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  1. R

    One Of Our Chain Loaches Is Hiding

    Thank you for your replies. After giving us an anxious couple of days wondering where our third loach had disappeared to, suddenly this evening there were 3 swimming together all over the tank. Phew! So pleased they seem to settled in to their new home. All 3 have filled out and look more...
  2. R

    What Was The Fish That First Got You Into Fish Keeping?

    My uncle had a huge tank with angels, neons and a red-tailed black shark in 1970s. Probably couldn't get a worse combination but the tank looked so beautiful - until the angels ate all the neons. My husband and I started with guppies and an albino bristlenose catfish my niece named Spook. We...
  3. R

    One Of Our Chain Loaches Is Hiding

    Hi, my husband and I bought 3 chain loaches a few days ago for our 100 litre tank with tiger barbs, a krib and a bristlenose catfish. 2 of them seem to have made themselves at home and are exploring together all over the tank, 1 is constantly hiding, may be seen briefly at feeding time then...
  4. R

    Ideas For Unusual/interesting Fish

    A young chap I work with has recently set up a fish tank. He has guppies at the moment but he wants something more exotic/unusual later on. I managed to persuade him that piranahs were a really bad idea (!!) but I want to give him some good alternative suggestions. (I'm guessing his tank is...
  5. R

    Fishy Behaviours

    When we first had our tank we had mollies and they would suck on your hand. I didn't like the feel of them doing it, but my husband thought it was funny. I didn't like putting my hand in the tank so my husband had to do all the cleaning, moving plants and ornaments around etc!
  6. R

    What Is Your Favourite Barb?

    Golden barbs. Ours are so pretty, especially the males when they get their bright red fins and shiny coats on to go courting! They are such greedy pigs though, they're always hungry, every time I go near the tank they go mad thinking they're gonna get fed.
  7. R

    Its Not A Sae Is It?

    Hi Justin.Accurate It's hard to tell from your pic but true Siamese Algae Eaters have a black line that runs right along their body and into their tail. There is a 'false' SAE (sorry I don't know its proper name!) with a black line that stops at the edge of its body and doesn't go into its tail...
  8. R

    May Need To Move Tank

    I am planning to wallpaper my front room where my fish tank is. It's a 100l (around 20 gallons) Jewel tank on a stand near one corner of the room. I can get round the sides and back of the tank for water changes/maintenance/cleaning the glass, but not sure if there'll be enough room to put...
  9. R

    Small Natural Pond

    Hi Robert247 I have a small natural pond in my garden. It's just a pre-formed black plastic job that was already in the garden when I moved in. It's planted with a mini sedge, which has seedheads like little pompoms and another plant (sorry, forgot what it's called) with yellow flowers. Whatch...
  10. R

    Just Got 2 Red Robin Gouramis!

    And they're sooo beautiful and settling in nicely. They're real pigs at feeding time though, looks like they're gonna eat me out of house and home. I thought they might be shy and not eat the first day after bringing them home but not a bit of it! Just a quick question. Are they the same as...
  11. R


    Your tank must look lovely! I have three yo yo/Pakistani loaches (and no snails any more!). They are not aggressive towards my other fish, only sometimes having spats among themselves usually just pushing each other around at feeding time. But they are very lively and active all the time, so...