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  1. K

    Help Please!

    I'd heard that but they seemed to be doing so well. Do you think it would be better to have a Guppy only tank? Because I have a tank at the moment that's not being used for anything and is looking very empty. Having looked at the fish and then gone through the pictures in the catfish section...
  2. K

    Help Please!

    No sign of disease at all. From what I can tell, they're perfectly healthy. They're eating and swimming ok and interacting with me when I maintain the tank, just like they always have done. The tank's been up and running since about March with the fish added in May. The only thing different...
  3. K

    Help Please!

    I have a Juwel 180 tank, all parameters are within normal limits (0 ammonia and nitrite, 5pmm nitrate), containing, Rasbora's, Cory's, 2 Alage Eaters (possibly Siamese), 2 Pearl Gouramies and, until very recently, 12 Guppies. The thing is that over the last few weeks the Guppies have been...
  4. K

    Algae Problem

    Have got a couple of snails for the tank and have covered it with a blanket to try and cut down on the light hitting it in the hope of stopping it from growing. My lfs tried to sell me some stuff to put in there to kill it off but I don't want to start messing with the chemistry of the water...
  5. K

    Algae Problem

    I actually thought of that but I've heard some real horror stories about having algae eaters in community tanks, things like them latching on to other fish and attacking their slime coating, which has always put me off.
  6. K

    Algae Problem

    My new tank that has been fishless cycled and has been stocked with fish for about a month now has suddenly developed really bad algae. I've cleaned it out of the tank every single day for the past 8 days and the very next day it's back again. Any help and advice would be much appreciated...
  7. K

    Maximum Group Size?

    I recently bought 6 x Corydoras Julii who have settled in nicely. I would like to increase the size of the shoal but at least another 4 making a total of 10 but I'm not sure if that would be ok. Also would it be ok to keep different types of cory's in the same tank? My main LFS has got some...
  8. K

    Funny Corydoras

    Thanks for the quick response. I don't believe in buying things, especially pets, without first doing at least minimum research on them so I knew that they need to be in groups, I just wasn't sure on the size of the group. I decided on 6 because everything I read said that they do best when...
  9. K

    Funny Corydoras

    Started stocking my new fully cycled tank yesterday with 6 x Corydoras Julii, 6 x Guppy and 2 x Pearl Gouramie. As vibrant and colourful as the Guppies any Gouramies are it's the Cory's that seem to be the star's of the tank. They're flitting about all over the place, happily exploring their...
  10. K

    Tank Finally Cycled

    My tank is finally fully cycled and I think I've just about figured out what I'm going to have in there now I just need some opinions and advice. The tank is approx. 144L, by the way and here's what I'm planning on having. 6-8 x Peppered Cories 4-6 x Guppies 2 x male Dwarf Gouramies 8 x Zebra...
  11. K

    Is Flaring Actually Good For The Males?

    Thanks for the quick response. He seems to enjoy it because he's more active afterwards and has even tried to eat for the first time since I bought him home but I didn't want to od it if it was going to be bad for him in the long run.
  12. K

    Is Flaring Actually Good For The Males?

    The reason I'm asking is that I've had my boy for about 4 days now, he's just flared for the first time since I bought him home (put a mirror against his tank) and for the first time he's being active and swimming all over his tank, until now he's just been sort of lazing around either by the...
  13. K

    Where To Get Ammonia In Uk ?

    I actually got mine from my local Boots. 1L bottle for £1.99
  14. K

    Is This Normal?

    That's a relief! I was hopinh it was just the stress of a new environment and anything. I guess I'll just have to keep trying and in the meantime keep an eye on him.
  15. K

    Is This Normal?

    2 days ago I purchased an aboslutely gorgeous blue and red male Crowntail. He's currently living in a fully cycled 12 litre tank with gravel substrate, a couple of silk plants and a moss ball. The tank has a small air-driven filter with the outlet pointed against the side to cut down on...
  16. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    Can't believe I never thought of that. There's a small piece of filter media in the new tank that I added from my coldwater tank which should just about fit. Thanks for all your advice and info over the last few weeks, by the way.
  17. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    DAY 37: 0ppm Ammonia, 0ppm Nitrite. It's taken the better part of 6 long weeks but I'm finally there. Topped Ammonia back up to 2ppm and will test daily for at least another week before getting my fish to ensure it's cycling the ammonia load in 10-12 hours but I can finally see light at the...
  18. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    DAY 34: Added 2ml of ammonia this morning which bought levels up to approx 3ppm. Ammonia now reading at 0.5ppm and Nitrite at 1.8ppm! YES!!! :P
  19. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    DAY 32: Ammonia processing seems to have severely slowed down. Added 2 days ago and it's still showing as 2ppm (mini-cycle from adding new things and taking out the old gravel maybe?). Nitrite's seem to be slightly slower, it's still off the chart but the colour is taking longer to develop...
  20. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    DAY 30: Emptied tank of approx. 90% of water. Removed disgusting red, white and blue gravel that was supplied with the tank and replaced with a much more natural looking smooth pebble-like substrate. Positioned large piece of bogwood that has been soaking for the last week. Set up new Fluval...
  21. K

