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  1. C

    Could This Be Popeye?

    It is just in one eye but it looks the same as the eye did on the fish that just died. The tank is 180 litres About 22 Fish in tank mainly Cichlids. Ammonia 0 Nitrate 0 Nitrite 0 PH 7.5
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    Could This Be Popeye?

    Hi, Recently one of my royal rams had an inflamed eye and it pushed the eye out of it's socket. It died a few days later. Now I have noticed that another one of my fish has the same thing starting and I don't know if this is Popeye, someone else has posted up on here about how to treat...
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    Help For A Novice

    I agree the test strips are usless get a master kit and start conducting tests and once your started you'll be fine in the early days there's a lot of 10% water changes and testing to be done but you'll get there keep us posted on your progress !
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    Ram Cichlids

    I find some of my Rainbow Rams are shy but others aren't I think it's to do with territory and whose largest. I tend to feed mine tablet food some you can stick on the sides of the tanks which is great for community feeding and also seperates really well in case you have other crustacians like...
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    Pregnant Guppy Died Whilst Giving Birth !

    I feed my fish a variety of foods including blood worms , flakes and wafers and the guppies only eat the flakes as he other fish are too quick! The water stats are great. I think she was pregnant as I saw some fry inside her where her tummy had split. :sick:
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    Pregnant Guppy Died Whilst Giving Birth !

    Thanks for that they are very young and she was huge when pregnant it looked like something from Alien as if the fry got so big inside that they burst out of her she had small punctures to both sides of her gravid spot ? Thanks for your input anyway it's appreciated
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    Pregnant Guppy Died Whilst Giving Birth !

    Thanks can anyone else help ????
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    Pregnant Guppy Died Whilst Giving Birth !

    Hi, A friend of mine who also has tropical fish gave us four guppies a while ago two male and two female, one of the females got pregnant and grew very large and was showing all the signs of going into delivery ( such as hiding near the heater ) however by that evening she was bouncing her...
  9. C

    Should I Remove The Barbs?

    Thank you for that I am going to give the Tiger barbs back to the shop and once the other fish are calm again in a few weeks I plan to add more Congo Tetras as well so that's great advice thank you
  10. C

    What Names Have You Given Your Fish?

    One of my Congo Tetras is called Chloe My Plec is called Kerry I have Steve the Phantom with a big fat eye he's a character My Rainbow Ram are called Dodge and Ram
  11. C

    What To Feed My Rainbow Rams?

    Thanks Flakes sound like a good idea they sem to like the Algae Wafer I put in for my Plec but it runs off with it too fast for the rams to get a look in lol I'll try Flakes Ta :good:
  12. C

    What To Feed My Rainbow Rams?

    I have a mixed tank with quite a few fish and mainly feed them Micro Wafers, every week or so I treat them to some blood worm and put some cucumber in the bottom of the tank. When I feed my fish most of them swim to the surface for the Micro Wafer but the Rams don't seem bothered can anyone tell...
  13. C

    Should I Remove The Barbs?

    I have a 180 litre tank which currently has 3 congo Tetras, 5 Phantom Tetras, 2 Rainbow Ram , 1 Swordtail , 4 Tiger Barbs, 1 Plec. The latest edition was the Tiger Barbs I bought 6 and two have died I don't know why the water is fine so I assume from stress of moving but My swordtail is very...
  14. C

    Anyone Having Anything Fishy For Christmas?

    lol I know what you mean I bought some 4 swordtails from there and they brought white spot to my tank :angry: I got some vouchers for pets at home and have bought to rainbow Rams , Krebensis and 6 Tiger Barbs Let's hope they take well to my Phantom Tetras
  15. C

    Water Changes

    I totally agree I have had my tank for about 6 weeks now and also cycled with fish and I did a 50n % water change after 3 weeks to lower my ammonia. It is perfect now ammonia 0 nitrite 0 and nitrate 20 and I check this every other day for a week just to make sure it is fully cycled. Good luck...
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    Cloudy Water Problem

    Also get your Pump and check it is turned up to maximum I had cloudy water a few weeks ago and thought it was a bacteria bloom but the pump had been knocked down to minimum and wasn;t working at full capacity.
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    How Much Gravel To Use?

    I'd buy one bag of gravel and then see how far it goe's you don;t need more than a couple of inches to cover the bottom :good:
  18. C

    Which Fish To Add First In New Tank?

    Tetras are quite hardy fish and I used two of these when I did my cycle.
  19. C

    What Should My Nitrate, Nitrite Etc Levels Be?

    To get your Nitrite levels down do a 25 % water change and if you have an API liquid test kit use that on some of yoru tap water just to make sure your tap water has 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite at least then you know what you are putting in the tank. Post up some results later and I'll try and...
  20. C

    Urgent.. Please Help!

