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  1. R

    Should I Start Again

    my tank has been running for 8 months. all water tests are fine. when i introduce fish they usually die within a few days and no idea why. should i empty tank and start again from scratch?
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    20 Fish

    i have 3 tanks, i have one thats been running for 8 months and only have 4 fish in it just now. its a 4.5ft tank. if i was to buy 20 mollies could i put theis in at one time or would it be too much. i thot if i did it i would need a water change more regulary.
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    Clown Loach

    as i have a 4 ft sponge filter and i keep livebearers which are known to be messy fish would it be advised to add a small filter at the opposite side to the fluval 4? i wondered if this could be a prob. just all water states seem fine so i cant buy any more fish or they just die!
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    Clown Loach

    its been running for about 1 year. i keep mainly mollies. the 3 fish i put in first are still alive but only seems to be new ones who suffer. if it is mini cycling what can i do. i change water once every 2 weeks. on a sun. about 10-20% water change. i have a fluval 4 sponge filter. any...
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    Clown Loach

    all my new fish i put in seem to only last a few days. my test results are, 4 foot tank. PH 7.4 nitrite 0.1 ammonia 0.1 nitrate 5 is this correct, and can anything be done for the diying fish
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    Clown Loach

    i bought 4 clown loach. this morn, now they are all lyin at bottom of tank and not really moving. is this natural?
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    Fish Going

    ok i keep mollies and guppies, livebearers really. i had a male fighter which lasted 3 days, i had 4 panda cory and 4 white cory which have all died. i change water every 2 weeks.
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    Fish Going

    i have had my tank running for a year now. a friend who owns a fish shop tested my water as i dont know what im doing with wather test and he said all was fine. so i bought a few more fish. everyday another 1 or 2 die. i has 6 cory and they are all gone. my live plants never last, can anyone...
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    Panda Cory

    can anyone sell me any as i cant get them local or find a site online to sell them?
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    Help Required

    i have had my water tested and all is sitting at appropriate ratings. a friend who use to work in a fish shop check it before he went offshore. i had 4 panda cory and 4 white cory not sure of name. and they have all died despite water being fine. what could be a cause.
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    New Tank Nitrit

    so what would u suggest. move the fish then what? your help would be welcomed? cheers
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    New Tank Nitrit

    i have a 2ft tank with 1 platy in it. and puttin cycle in everyday and doing water changes of about 20%. should i be doing anything else.
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    New Tank Nitrit

    the colour is pink, how do i get this down?
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    Panda Cory Breeding

    i would like to try breed panda's. i have a 2ft tank. what is best on the floor, sand or gravel? where do they lay eggs? is it better live or plastic plants?
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    Manure Tank And Fry

    i have a mature tank all plastic plants. and a fry tank with nothing in it yet. what is best real or live plants? also what is good for clown loach to hide amongst as i have a 4ft tank but not sure how to give them hiding places. cheers
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    Online Fish

    can anyone give me a good site to buy fish online as my area charge a fortune for fish. im looking for clown loach, Corydoras panda and mollies. cheers
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    do not crush them against the side of the tank. as if the snail has eggs or what ever they make their little ones with they will fall to the floor and eventually turn into normal snails.
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    Mollies And Fighters

    i have a tank full or mollies, and their fry. if i was to introduce a male fighter would it survive. i have a 4ft tank and a 1 ft tank. the 1ft tank was going to be for the fry but they seem to survive in my big tank. so if it wont work i might keep my fighters in the little tank.
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    I Have Snails

    i have little snails growing in my tank. as quickly as i remove them they keep coming. i heard clown loach will eat them is this true? i have tryed using the chemical stuff to kill them but they survive that, any info would be greatfull.
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    New Tank

    so, as my big tank filter is in 2 i could use half in the small filter and it would be ready to go. is this correct?
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    New Tank

    i have had a big tank running for 1 year and all is well. i have placed a small tank under the big one, which is going to be either a fry tank as i like livebearers or for a pair of fighters. my big tank has a foam filter and is in 2 bits. if i was to do this could i put fish in straight away?