Cloudy Water

Just water changes and reduce feeding :) using seachems prime as your dechlor will help too.
Right I plan on doing a water change constantly until the ammonia level drops it's the only thing I haven;t tried and it's driving me mad, should I do this ?
Won't this kill off my good bacteria though and shove me back to square one?

The majority (99%) of the benificial bactiria in you tank are in the filter, and arround 90% of the bactiria not in the filter are on the solid ojjects in the tank. Waterchanges will remoe ammounts of bactiria that are almost negligable, and the replacement water will be carrying almost as much back in again.

Right I plan on doing a water change constantly until the ammonia level drops it's the only thing I haven;t tried and it's driving me mad, should I do this ?

This IMO would be the best caurse of action.

I had a work out last night and took the fish out of the tank in some water from the tank and did more or less an 80 % water change, I then added tap water dechlorinated of course and got the tempreture correct and added my fish They seem much happier and the level is down to 2.0 now for ammonia which is a lot better than 8.0 this took me till 11.30 last night so I am going to have to start earlier and do it tonight till ammonia is 0 . I decided to do this last night as my fish had a funny turn and I think the ammonia had started to effect them but now I have done this water change they seem much happier this morning. Fingers crossed !
i used to have real big problems with ammonia, and was using the ammo-lock too with no avail. so lost more fish, and had some real :sick: ones. finally bought some ammo chips, put them in my wife's old tights and nested it between my filter sponges in my fluval 3. within a couple of days the ammonia was at 0 and never had any more problems. :good: just re-activated the ammo chips by soaking them in salt water overnight .
i used to have real big problems with ammonia, and was using the ammo-lock too with no avail. so lost more fish, and had some real :sick: ones. finally bought some ammo chips, put them in my wife's old tights and nested it between my filter sponges in my fluval 3. within a couple of days the ammonia was at 0 and never had any more problems. :good: just re-activated the ammo chips by soaking them in salt water overnight .

Take care with ammono chips, as you tank may become dependant on them. If for some reason they got saturated quicker than expected, there would be no back-up way of processing ammonia, thus potentialy leading to poisoning of the tank ocupants, before the keeper has a chance to spot and rectify the issue. A fully stocked tank can easily reach 8mg/l in 24 hours, should the filter fail to process ammonia for whatever reason.

Hi, sorry to hear your having such a hard time getting rid of the ammonia, as already mentioned keep up with the large water changes until you can get the ammonia down to a reasonable level 0.25.

Just wondering, what are your tank dimensions, what filter do you have and what fish do you have in the tank?
If you are still having a large ammonia reading go an buy a bunch of elodea/egeria densa. Its a very fast growing plant which will suck pretty much all of the nutrients and ammonia out of the water. It will help to relieve the ammonia buildup and let the filter catch up, also it will lower the chance of having green water.

it is best to leave the tank to do its thing and the bacterial bloom will clear in a matter of days all on its own.

When you change water, put the dechlor in the water before you put it into the tank, just to make sure that the chlorine doesnt work its way into the filter.


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