Things That Spook You

the biffster

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May 10, 2010
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i have just noiticed that there is a lot of people that don't like clowns[big red nose and big feet] is there people out there that freaked out by silly things
I've never liked clowns.

My biggest (and most embarrassing fear) is the shower. Let me explain, when I was very small (too small to remember) my dad used to hide in the shower (we had a dark shower curtain) and jump out a scare me when I went in the bathroom. Fast forward about 13 years (that would make me around 15) and everytime I'd go in the bathroom I'd pull back the shower curtain because I had this unreasonable conviction that someone was in the shower. I knew better and was embarrassed, but I couldn't help it. My mom kept getting irritated that the shower curtain was always open, until finally one day I told her why. That's when she told me what my dad used to do. So, all of my shower curtains are now see-thru, but it still bothers me. :blush:

That's why scary movies with shower/bathtub scenes scare the crap out of me, like The Shining (dead woman in a bathtub), It (clown attacks kid in shower), etc. I just know if I ever get killed it'll be in the shower. :lol:

Just goes to show that what you do to your kids can affect them later.
Coming up the stairs from a dark basement...always fear the Wolfman is gonna grab me and drag me back down. SH
I have a fear of drowning but that's only because it happened when I was little. I was in a canoe with my family and it capsized and we went under. I got dragged out but the subconscious memory still remains. I can't have a cold shower or have cold running water over my head. I just freak. Warm water not a problem, but cold, no way.
Insects touching my skin..I can wear gloves and hold a meal worm lets say but can't hold one in my bare hand. Bugs that can jump far and land on crickets (which are so creepy/ever see them shed their skin :sick: :crazy: ??) walking down stairs..(I always think I'm gonna fall) Ronald McDonald..yeah I guess he is a clown isn't he..
I have a fear of drowning but that's only because it happened when I was little. I was in a canoe with my family and it capsized and we went under. I got dragged out but the subconscious memory still remains. I can't have a cold shower or have cold running water over my head. I just freak. Warm water not a problem, but cold, no way.

I have a fear of water too, goes back to when i was 6ish and my swimming teacher threw me in the pool at the deep end cos i was too scared to jump in myself (i only learnt to swim the week before!). :(
I also have a fear of wasps and bees due to nasty experiences with both (i sat on a wasp and accidently folded a bee up in a tissue and put it in my pocket) :blush:
damn swimming teachers. I developed an ear infection during vacation swimming classes. I ended up in hospital and they stuck a big old needle inside my eardrum to suck all the gunk out. Then they stuck another needle in my eardrum and filled it up with antibiotics. One of the most painful things I have ever been thru. I was about 8 at the time. Haven't liked hospitals since.

I had a wasp fly up my shorts once and stung me 8 times on the back of my thigh. Good thing I had underwear on.
damn swimming teachers. I developed an ear infection during vacation swimming classes. I ended up in hospital and they stuck a big old needle inside my eardrum to suck all the gunk out. Then they stuck another needle in my eardrum and filled it up with antibiotics. One of the most painful things I have ever been thru. I was about 8 at the time. Haven't liked hospitals since.

I had a wasp fly up my shorts once and stung me 8 times on the back of my thigh. Good thing I had underwear on.
Thats funny, 2 of my mates who are real good swimmers quit because they were getting pushed too hard by the coaches (and they swam at different places), literally swimming back and forth for 3 hrs.1 of them quit when he was in year 5 and the other in year 7.
I sometimes have the shower curtain fear too, damn the shining, should not of watched that when I was 8...
I have always hated freakishly large insects. Like the crickets on steroids around here...I can go anywere near them. I have always had a fear of puking too. But being alone in the woods at night and being alone at my house at night and I hear things are some big ones too.
I too pull back the dark shower curtain after watching a scary movie...I always think The Ring girl or something is there.
When I was little, I had a crazy fear of daddy-long-legs and bumblebees. I hated bumblebees because they were so loud when they flew and that they were so fuzzy. When I was about 5, I was in my backyard on my play house when I heard a bumblebee coming. I freaked out, stuck on the little hanging hoops that you can do backflips on. My mom was weeding our garden and she wouldnt come to help me. I will never forget that feeling of pure panic. :unsure:
i have just noiticed that there is a lot of people that don't like clowns[big red nose and big feet] is there people out there that freaked out by silly things
Clowns aren't silly - they're evil ! .............. of course, no offense to any clowns that might be members. :flowers:

Can't sleep, clowns will eat me. -Bart Simpson

yeah that's a pretty scary clown. I think I would sleep at the Flanders house too :)

For all you people who watched movies like the shining and psycho when you were kids, that is why they have a 15+ notice on the movie. Not reccommended for people under that age. Blame your parents for letting you watch a gory movie when you were little :wizard:

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