Stone Catfish?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2004
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Maryland, U.S.A.
We just got some new fish in and I was soooo excited. We got these little catfish in called Stone Catfish. Anyone know anything about them? Since they're new, I don't know too much about them. I've been looking around on the internet but I can't find anything.
Never heard of them and I tried doing an internet check, and same thing, nada!
Hows about a bit of a description?
one thing i have learnt
you research fish b4 you buy them so you dont come across any problems, common sence
samthefishman said:
one thing i have learnt
you research fish b4 you buy them so you dont come across any problems, common sence
Isn't that what she's doing?

I believe she works at PetSmart and is trying to research the new fish her store got in stock.
No Sir Minion, that's not it. It doesn't have the orange bands. It's all dark gray. It's very small, about an inch. It almost reminds me of a mix of a raphael and common pleco. It looks like it has sharp fins like a cory. I'm sorry it's not the best description. I'm a bad...uh...describer and it's 1:27 am here. I'd take a picture if I a digital camera. Sam, I agree w/ you. That's why I haven't bought one yet. I know my boss would have info but I have to ask him about it. And comet, you are exactly right.
I beleive stone catfish is a rarely used comon name for Hara hara, they are more commonly called Moth catfish.

If thats it information on them is a bit scarce but they only grow to about 3", are nocturnal and are peaceful to anything but the smallest fish (like guppy fry) which may be eaten.
AHHH! I don't know!!! I'll have to ask my boss for the scientific name tomorrow. It's definitely not a Stone Cat reg, but thanx anyway. CFC: I'm not sure. I haven't seen the little things since Sunday and they're sooooo small it's hard to see the details. But I'm not giving up!! :)
I have A friend that absolutley loves her stone catfish! They stay very small (under one inch) and require quite a bit of floating foliage, they also like to be kept in groups. Hers just eat the flake food that she feeds her other fish, she has a community tank so they do very well in there, I wouldnt suggest putting them in with any agressive fish though. Hope that helps!

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