    Shop Recommendation

    Discovered a shop today that I can highly recommend. The Aquatic Centre in Great Portland Street, London has a huge selection of cold water, tropical, marine and reef fish and supplies, live and frozen food, stocks all the basics you could need at quite reasonable prices and has knowledgable...
  22. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    Hi BTT, I've tried it with two different test kits and it comes up the same on both of them. I've also tested the water coming out of the tap and the water in the boys tank and both of those came out as 0ppm so I know there's nothing wrong with the test kit or the way I'm using it. I'll do...
  23. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    DAY 26 (and I'm starting to get frustrated): Just performed a water change of about 120L and Nitrite is still off the charts. This is my third big water change in a week so surely I should have seen some improvement in the nitrite levels. I know it can take anything up to 6 weeks to get the...
  24. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    The water's gone a milky colour which I'm hoping means a bacterial bloom and not an algae bloom.
  25. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    I think you may probably be right. I went waaay overboard with the ammonia the first few days and even now haven't got the dosage quite right. I'm going to do a massive water change tomorrow night when I get in from work and see if that makes a difference (can't do it tonight because my bucket...
  26. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    DAY 25: Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrite still off the chart, Nitrate 30ppm, Ph 9. Water turned very cloudy overnight for some reason. Removed all plants from tank 2 days ago because they were dying but it doesn't seem to have made a difference.
  27. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    Thanks for the advice. Have just checked everything again and ammonia is still reading 0 and nitrite is still off the charts after another 40% water change done last night. Have also checked Ph and it's at 9! Could this be what's causing the nitrite to take so long to come down and if so, what...
  28. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    DAY 23: Tank processing 4ppm ammonia in approx. 12 hours. Still no change in nitrite levels however, even after water change. Any idea where I've gone wrong?
  29. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    DAY 18: Ammonia back to 0ppm after 3 days (added far too much last time), Nitrite still off the chart. Thinking of doing a water change this evening to try and get the nitrites down to a readable level. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Bought ammonia back up to approx 3ppm.
  30. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    I think I would go insane if my nitrite took that long to cycle!!!
  31. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    DAY 15: Processing 5ppm ammonia in 10-12 hours. Nitrite still off the chart. Nitrate and Ph stable.
  32. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    DAY11 PART 2: Re-tested when I got in from work. Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrite of the charts, Nitrate 50ppm, Ph 8.5 (I think, that scales, not too easy to read). Added enough ammonia to bring up to 4.6ppm.
  33. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    DAY11: Finally some progress. Ammonia between 1.2ppm and 0.6ppm, Nitrite off the chart and Nitrate 50ppm. Added 10 drops of ammonia, left for 10 minutes and retested. No change in readings. Leaving for work in a few minutes so no time to add more ammonia and retest now but will do so this...
  34. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    Thanks for the encouragement, it really helps to know that I'm on the right track even if it does seem to be taking forever.
  35. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    DAY 10: Added 10 plants and two bags of small pebble sized gravel. Ammonia hovering around 4.6ppm still but not quite as definite as 2 days ago.
  36. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    DAY 8: No change in ammonia readings, so performed approx. 50% water change with de-chlorinated water at roughly the same temp. Also added another 5ml of Filter Start (probably won't help but at least it won't hurt). Left tank for 10 minutes then checked levels. Ammonia now at 4.6ppm with...
  37. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    DAY 7: No change in ammonia or nitrite. Will test again tomorrow, if still no change in ammonia will do 50% water change to try and remove some of the excess from when I obviously put too much in to start with.
  38. K

    Fishless Cycle So Far

    I was actually aiming for 4-5ppm but obviously failed to measure it properly and got a bit heavy handed with the ammonia bottle :blush: