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    White Spot And Clown Loach

    I use a wonderful product that is 100% organic, its takes a bit longer to work, but it is safe for scaleless, and even fry its called ick attack but it treats many fishy diseases
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    Will My Hitch Hiker Kill Me?

    The only problem is that I have no digital camera and now I cant find it, but I researched them and when they are adults they can kill humans, I was just wondering if anyone else had a snail like this one and if so what did it end up looking like? I think its too small now to properly id. I...
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    Will My Hitch Hiker Kill Me?

    ok so I just started my salt water aquarium, and I have a hitch hiker snail with a pinkish and whit striped shell and its kina cone shaped but its tiny, like a cm or so, and im completely freaked out that it might be a baby cone snail, do they often come on live rock?
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    Help With Starting A Tank?

    I looked them up and they dont seem to come with any skimmer or any refugium, which is recommended and im not sure with that compact design if there would be any room for these things, with the filter they have a refugium would not really be needed but a skimmer is a must if you want to spend...
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    Omg Help!

    I would be doing the same thing as you at this point, when it comes to the tantrum, and my poor husband would be walking in the rain to get me a test kit, that is if he didnt want to sleep in the rain. you cant order one C.O.D.?
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    Omg Help!

    yes I would definently get a test kit as soon as possible as well.
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    Help With Starting A Tank?

    one of my friends just set up a nano reef aquarium and she spent about 1200 dollars, and a nano reef is just a small reef tank, usually under 50 gallons. the cycling ofr a salt includes going through stages of different kinds of algae growth, some of wjich can take up to a few months.
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    Omg Help!

    You mentioned that you live in the us, do you have a culligan water store near you, if you are in a small town with mainly well water then you probably do, either way they sell ro water thats what I use in my tank, but you do have to add minerals back into it.
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    Don't Know What To Do *updated With Pics*

    the salt will be fine for your other fish, just use the minimum amount recommended and put it in your filters not directly into the tank to insure that your fish dont eat the salt crystals, and I would recommend taking out your filter cartridges completely while medicating to insure that your...
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    My loaces eat pest snails like crazy! and the do not go after any of my fish. I dont have any shrimp that eat snails though
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    Yo Yo Loach

    My yoyo loaches are finiky too, they like those frozen brine shrimp and they loooovvvveeee blood worms (frozen as well)
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    Don't Know What To Do *updated With Pics*

    do a water change, 50%, take out your carbon, add the recommended dosage, and what I like most about this medication is that it is virtually impossible to poison your fish with it as it is all natural and no chemicals, keep your arbon out for the duration of the treatment, do a 50% water change...
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    Don't Know What To Do *updated With Pics*

    Thats fine for when they are not sick, but now that they are they need more water changes, have you medicated them with anything yet?
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    Don't Know What To Do *updated With Pics* that is the stuff I uae, absolutley wonderful I swear by it. And yes water changes I would suggest 50% at least once a day to reduce the amount of free floating spores, and to improve water quality. Fis tend to get sick when they are stressed...
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    Don't Know What To Do *updated With Pics*

    I use a medication called ick attack, it also works on velvet, and it is all organic, I recently had my tank come down with velvet, used that stuff that turns your water blue and within two days half of my fish were dead, I put my carbon back in, did a massive water change and let the filters...
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    Help With Starting A Tank?

    if you want to set up a salt tank its going to be pretty expensive... and the things that the clown fish adopt are called anemones... and only certain clown fish can go into certain anemones. Ask your lfs and see what they stock. a 29 gallon would be fine for a nano reef, but you would need a...
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    Not Sure What Kind Of Tetra

    no not one of those it is clear and has no black spot
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    Not Sure What Kind Of Tetra

    they are definently not those, these were pets of the man who owns the fish store and he pretty much sells me anything that I want, and he has had them for about a year he said so I know that they are adults.
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    Not Sure What Kind Of Tetra

    sorry, I do not have any pictures but they are clear, they have the same shape as your typical neon tetra and they have red eyes. I thought at first glance that they were blind cave tetras but the eye is definently there.
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    Snakeskin Gourami

    I live in southern california, and I have never seen one in any store. I saw one at a friensd house and she said that she had to have them special ordered as well.
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    Snakeskin Gourami

    I ordered a snakeskin gourami from my aquarium store and they keep telling me that it will be in the next shipment, but it is not. I finally asked why it was taking so long and they said that it had to be wild caught, is this true for all snakeskin gouramis? Are there any benefits/drawback to...
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    Cherry Barbs

    I have a 100 gal. tank and in it I have a selection of tetras, catfish, loaches and barbs, my cherry barbs seem to be mating. My question is, how long does it take for them to lay their eggs and how long after that do the eggs hatch?
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    Stone Catfish?

    I have A friend that absolutley loves her stone catfish! They stay very small (under one inch) and require quite a bit of floating foliage, they also like to be kept in groups. Hers just eat the flake food that she feeds her other fish, she has a community tank so they do very well in there, I...