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  1. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Got my first coral and another fish... (toadstool & gramma) Gramma is a bit timid, but has been attacking the crabs when enter its newly found territory Toadstool been sprouting everytime main light is on, inverts with the blue LEDs I placed the bag of rowaphos in the sump and it clouded...
  2. Coral1.jpg


  3. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Kill Sponge Bob!!! Why did you make a phosphate reactor? I added rowaphos and within a few weks my phosphate levels were 0 (although it does make a bit of a mess which ends up in the sump)
  4. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Nice fish Jetbox Thats some mad growth, but at least its life :good: Had another nightmare, my rocks became unstable as something been eating them and (after working on a Saturday night) I had to re-scape the rocks with the fish / inverts in :hyper: Is the hair algea pretty normal? My...
  5. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Hi Jetbox Good news about the chromis, I will be soo jealous if they are blue. Let's have some pics when you get time :sick: The only livestock I have, are mainly those in the pictures... - 2 x black clowns - 1 x yellow tang - 1 x emperor angel - 1 x cleaner shrimp - 3 x turbo snails - 4 x...
  6. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Here's the equipment...
  7. Betta_680__Equipment_.jpg


  8. Betta_680__Fish_.jpg


  9. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Here's hows it's looking...
  10. L

    Salt Keeps Rising

    Thx SkiFletch
  11. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Thx Jetbox Glad to see ur sixline is doing well. MCE is much better than berlin airflow, although still needs a bit of playing with around once per day to keep optimum foam. Sometimes is overflows and sometimes it underflows, which I assume is due to evapouration. The old skimmer needed...
  12. Blue_LED_Lights.jpg


  13. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    These were the fish I wanted last week, but had to get the yellow tank as they were just new in. Will give them a month or so before adding anymore. Man I hope there going to be ok :crazy:
  14. Nemo3.jpg


  15. Nemo2.jpg


  16. nemo1.jpg


  17. L

    Salt Keeps Rising

    Thx Donya & SkiFletch Got another hydrometer today to test out, as there pretty inexpensive. This proved it was snookered. Looks like a refractometer. Is there any you could recommend in the UK? Appreciated, Mark
  18. L

    Salt Keeps Rising

    Based on my hydrometer / maintenance my SG levels are rising for no reason, despite my hydrometer being only a few months old. I understand that evapouration increases SG and that plain water tap-ups restore the original balance. I have 2 x 250w heaters in the sump of a 66g tank and the temp...
  19. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Finally got my tank alive, hopefully everything will be ok over the next week :crazy: Got more live rock and a new skimmer (mce600), as berlin air pump was a waste of too much effort. Missing the flared bit so getting loads of bubbles in the tank!!! <a...
  20. Bubbles.jpg


  21. Final_Tank.jpg


  22. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Nice fish Jetbox, glad to see its settling better Slowly on the case with a night light, will let you know when I find something
  23. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Finally my water parameters are ok :rolleyes: Had about 6 new polyps sprout on the live rock since introducing it. Also noticed a few things crawling about the rocks. Decided to chance it with a small clean up crew (as had a load of brown algea appear one night) 3 x red leg hermit crabs 5 x...
  24. Clean_Up_Crew.jpg


  25. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Sorry to hear again Jetbox. I'm bricking it about adding anything alive! Best of luck with sorting things out.
  26. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Sorry to hear Jetbox, very unfortunate.
  27. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Nice one, lovely fish :good: Having a bit of a nightmare, everything was fine until yesterday and woke up with brown algea all over tank, sand-bed and rocks. Just happened overnight :angry: Been adding cycle and buff weekly. Haven't done any water changed as evaporates about 1ltr a day...
  28. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Intend to keep up with regular maintenance and a few hardy fish + cuc to begin with, till I get more of an understanding. Struggling to find about a durso (tried durso standpipe + all sorts on google). From what I understand it is basically a u-bend (45 / 90') fitted to the top of the intake...
  29. pipes.jpg


  30. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Thx. Is a UV steriliser necessary?
  31. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Hey Jetbox, colours looking cool. Love the clean up crew, best of luck with the clown fish and post a pic when you get them! My light is a bit white, have you came accross any blue lighting that could be used when the white is off?
  32. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Added all the rock I could get from the LFS today, which isn't enough. Hope they get some more soon. Checked out the water beforehand and it needed about 10-15ltrs since I first filled it about 2weeks ago => 1ltre per day top up! Need a bit more live rock.
  33. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Wicked. Post a pic when u get them on :sick:
  34. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Not sure on evapouration, as when I put the skimmer in at an angle a few nights ago (on too high a flow) it shot foam over the floor all night! Not a big deal as had too much water in to add rock. Finaly got skimmer sorted, as had a meeting with a client today & the guy was bang into marine...
  35. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Thx Jetbox, Actually added one of the sponges to the middle tank yesterday and put the skimmer in LH chamber with the inlet, as read this was best. Although my sump is not deep enough to put it in vertically to the required water level (few inches short). Seems to foam ok, but getting foam...
  36. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Thx for the advice guys. When setting up the sump, I changed plans:- LH chamber => Inlet & heater (only reason heater would burn out in last chamber of sump is if inlet and overflow were both blocked) Middle chamber => ceramic rings RH chamber => return pump + protein skimmer (had to angle the...
  37. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Hey guys, Decided to stop asking soooo many questions and get things going! Got the water added and played about with the flows and the valve is just less than fully open (get what u mean Jetbox, had some strange noises going on). If a durso is used, would it be better / dangerous to...
  38. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Thx Jetbox, Didn't have any choice in the colour, as it's all they had! The tank came pre-assembled (except piping) and the filter tank in the instructions is not clear enough to see if its been assembled wrong. Its an easy job to take the cupboard lid off and swap it round. Will wait till...
  39. L

    Ready For The Marine Challenge (again)!

    Hi Jetbox, Got a white betta tank (picture is a bit dark):- The tank came with Hai Yang pump (HY 806) 3000L/h (slightly more than 10 x capacity). I also got the Hai Yang halide light (MH 150 = 14000k). This is the filtration tank I have below the main tank, its different to the one in the...