New Tank Nitrit

Im guesing here you are cycling your tank with fish in it?

You need to do a water change i would recomend someware in the reigion of 40% imediately and then another 20% in a hour or 2.

you will need to keep doing this untill the filter is able to cope with the niterite comftably

It would depend upon why you have nitrites in your tank ... did you cycle? What are your other water stats ... how big is your tank ... how many fish do you have?

Doing water changes will bring it down and will allow you to manage your nitrite levels ... but you need to know why you have those levels to find a proper answer and solution.
i have a 2ft tank with 1 platy in it. and puttin cycle in everyday and doing water changes of about 20%. should i be doing anything else.
o, no, cycle is not a thing you put -in-, its a process you do that takes weeks

If you are putting in a commercial product that says it will cycle a tank, they are generally worthless.

We have some wonderful articles about the cycling topic pinned at the top of this forum.

I would suggest you attempt rehome the single fish, perhaps the local store will take it back for strore credit.

so what would u suggest. move the fish then what? your help would be welcomed? cheers
Yes, then you would be in a position to do a fishless cycle on the tank/filter system.

And having got to that statement, I can say.. Welcome to TFF!

Its a great forum and I suggest you start by reading the Beginners Resource Center, Cycling Resource Center links where you should look for articles by AlienAnna and Miss Wiggle. You can read some about the nitrogen cycle in general and see charts by searching on "nitrogen cycle" in Wikipedia on the web. Then look back at the pinned articles again at the top of this forum and the rdd1962 article about fishless cycling will be your working document.

If you develop questions during your reading, come back here to your thread or start a new one. Meanwhile, read other beginners's threads, its fun.


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