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  1. C

    Fish Tumor?

    post it to a site like photobucket and then link it in your post
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    Ick happens. As I have been told it apperes more when the water conditions are not that great. As for "white cottony growths" thats a fungus. Small white spots that look like sugar or salt crystals now thats ick. I would tell you what Im always told make sure you keep four things under your...
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    Aponogeton Bulbs

    I personaly have never gotten them to grow .... every package I have ever tried had a warrenty that they would grow .... and I can't count the replacement bulbs ... Althought the company I delt with was rather nice and with Proof of purchace replaced the bulbs and then some ... I was wondering...
  4. C

    How Did You Get Into Fishkeeping.

    As a small child I spent a lot of time at the local zoo's aquarium (before they shut it down) Pisses me off that they changed it to a terarium cause it was $0.38 cheaper per square foot in the remodel. In that building was the most at ease I have ever been ... so its a no brainer why I got hooked.
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    Why Hybridise Species?

    I thought I would weigh in on this. I really like that people are taking time to explain how they feel and the reasons behind their thoughts. My girlfriend is a zooology major and works in a lab at the university that deals with of all things hibridization of fish... now before you auto-reply to...
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    Questions About Feeding

    Although they look healthy and seem to have no intrest in havening my hands near them, they seem to be enjoying the bloodworms just fine.
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    Questions About Feeding

    So I went out and bought some red wigglers (smaller red worms) I have tryed to offer sections, a whole worm, with long tweezers, free floating, and just laying around them. Any suggestions?
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    What. In Your Opinion. Is The Hardest Fish To Catch?

    Yeah I would have to agree these little buggers will go and hide just to fustrate you it feels or will slip past the hurder or target. The lfs had a hell of a time trying to get a spiny eel that jumped a couple tanks to go feed on guppys.
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    Universal External Filter

    I see Eheim at petco and the others at petsmart all the time when I go in for Bloodworms and the like. Bender
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    Movies You Shouldn't Watch Before Bed

    What gets me are the scary movies that make you think, the ones that lead up to the violence and then cut way leaveing only the sound and letting your brain do the work. As for "The Ring" my ex girlfriend went and jumped in the pool and then ran up to my old roommates room and dropped a textbook...
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    Hey backtotropical your reply is so heartfelt and well put together I wanted to answer them myself, but this thread isnt about me so I'll just sit back and wait to read what happens.
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    Power Outages

    Im glad I found this post .... its rather useful information
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    Things That Spook You

    Proof positve our parents scar us for life
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    Skulls And Bones For Decoration?

    This thread made me smile ... remember you can't hit them in the head with a lead pipe if you want an intact skull. And lol on the kitty torture.
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    Questions About Feeding

    Thats quite informative. Thanks for the info. Its always fun to learn new things.
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    Questions About Feeding

    Do you have a diy for the growing of Daphnia and mosquitoe larvae. I know its just easyer to buy the frozen stuff and even live nightcarwlers or earthworms but hey its more fun to try your hands at new things or at least read about it and deside whats right for you ... Question anyone know where...
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    Rescaped And Planted

    LOL now thats funny but I would have to agree .......... although i like both the first and last picture. You have a good sence of aquascape ... how many tanks have you been though or how many times have you rescaped you tank?
  18. C

    Peacock Eel Feeding Regime

    That was rather infomative and after my last post I just wandered over to the lfs on my way to the grosery ..... realy just to check prices. They showed me bloodworms {which i already have}, krill, silver*something* (a small fish kinda like the ones my grandpa use to eat out of a can)...
  19. C

    Peacock Eel Feeding Regime

    Would you recomend anything other than frozen bloodworms and earthworms (in addition to not insted of) for feeding spiny eels ..... as we are talking about creating a more welrounded and nutritionally stable diet. And what exactly are they talking about when they say blackworms ... I asked and I...
  20. C

    Questions About Feeding

    Ok when i was talking about the block i was talking about the frozen bloodworms that are sold in a 8 inch by 4 inch by half inch block. And has anyone done the diy brine shrimp hatchery... is it worth it? Anyone know exactly what blackworms are and the value in feeding them?
  21. C

    Questions About A 40 Gal Tank!

