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  1. B

    New To The Hobby And Bichirs.

    As already said,get a senegal.My albinos active day and night,and takes floating cichlid gold pellets,and prawns etc.
  2. B

    How Big Does A Bgkf

    My BGK is 10-12" at the moment,grew him from a tiny baby.Hes in a well filtered 55 Gal tank (will be upgraded) with a Parrot,breeding pair of Thorichtys ellioti,large albino senegal,channa "assam",5" Dat polota,and 4 big clown loach.He rules his end of the tank,but with no aggression.Feeds well...
  3. B

    Giant African Oddball Tank

    A few Distichodus would fill the middle layer.
  4. B

    Catfish Id

    Id say syno eupterus or poss a hybrid-(lots around)
  5. B

    Which Fish?

    Id replace the neons with cardinals,just that little bit bigger to help avoid the angels snacking on them.