Search results

  1. F

    Wanted: Mbu

    Looking for a baby mbu if anyone has one or has seen one. I am in Ely Cambridgeshire
  2. F

    100l Tank+external Filter And Heater

    no all new, the de*nitrate there isnt really worth sending there is that little of it but are all new never been used
  3. F

    100l Tank+external Filter And Heater

    I can mate but its just a fluval 205 the pipe has been trimmed to suit my tank but still very long and the media is JBL MircoMec about half a box, ROWA Carbon a full tub and a tiny bit of de*nitrate. I will try and get pics tomorrow as i have now given my fish away to a new home so will be...
  4. F

    100l Tank+external Filter And Heater

    I have an unnamed 100L tank with lid for sale only selling due to having to scale down the amount of tanks i have, the lid is an old metal one but does the job and looks ok, The external filter is a fluval 205 less than a year old and comes with all pipes and some media that i no longer need...
  5. F

    Free Tiger Oscar+ Pics

    Cheesy Feet is taking my Oscar i hope you enjoy him as much as we have. So as of Tuesday i will have for sale: 100L Tank With Lid Tetratec HT 200 Heater with tank clip Fluval 205 External Filter+ Some Media
  6. F

    Free Tiger Oscar+ Pics

    I just want him to have a good life after he leaves me he has such a personality, He isnt keen on water changes and gets a grump on when and after you do one well that is untill dinner time lol
  7. F

    Free Tiger Oscar+ Pics

    bump for my little man some one love him like i do please :sad:
  8. F

    Free Tiger Oscar+ Pics

    That would be great, he is a great little fella i am just gutted i cant get a bigger tank now to keep him. He has lived with quite a few things from plecs to Snakeheads and been very happy
  9. F

    Free Tiger Oscar+ Pics

    I will not post but would really like him to go to a good home with a decent sized tank. I had planned to get a bigger tank but cant anymore as i havent got the room now so must go. The tank will be for sale aswell as the filter (Fluval 205) once the fish has a new home. I am willing to meet...
  10. F

    Picture Of My Rugby Team

    You make the best friends playing good rugby you work as a pack on field and play as a pack off its awesome,
  11. F

    Any Rugby Players Here?

    I played now planning on coaching. played from the age of 9 i am now 24. I have played a few positions No 8, Flanker and Centre's but my real position is in the second row which is where i played for all my reprsentative rugby I have played for: School Newmarket Upper...
  12. F

    Getting Better Clarity In The Water

    Whats the best way to get better clarity in the water, I am well over gunned on filtration and on UV anything else, Is koi matting any good i have been told "Its wicked fill your filter box full of it" but i am not sure??
  13. F

    Another Snakehead Question

    ah ok sorry
  14. F

    Another Snakehead Question

    ok so should i tell him to stick to one maybe 2, which of the small ones is more aggresive when eating etc
  15. F

    Transporting Large Koi ?

    All done now thanks people. i got a very large bag from the LFS, my friend under estimated it by quite alot its 22lb but its safe and sound in my pond now thanks for your help
  16. F

    Another Snakehead Question

    I have been looking for this info for a friend he wants to know what out of the smaller species is the most aggressive snakehead from what i have seen its the Gachua but i am not totally sure because different people have different opinons. he is looking to keep maybe 2 or three different...
  17. F

    Transporting Large Koi ?

    they weigh about 15lb and they will be traveling about 15 mins from pond to pond
  18. F

    Transporting Large Koi ?

    whats the best way to transport large Koi???
  19. F

    Java Moss Question

    i thought i would have to tie it down. thanks i will tie it on there today
  20. F

    Java Moss Question

    I have some java moss on lava rocks at the moment but wondered if it would grow ok on slate???
  21. F

    Info On Plecs

    its just over 70 gallons its was a custom build for someone but fits where i want it perfect. i run a fluval 405 on it
  22. F

    Info On Plecs

    I have a tank with 2 oscars in and want to get a or some plecs to live in there as well can anyone tell me where i could see pics of different plecs so i can get an idea of what i want Wez Would ottos live in there and would corys go in as well
  23. F

    Oscar Feeding

    sorry i wanted to know what would be a good varied diet for them? so a decent pellet is good then live food as a treat once a week or fortnight?
  24. F

    Oscar Feeding

    I know i have got to keep a varied diet for my 2 new oscars but what would people suggest, The LFS was feeding them river shrimp and gave me some to feed them today but i dont want them to becme there diet? wez
  25. F

    Predator Tank

    sorry all change i have a had big enough tank come up at the right price so thats what is now cycling. Ok i really like oscars and snakeheads so wanted them to live together but will have a re think
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    Predator Tank

    what even when the snakehead gets ful size the oscar would get it in its mouth?, i thought the snakehead would fight back
  27. F

    Predator Tank

    what about an oscar as a tank mate????
  28. F

    Speeding Up The Process

    i have been reading about this for a while now, Would it work if put my new external filter on one of my other tanks for a while then put it in the new tank i could have fish in there practly streight away??? Yes/No???
  29. F

    Speeding Up The Process

    Just take a couple of sponges from each and put them in the cannister what about some water from the tanks will that help as well???
  30. F

    Predator Tank

    Think i am going to go with a snakehead what size do the Channa Gaucha, Bleheri and orientallis grow to, Also is there any chance of tank mates??? something like a bichir
  31. F

    Speeding Up The Process

    I have 2 tanks in my house already and i am now starting up my 3rd. This will be the first time i am using a external filter system. Is there anyway i could use my 2 other tanks to speed up the cycling process on my new tank. Wez
  32. F

    Predator Tank

    Thanks i like the idea of snake head but will have to move quick as they will be banned soon so i read or there will be a ban on imports.
  33. F

    Predator Tank

    i just dont want to really like the ones that are going to grow huge
  34. F

    Predator Tank

    What snakeheads should i look at?????
  35. F

    Predator Tank

  36. F

    Predator Tank

    Ok what predators could i get in a 35 gall tank???
  37. F

    Predator Tank

    sorry i ment what size tank should i look at
  38. F

    Predator Tank

    i am looking to start a predator for a couple of oscars what size tank should i look at?? Also can some one tell me and show pics of some smaller predators that i could keep instead of the oscars Wez