years if cared for properly.
Also you are using a tank filter in a pond and you really need a pond filter, did you take out and black filter media? as this is carbon and render the medication useless.
And Myxazin is a tank treatment you will need to use a pond treatment.
You also need to treat any water you will be putting in the pond with fresh start to remove chlorine and chloramin. You would probably be best using tap water as clouds will pick up pollution as it collects rain water.
Hope that helps?
There`s a few things in noticed.
I would say you have too many fish for the pond, each of those fish should get up to 25cm and live for up to 25 years if cared for properly.
Also you are using a tank filter in a pond and you really need a pond filter, did you take out and black filter media? as this is carbon and render the medication useless.
And Myxazin is a tank treatment you will need to use a pond treatment.
You also need to treat any water you will be putting in the pond with fresh start to remove chlorine and chloramin. You would probably be best using tap water as clouds will pick up pollution as it collects rain water.
Hope that helps?

thanks for the comments.
If i manage to hangon to the fish then probably next summer i will build something a lot bigger, this only started out as an experiment having never kept fish before.

Which make/model of filter unit would you recommend bearing in mind next years expansion program :hyper: (will probably be looking at 100-150 gallon.

Not really sure on which filter i had in at the time of the myxazin treatment (carbon or fine )but i did read about the filter impact on the treatment hence i lowered setting to minimum on the fluval .

You really need to think of somthing sooner than next year as the filter really isn`t powerfull enough for the pond and the chances are that you will lose you fish, you really need to have your water tested a.s.a.p.
If you tell me the measurements of you pond and i will work out a filter for you.
You really need to think of somthing sooner than next year as the filter really isn`t powerfull enough for the pond and the chances are that you will lose you fish, you really need to have your water tested a.s.a.p.
If you tell me the measurements of you pond and i will work out a filter for you.

Ok, heres the latest, happened to mention my fish story to some folk at work and behold 1 Hozelock Cyprio was on my desk the following morning.
This is apparantley a 350gph with ultra violet lamp built in, has a sponge type filter plus some anti bacterial device.
Previous owner used it for 1 week as part of a water feature but wanted something bigger so this had been sitting in garage for last 6 month or so.
Compared to the Fluval this cyprio is big, may not be exactley what i wanted (was looking for an external filtering system) but it was cheap.

Unfortunatley the Shubunkin is now dead :sad: , it was laying on its side at bottom of quarintine bowl

Presently the water condition is :
Tetratest 5 in 1
No3 less than 10
No2 less than 1
GH 10d
KH 6d
pH 7.2 - 7.6

No3 & No2 both show very little on test strip to the template guide, i have just taken the next marker up on the template as a figure

Ammonia less than .5

Again this is the next marker up on the template guide .5 but is probably closer to .1 or .2

Apparantly the pond is 250litre
It is better to be over filtered than under! The filter is fine till you get a bigger pond and more fish. Sorry to hear about you poorly fish. If you are planning to build the pond this year you really need to move the fish by september. :good:

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