    As much as I don;t like to advise using chemicals maybe add some ammo lock to keep the fish well until you return from your holiday then you can start to do daily water changes to get that ammonia level dropped. Water changes are the best way :good:
  21. C

    New Fish Settling In Well

    Hi all, Well my tank has fully cycled now and my ammonia and nitrites are 0 and all my fish look very happy plus I have four new Swordtails which are beautiful fish. Can anyone tell me what food these fish like to eat as when I put micro wafers in for the Tetras the Swordtails seem more...
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    Urgent Help Needed !

    The ammonia level is down to 1.0 now and I am doing daily water changes so it is under control and I am still working to get it to 0. The fish are fine and I won;t be adding anymore till the cycle is complete. :good:
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    Urgent-sick Plec

    I have a Plec in my tank that has only been running for a month and they seem fairly hardy post up your water test results and maybe invest in an API master water test kit this is a liquid test kit and well known for been more accurate than the strips. Good luck
  24. C

    Cloudy Water

    I had a work out last night and took the fish out of the tank in some water from the tank and did more or less an 80 % water change, I then added tap water dechlorinated of course and got the tempreture correct and added my fish They seem much happier and the level is down to 2.0 now for ammonia...
  25. C

    Help Re: Fish.

    If I were you I'd buy a test kit and post up your results I am also a newbie and invested in a test kit and it really helps you keep an eye on what is happening It will most likely be your ammonia so try the water changes I am at that stage too.
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    Cloudy Water

    Right I plan on doing a water change constantly until the ammonia level drops it's the only thing I haven;t tried and it's driving me mad, should I do this ?
  27. C

    Cloudy Water

    Won't this kill off my good bacteria though and shove me back to square one? I have two filter sponges a coarse one and a Nitrate one which I have now removed in the hope that one will do the job of lowering the ammonia which is still at 8.0 the cloudiness has cleared now the pump was turned...
  28. C

    Urgent Help Needed !

    Hi, Just a recap on what has happened so far ... Had the tank for a month now after 7 days I added 2 confo tetras then a week later 5 phantom tetras and a plec. This started my cycle going and my levels off ammonia were about 0.25 however over the past week the levels have gone to 8.0 for...
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    Ammonia Levels Not Dropping

    Thats what I'm using it's the same kit and I even took some water to the local shop and they tested it and don;t know what is wrong either Thanks I had that thought last night that maybe when I add my declhorinator to the water maybe it is chaing the ammonia levels. I have used Tap Safe and...
  30. C

    Ammonia Levels Not Dropping

    Still no drop in the levels and I'm doing everything that has been suggested to me. I have tested the tapwater and that is fine ammonia is 0 so I don't know what else to try
  31. C

    Ammonia Levels Not Dropping

    Right this is really getting ridiculous now I have done a 50% water change using tap water that I have dechlorinated, I took out 50% of the water using my gravel cleaner which sucked up loads of poo and dirt that was in the gravel, I replaced the water with dechlorinated tap water and left it...
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    Ammonia Levels Not Dropping

    I think it's fine cos it was working before and it tests tap water correctly it cost £18 so it better be working !
  33. C

    Ammonia Levels Not Dropping

    Thanks for that , I'm really struggling now as I don;t know what else to try the water changes make no difference the ammonia levels are still really high and even after a 10% water change then checking the levels after an hour they aren't dropping at ALL. What else can I do I know that everyone...
  34. C

    Ammonia Levels Not Dropping

    Thank for thr replies so far very useful, I have tested my tap water and it has no ammonia, nitrite or nitrate in it so It seems fine. I add dechlorinator before I add the water to the tank so it;s not that one either the only thing I could think of is that I havent started cleaning the gravel...
  35. C

    Ammonia Levels Not Dropping

    Thank for thr replies so far very useful, I have tested my tap water and it has no ammonia, nitrite or nitrate in it so It seems fine. I add dechlorinator before I add the water to the tank so it;s not that one either the only thing I could think of is that I havent started cleaning the gravel...
  36. C

    Cloudy Water

    Yeah I've got a liquid test kit and it works fine I even took some water to a store and they tested it and ammonia from the tap is 0 and ammonia in the tank is 8.0 I don;t know what else to try and I don;t want my fish to die?
  37. C

    Ammonia Levels Not Dropping

    I have had my tank for about 3 weeks now and cant get my hands on any other filter media. I have been cycling the tank with a few fishes in and used ammo lock to start off with plus regular water testing and 25% water changes daily. My ammonia levels were slow to start but now 3 weeks in they...
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    Cloudy Water

    Ammonia levels are still at 8.0 and I really don;t know if Ammo Lock is out of the system yet, I am still doing water changes and the levels of ammonia are not going down what should I do?
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    Cloudy Water

    Ahh that was what I thought I havent been cleaning the gravel so I will start doing that and hopefully it will clear up I'll keep you posted, Thanks !
  40. C

    Cloudy Water

    I've been doing daily water changes for a about a week and I never notice a drop in the levels of Ammonia or Nitrite, I have tested my water from the tap and that is fine so could there be something else causing it not to drop?