One Of Our Chain Loaches Is Hiding


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Jan 13, 2008
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Hi, my husband and I bought 3 chain loaches a few days ago for our 100 litre tank with tiger barbs, a krib and a bristlenose catfish. 2 of them seem to have made themselves at home and are exploring together all over the tank, 1 is constantly hiding, may be seen briefly at feeding time then disappears again. Should we be worried or is this one just taking more time to feel confident enough to be out and about? We know 3 is a small number but we plan to buy more next week when the shop gets more stock. We had a group of 3 yoyo loaches for nearly 10 years and missed them when the last one died some months ago. So when we saw the chain loaches we had to have them!
I wouldnt worry too much its not unusual for loaches to be a bit shy, the fact it is eating is a good sign :) See how they all behave when you have a full group.
I concur.  Another two or three will be good too; these are very social fish.  I have a group of five that I've had for four years now, and I think they were out and about more at first than they have been since.
Might  just be stressed from the new surroundings, I'd give them more time to settle before you worry too much :)
Thank you for your replies. After giving us an anxious couple of days wondering where our third loach had disappeared to, suddenly this evening there were 3 swimming together all over the tank. Phew! So pleased they seem to settled in to their new home. All 3 have filled out and look more colourful. We are looking forward to getting at least a couple more as soon as we can.

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