

New Member
Mar 28, 2008
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I'm getting a bit overrun with snails at the moment. Can I take them out the tank (tropical) and put them in hubbys pond or do they need warm water? I don't like killing anything.

Thanks Suzee xx
you can get a chemical control if you wish or just crush them against the glass if your brave enough
:good: not sure about the pond but you could give it a go ? what kind of snails are they?

I'm not sure what kind they are. They're quite small and dark in colour. They came from some plants and for a while there was only about 4 now theres about 23 appeared in space of a few days!!
i had the same problem about a month ago and i was advised by people on here about getting some loaches and they work a treat cos snails are part of there diet, i didn't realise how many i had until i started seeing empty shells on the sand !! Be warned though cos some loaches can get very big, personally i went for some botia histrionica !! It might seem cruel to kill them but the way i see it is its part of the natural food chain !!


when i crush mine most of my fish pick them over so some good comes from it
If they came in with plants they are as we know them pest snails, and will sometimes mutiply very quickly, i had the same problem in my tank about 18 months ago and got some loaches Boita Strata, they was all gone in a few days and never seen any since, plus they are great little fish to watch, mine are always exploring the floor of the tank.

Cheers Gordon
Unless the pond is quite cold, common pond snails will do OK in it. The question is will the pond be OK with these snails. That is a question you will have to answer remembering how fast they bred in your tank.
i have 1 big snail

a few days after i got it, i found like another 4 of them! they must have died though because i found 1 empty shell and haven't seen the others since.

the big snail however is a nightmare!

one of my mollies had babies, but due to high ammonia levels, A LOT of them died. i had about 7 left. i kept them in one of those plastic floating breeding tanks, but i had no lid because i couldn't find it.

sure enough, i come home one day and the snail is sliding along the edge of it, dipping the whole tank into the big water...i was only able to find 1 of the babies, but i think he had a hard run and died shortly after. the babies were only about 2 or 3 weeks old so they were still really tiny.

i never knew you could just crush the snails in the tank. i would love to get rid of mine, but i dnt want to crush it. **shudders at the thought**

how else can i get rid of it? its REALLY big. the shell is about the size of a 50c piece.
do not crush them against the side of the tank. as if the snail has eggs or what ever they make their little ones with they will fall to the floor and eventually turn into normal snails.

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