    Ok food for thought time...... As for the fish when your looking into getting fish look up schooling sizes (if they would rather be alone or with there own kind), temp and water conditions As for the substrate you have several different options expesialy if your gonna get a canister filter...
  22. C

    Questions About Feeding

    Ok for those of you that don't know me by now my name is Bender and I have a 55 gal freshwater aquarium. It has 3 ranbows, 3 giant danios, 2 striped spiny eels, and a pleco. This is my first tank where I'm feeding with anything other than flakes. I have asked several times and well I would like...
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    Some Of My Fish

    Thanks for showing us your pics ... I enjoyed the shots ... where they strait on or angle shots?
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    Universal External Filter

    LOL geek speak, I love the motherboard reference and I have both an asus motherboard and an eheim can. filter
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    Pics Of My New Peacock Eels

    yeah the plane and castle are legos ... they spend there time in the plane, bubbles, plants or swimming around. when they rest they rest in the plane and under the wood and not in the substrate (not trying to cause a fight just saying) anyway
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    Pics Of My New Peacock Eels

    I was thinking about haveing a hatcherie for the brine shrimp to feed the other fish every once in a while, and feeding the eels fdbw, the question is how much how often ... they come in little 3 by 3 cm cubes, that need to be defrosted and drained .... feed the others first then wait a bit...
  27. C

    Pics Of My New Peacock Eels

    I REALY appreciate everything that I learn buy talking to you guys and I looked around for about 4 months for a desk referance or KNOWLEGEABLE indepth artical related to these particular freshwater eels. I still have a ton of questions ..... what sand would you recomend, where do you get it...
  28. C

    Pics Of My New Peacock Eels

    well peacock or not they match the pictures for "peacock eel" in all the research i have done ... as for the substrate the pics with the rocky side is the gravel thats supost to be at the bottem for the roots that has been dug up .... i took time to dig most of it out from the center of the tank...
  29. C

    Peacock Eel

    Hello every one, FDBW = freeze dried bloodworm I had a long talk with the lfs guys before getting mine, they told me they feed all their fish a mix of flakes and FDBW. That in itself could explain why yours eat what they eat ... mine are just as weird ... I have two and they take turns being...
  30. C

    Pics Of My New Peacock Eels

    I just got my eels Im so excited. So I figured I would share them with ya'll. The tank Yes thats a lego plane & castle So my two eels have different markings and will be easy to identify (sorry for the bad pics) One of them has 2 spots and the other has 4 and a break in the stripe...
  31. C

    "luner Lighting And Freshwater Eels (peacock)"?

    Ok so I have a tank with live plants, sand, drift wood, legos, and fun little tank decor. I figured that it was time to relive my child hood and do what I had always wanted to do. The tank is in its fifthe week and its time to add the inhabatants. And while in dallas on buisness I went to a...
  32. C

    "luner Lighting And Freshwater Eels (peacock)"?

    Ok so I have a tank with live plants, sand, drift wood, legos, and fun little tank decor. I figured that it was time to relive my child hood and do what I had always wanted to do. The tank is in its fifthe week and its time to add the inhabatants. And while in dallas on buisness I went to a...
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    Start Of Rescape.

    I have always hated fake plants but that tank looks nice and almost has me thinking twice about my stance on fake plants.
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    Unknown Species

    look at the eye spots on the tail ... I too would say peacock eel (and your gonna get blasted for having it and gravel) as they burrow
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    I Would Like To Get Some Advice On Eels, Would Eel Owners Please Respo

    So last question before I buy fish. I have been going to the lfs for a couple weeks now and looking at the fish while waiting for the tank to cycle and what i have observed is that the peacock eels in there tank are anywhere from a half inch to about 6". The way it appers to me is that the 6" is...
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    I Would Like To Get Some Advice On Eels, Would Eel Owners Please Respo

    Its interesting to hear that about the eels. It kind of sounds like they have some control over their pigmentation.
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    I Would Like To Get Some Advice On Eels, Would Eel Owners Please Respo

    I have a friend that used the lego idea on his tank and exstensivly tested the structure before placing it in his tank and he also has the darker opaic gerbal tubing in his tank, but those where for his black ghost knife. Im being indesisive as to # of eels. I have read that they do better in...
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    I Would Like To Get Some Advice On Eels, Would Eel Owners Please Respo

    Im glad to see this forum is active and Im glad to see people actualy talking. My tank is coming together slowly and I would like to thank everyone for chiming in. I have given some thought as to what I want to do. Where as Im still a little wishy-washy as to what Im gonna add to the tank ... I...
  39. C

    I Would Like To Get Some Advice On Eels, Would Eel Owners Please Respo

    I have had smaller tanks in the past. 2 weeks ago I got a gently used 55 gal. tank. It came with a stand, 200 watt heater, and a EHEIM 2213 canister filter. I have made up my mind that I would build the tank around the three things that I have always wanted to have in a tank. First was that I...