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  1. R

    Got My Tank Today Guys :d

    finally picked it up, its lovely, the lighting still works as well, which the seller claimed it didnt. theres a white residue all over the inside of the tank, ive been using a damp sponge to clean it, but shoudl i be using tapwater? ordered the filter, will be getting the heater and plants after...
  2. R

    What Should I Get Next

    how about some more Dwarfs? you could go for some barbs or shrimp. thats what im doing. if Platies can go in this tank you should look for them their lovely.
  3. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    right im ordering the higher spec filter then, willorder the heater nextweek and ill get the rest towards the end of the month.
  4. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    Filter Heater what wattage heater and light?
  5. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    BUMP. need to know if the filter is suitable as i want to roder the stuff as soon as possible.
  6. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    this is the filter ... wer-filter-2210-778-p.asp this is the heater i was looking at ... tatherm-heaters-594-p.asp so a light of about 60 watts yes? perfect :) could you find a HOB filter for the UK, i couldnt find...
  7. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    yes i do want a planted tank. i am going to have long plants at the back of my tank anyway, and seeing as its a green filter, it should blend in. where can i find these hang ob back filters, are they expensive, because the external ones seem to be, yer i might get a load of cherry shrimp i...
  8. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    whats better about an external filter? EDIT: just checked the prices, theres no way i can afford an external filter. whats wrong with internal ones? they still work right yes? also what kind of lighting and heater am i looking for in terms of power and size?
  9. R


    im looking for a stand or cabinet for my 36" * 12" * 15" tank. do i really need a cabinet as they are damn expensive. is there any other type of table i could use to hold the fish tank. what do you guys have, im on quite a limited budget, so spending a lot of money just on the table is not...
  10. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    thats a hell of a good idea :) right, went into town with my girlfriend today (she bought me the tank for xmas, but seeing as it was onlyt £2 on ebay she said shes buy some of the stuff) so i need a heater and filter. is this a good filter to get, or could i go for something a little less...
  11. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    haha sorry im asking so much, just im a complete novice at all this and you guys are being such an amazing help :)
  12. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    yer, either the pearl or the banded are looking quite nice i was hoping for something yellow or orangey in colour. any ideas?
  13. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    hmmm that is quite a good ide as there will already be 2 other of his kind in the tank
  14. R

    One More Fish?

    im going to be getting a tank this sunday, 3foot by 1foot by 15 inches i a, trying to make an overall list of the fish that i want in the tank. so far its: 6 cherry barb 5 panda corys 2 dwarf goramis 2 shrimp (red ones?) if my calculations are true, that leaves me with 20cm of fish left to...
  15. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    hmmm kind of the right size but i was hoping for something a bit more colourful
  16. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    where can i look for a suitable fish for that one fish that will stand out? please bring some ideas im really struck witht this
  17. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    say i had 6 cherries, 5 corys, 2 dwarf and 2 shrimp (which dont count towards the total apparantly) id have used up <maths> if the shrimp dont count, ive used 70cm of my 90cm space i obviously have enough room for one more, real stand out fish, with lovely colours and to be largest in the tank...
  18. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    yer, but im going with only 6 cherry barbs and no tetras now, to allocate room for that one fish so so far my plan is: 6 cherry barbs 3 panda corys 2 dwarf goramis 2 shrimp (red ones hopefully) and ONE other fish that can live on its own in a community tank. any ideas?
  19. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    yer the panda ones are nice looking :) so with 10 cherry barbs/ 6 cherrys 6 neon tetra (not sure if i want the tetra yet, i might even go for just 6 cherry barbs if it will allocate space for the one other fish), 2 dwarf goramis, 2 shrimps. how many pando corys could i have? would there be...
  20. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    ah great so the 2 shrimp i want wont add to the mass! excellent! right so that leaves me with either the catfish (most lilkely) danios or corys
  21. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    right, i know catfish are bottom dwellers, as are shrimps (obviously). how many catfish and shrimp can i allocate in the remaining space? hmm,,, can you get red shrimps anywhwere? the grey ones look a bit dull in colour. id probly want 1-2 shrimps, then fill the rest of the space with catfish...
  22. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    is that enough for a shrimp (can you just have one?) and one more type of fish?
  23. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    i was thinkin maybe another sort of fish, and a shrimp, which would be a nice change form the fish im guessig?
  24. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    haha i really dont know how many cm these fish are though right so its 6 cherry barbs, 6 neon tetras, 2 dwarf gorami's how much space does that leave me with?
  25. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    right so so far its: 6 cherry's, 6 neons, 2 dwarf goramis what else can i have in the tank? what are danios like? anything else come to mind? Edit: what can i use as a stand? i dont fancy going to buy a fish stand as they are pretty expensive :( this tank isnt exactly massive, so im guessing...
  26. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    the dimensions are 3 foot x 1 foot x 15 inches yer a pair of fish would be fine, maybe not guppies as i want to try and get as many different kinds of fish in this tank as i can.
  27. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    ah i thought guppies where coldwater fish? right so i think ill go for 6 cherry barbs, 6 neon tetras, how many guppies and dwarf gorami's should i have also, what is that fish that u always see stuck to the glass of aquariums? any other ideas on what fish would go in the community?
  28. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    cheers mate, yer i dont think ill go with one, or maybe in future i might buy a smaller, betta only tank. im looking at some dwarf loaches, are they shoaling fish though? the shrimp might be a good idea, seeing as they will help clean the tank. im getting a lot of plants, and the filter im...
  29. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    dont think im going to go with a betta, as much as i would like to, i can just see it causing problems. what other fish are about the same size as a betta/platy, really colourful, and dont have to be in shoals?
  30. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    ah right... argh im really stuck here! i wouldnt want 5 platys as i know id have no more room for anything else, and im trying ot have a varied variety of fish in the tank. shrimp seem pretty kool, would they be a good addition so so far im back to my 6 cherrys and 6 neons. edit: actually i...
  31. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    hmmm i might go for some platys then how about 6 cherry barbs, 6 neon tetras, 2 platys what else could i put in the tank?
  32. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    ah right i was told the angelfish would need much more room. the tank is a standard 3' * 1' * 15" what would be the best way to get the shoal of cherry barbs, and as many other species as is allowed for my water volume? the reason i dont want all small fish is that i feel it will make the tank...
  33. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    ive already bought all the stuff i need to cycle (well i need the filter heater and possibly a new light, depending on the one i bought is good enough) im gonna get the cherry barbs first, possibly the tetra's but i want 2 shoal of smaller fish, with 1 or 2 larger, eye catching fish aswell...
  34. R

    Would This Be Alright...

    Hi, im soon going to be getting a 30 gallon aquarium, and would like these fish: 6 cherry barbs 6 neon tetras 1 male betta im a beginer at this, so what would you choose in my situation? any help would be great =]